Man pages for jsilve24/mongrel
Bayesian Multinomial Logistic Normal Regression

access_dimsGeneric method for accessing model fit dimensions
as.list.orthusfitConvert object of class orthusfit to a list
as.list.pibblefitConvert object of class pibblefit to a list
as.orthusfitconvert list to orthusfit
as.pibblefitconvert list to pibblefit
basset_fitInterface to fit basset models
check_dimsCheck vector/matrix/data.frame for expected dimensions or...
coef.orthusfitReturn regression coefficients of orthus object
coef.pibblefitReturn regression coefficients of pibblefit object
conjugateLinearModelSolve Bayesian Multivariate Conjugate Linear Model
convert_orthus_covarianceConvert orthus covariance matricies between representations
kernelsMultivariate RBF Kernel
lambda_to_iqlrTransform Lambda into IQLR (Inter-Quantile Log-Ratio)
lmvgammaLog of Multivarate Gamma Function - Gamma_p(a)
lmvgamma_derivDerivative of Log of Multivariate Gamma Function - Gamma_p(a)
loglikMaltipooCollapsedCalculations for the Collapsed Maltipoo Model
loglikPibbleCollapsedCalculations for the Collapsed Pibble Model
mallardData from Silverman et al. (2018) Microbiome
mallard_familyData from Silverman et al. (2018) Microbiome
maltipoofitCreate maltipoofit object
maltipoo_fitInterface to fit maltipoo models
nameGeneric method for applying names to an object
name_dimsGeneric method for getting and setting dimension names of fit...
name.orthusfitS3 for orthusfit apply names to orthusfit object
name.pibblefitS3 for pibblefit apply names to pibblefit object
optimMaltipooCollapsedFunction to Optimize the Collapsed Maltipoo Model
optimPibbleCollapsedFunction to Optimize the Collapsed Pibble Model
orthusfitCreate orthusfit object
orthus_fitInterface to fit orthus models
orthus_lr_transformsLog-Ratio transforms for orthus objects
orthus_simSimulate simple orthus dataset and priors (for testing)
orthus_tidy_samplesConvert orthus samples of Eta Lambda and Sigma to tidy format
pibblefitCreate pibblefit object
pibble_fitInterface to fit pibble models
pibble_simSimulate simple pibble dataset and priors (for testing)
pibble_tidy_samplesConvert pibble samples of Eta Lambda and Sigma to tidy format
plot.pibblefitPlot Summaries of Posterior Distribution of pibblefit...
ppcGeneric method for visualizing posterior predictive checks
ppc.pibblefitVisualization of Posterior Predictive Check of fit model
ppc_summaryGeneric Method to Plot Posterior Predictive Summaries
predict.bassetfitPredict using basset
predict.pibblefitPredict response from new data
print.orthusfitPrint dimensions and coordinate system information for...
print.pibblefitPrint dimensions and coordinate system information for...
random_pibble_initProvide random initialization for pibble model
refitGeneric method for fitting model from passed model fit object
reqGeneric method for ensuring object contains required elements
req.maltipoofitrequire elements to be non-null in pibblefit or throw error
req.orthusfitrequire elements to be non-null in orthusfit or throw error
req.pibblefitrequire elements to be non-null in pibblefit or throw error
sample_priorGeneric method for sampling from prior distribution of object
sample_prior.pibblefitSample from the prior distribution of pibblefit object
store_coordHolds information on coordinates system to later be reapplied
stray_packagestray: Fitting and Analysis of Multinomial Logistic Normal...
stray_transformsTransform Fit Stray Parameters to other representations
summary.orthusfitSummarise orthusfit object and print posterior quantiles
summary.pibblefitSummarise pibblefit object and print posterior quantiles
uncollapsePibbleUncollapse output from optimPibbleCollapsed to full pibble...
verifyGeneric method for verifying new objects
verify.bassetfitSimple verification of passed bassetfit object
verify.maltipoofitSimple verification of passed multipoo object
verify.orthusfitSimple verification of passed orthusfit object
verify.pibblefitSimple verification of passed pibblefit object
jsilve24/mongrel documentation built on Jan. 27, 2022, 9:54 p.m.