### Function voomWorkflow ###
#' Function voomWorkflow
#' This function runs several steps in the RNA-Seq pipeline in one fell swoop.
#' It supports duplicateCorrelation if you provide a blocking vector. It
#' includes low intensity filtering, filtering for protein coding genes and
#' filters out zero effective length genes (genes shorter than library size).
#' Then it runs TMM normalization, voomWithQualityWeights, lmFit and eBayes.
#' To incorporate SVA analysis, you need to run SVA first and add the SVA
#' variables to your design table. Then you can proceed with this function.
#' After running this step. You define your contrasts and execute runContrast to
#' complete DGE calculations.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{john.thompson@@bms.com}
#' @keywords RNA-Seq, DGEobj, limma voom
#' @param dgeObj A class dgeObj with counts, gene annotation and sample
#' annotation
#' @param formula A text representation of the formula you want to use (clas
#' character not formula)
#' @param projectName This should be the project name from Xpress or Omicsoft
#' @param designMatrixName User defined name for the design matrix
#' @param dupcorBlock A blocking vector to define which samples belong to the
#' same subject to be used with the duplicateCorrelation function.
#' @param outputPath Where to send output plots
#' @param annotationFile Text file of key=value pairs to populate DGEobj
#' attributes (optional but highly advised)
#' @param proteinCodingOnly Set to TRUE to keep only protein coding genes
#' (default = TRUE)
#' @param sampleFraction Fraction of samples that must meet intensity thresholds
#' to keep a gene (Default = 0.5)
#' @param ... Additional named arguments passed to the low intensity filter
#' function to define the desired intensity filter type (see ?lowIntFilter). Settable
#' arguments for low intensity filtering are: fracThreshold (default = 0.5),
#' countThreshold, fpkThreshold, zfpkmThreshold, tpmThreshold. You can use
#' countThreshold plus one other argument. If no arguments supplied here, the
#' following defaults apply (fracThreshold=0.5, countThreshold=10,
#' fpkThreshold=5). To disable intensity filtering use: sampleFraction = 0.
#' @return A DGEobj with analysis results added
#' @examples
#' MyDgeObj <- voomWorkflow(MyDgeObj,
#' formula = "~ 0 + ReplicateGroup",
#' projectName = "MyProjectName",
#' designMatrixName = "ReplicateGroup",
#' annotationFile = "MyProjectName.txt",
#' proteinCodingOnly = TRUE,
#' )
#' @import magrittr DGEobj
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
voomWorkflow <- function(dgeObj,
outputPath = "./",
proteinCodingOnly = FALSE,
"DGEobj" %in% class(dgeObj),
"character" %in% class(formula),
"character" %in% class(projectName),
"character" %in% class(designMatrixName))
ellipsisArgs <- list(...)
RDSname <- file.path(outputPath, str_c(projectName, ".RDS"))
#add project metadata
if (!missing(annotationFile))
dgeObj <- annotateDGEobj(dgeObj, regfile=annotationFile)
#check for and create output folder if needed
if (outputPath != "./" & !file.exists(outputPath))
#Filter out genes with any zero efflength (only needed for data from Xpress)
suppressMessages(el <- getItem(dgeObj, "effectiveLength"))
if (!is.null(el)){ #only Xpress data contains an effectiveLength item
rowmin <- apply(el, 1, min)
idx <- rowmin > 0
dgeObj <- dgeObj[idx,]
#trap for too many intensity filter arguments
if (length(ellipsisArgs) > 2) stop("Only 1-2 intensity filtering args allowed")
if (length(ellipsisArgs) == 2 & !"countThreshold" %in% names(ellipsisArgs))
stop("Two intensity filtering args were supplied, one of them must be countThreshold")
#now we should have 1-2 filtering args
#intensity filtering args from ellipsis
if ("fracThreshold" %in% names(ellipsisArgs))
fracThreshold <- ellipsisArgs$fracThreshold
if ("fpkThreshold" %in% names(ellipsisArgs))
fpkThreshold <- ellipsisArgs$fpkThreshold
if ("countThreshold" %in% names(ellipsisArgs))
countThreshold <- ellipsisArgs$countThreshold
if ("zfpkmThreshold" %in% names(ellipsisArgs))
zfpkmThreshold <- ellipsisArgs$zfpkmThreshold
if ("tpmThreshold" %in% names(ellipsisArgs))
tpmThreshold <- ellipsisArgs$tpmThreshold
#construct filtering command
cmd <- ("dgeObj <- lowIntFilter(dgeObj, sampleFraction=sampleFraction, ")
for (i in 1:length(ellipsisArgs)){
cmd <- str_c(cmd, names(ellipsisArgs)[i], " = ", ellipsisArgs[[i]])
if (i < length(ellipsisArgs)) cmd <- str_c(cmd, ", ")
cmd <- str_c(cmd, ")")
#keep only protein coding genes
if (proteinCodingOnly == TRUE){
idx <- NULL
if ("Source" %in% colnames(dgeObj$geneData)){ #Omicsoft field is Source
idx <- dgeObj$geneData$Source == "protein_coding"
} else if ("Source" %in% colnames(dgeObj$isoformData)){
idx <- dgeObj$isoformData$Source == "protein_coding"
if (is.null(idx) == FALSE){
#Xpress sometines has NA in the Source/Biotype field; need to convert those to FALSE
idx [is.na(idx)] <- FALSE
dgeObj <- dgeObj[idx,]
#set up and save the design matrix
designMatrix <- model.matrix (as.formula(formula), getItem(dgeObj, "design"))
#clean up problem characters in colnames
colnames(designMatrix) <- make.names(colnames(designMatrix))
#capture the formula as an attribute
designMatrix <- setAttributes(designMatrix, list(formula=formula))
#save the modified designMatrix to the DGEobj
dgeObj <- addItem(dgeObj, item=designMatrix,
### run DGE calculations
dgeObj <- runEdgeRNorm(dgeObj, plotFile=file.path(outputPath, str_c("TMM_Norm.Factors.PNG")), normMethod = "TMM")
message("Running Voom... this takes some time...")
if (missing(dupcorBlock) || is.null(dupcorBlock)){
dgeObj <- runVoom(dgeObj, designMatrixName,
qualityWeights = TRUE,
mvPlot = TRUE)
} else {
dgeObj <- runVoom(dgeObj, designMatrixName,
qualityWeights = TRUE,
dupcorBlock = dupcorBlock,
mvPlot = TRUE)
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