interpolate_path: Interpolate new positions within a spatiotemporal path data

View source: R/vis-interpolate_path.r

interpolate_pathR Documentation

Interpolate new positions within a spatiotemporal path data


Interpolate new positions within a spatiotemporal path data set (e.g., detections of tagged fish) at regularly-spaced time intervals using linear or non-linear interpolation.


interpolate_path(det, trans = NULL, start_time = NULL,
  int_time_stamp = 86400, lnl_thresh = 0.9, out_class = NULL,
  show_progress = TRUE)



An object of class glatos_detections or data frame containing spatiotemporal data with at least 4 columns containing 'animal_id', 'detection_timestamp_utc', 'deploy_long', and 'deploy_lat' columns.


An optional transition matrix with the "cost" of moving across each cell within the map extent. Must be of class TransitionLayer. A transition layer may be created from a polygon shapefile using make_transition.


specify the first time bin for interpolated data. If not supplied, default is first timestamp in the input data set. Must be a character string that can be coerced to 'POSIXct' or an object of class 'POSIXct'. If character string is supplied, timezone is automatically set to UTC.


The time step size (in seconds) of interpolated positions. Default is 86400 (one day).


A numeric threshold for determining if linear or non-linear interpolation shortest path will be used.


Return results as a data.table or tibble. Default returns results as data.frame. Accepts 'data.table' or 'tibble'.


Logical. Progress bar and status messages will be shown if TRUE (default) and not shown if FALSE.


Non-linear interpolation uses the gdistance package to find the shortest pathway between two locations (i.e., receivers) that avoid 'impossible' movements (e.g., over land for fish). The shortest non-linear path between two locations is calculated using a transition matrix layer that represents the 'cost' of an animal moving between adjacent grid cells. The transition matrix layer (see gdistance) is created from a polygon shapefile using make_transition or from a RasterLayer object using transition. In make_transition, each cell in the output transition layer is coded as water (1) or land (0) to represent possible (1) and impossible (0) movement paths.

Linear interpolation is used for all points when trans is not supplied. When trans is supplied, then interpolation method is determined for each pair of sequential observed detections. For example, linear interpolation will be used if the two geographical positions are exactly the same and when the ratio (linear distance:non-linear distance) between two positions is less than lnl_thresh. Non-linear interpolation will be used when ratio is greater than lnl_thresh. When the ratio of linear distance to non-linear distance is greater than lnl_thresh, then the distance of the non-linear path needed to avoid land is greater than the linear path that crosses land. lnl_thresh can be used to control whether non-linear or linear interpolation is used for all points. For example, non-linear interpolation will be used for all points when lnl_thresh > 1 and linear interpolation will be used for all points when lnl_thresh = 0.


A dataframe with animal_id, bin_timestamp, latitude, longitude, and record_type.


Todd Hayden, Tom Binder, Chris Holbrook


# EXAMPLE #1 - simple interpolate among lakes
library(sp) #for loading greatLakesPoly because spatial object   
# get polygon of the Great Lakes 
data(greatLakesPoly) #glatos example data; a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
plot(greatLakesPoly, xlim = c(-92, -76))
# make sample detections data frame
pos <- data.frame(
   deploy_long=c(-87,-82.5, -78),
   deploy_lat=c(44, 44.5, 43.5),
   detection_timestamp_utc=as.POSIXct(c("2000-01-01 00:00",
     "2000-02-01 00:00", "2000-03-01 00:00"), tz = "UTC"))

#add to plot
points(deploy_lat ~ deploy_long, data = pos, pch = 20, cex = 2, col = 'red')

# interpolate path using linear method
path1 <- interpolate_path(pos)
nrow(path1) #now 61 points
sum(path1$record_type == "interpolated") #58 interpolated points
#add linear path to plot
points(latitude ~ longitude, data = path1, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = 'blue')

# load a transition matrix of Great Lakes
# NOTE: This is a LOW RESOLUTION TransitionLayer suitable only for 
#       coarse/large scale interpolation only. Most realistic uses
#       will need to create a TransitionLayer; see ?make_transition.
data(greatLakesTrLayer) #glatos example data; a TransitionLayer
# interpolate path using non-linear method (requires 'trans')
path2 <- interpolate_path(pos, trans = greatLakesTrLayer)

# add non-linear path to plot
points(latitude ~ longitude, data = path2, pch = 20, cex = 1, 
       col = 'green')
# can also force linear-interpolation with lnlThresh = 0
path3 <- interpolate_path(pos, trans = greatLakesTrLayer, lnl_thresh = 0)

# add new linear path to plot
points(latitude ~ longitude, data = path3, pch = 20, cex = 1, 
          col = 'magenta')
# EXAMPLE #2 - walleye in western Lake Erie
## Not run: 

library(sp) #for loading greatLakesPoly
library(raster) #for raster manipulation (e.g., crop)

# get example walleye detection data
det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
                        package = "glatos")
det <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)

# take a look

# extract one fish and subset date
det <- det[det$animal_id == 22 & 
           det$detection_timestamp_utc > as.POSIXct("2012-04-08") &
           det$detection_timestamp_utc < as.POSIXct("2013-04-15") , ]

# get polygon of the Great Lakes 
data(greatLakesPoly) #glatos example data; a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

# crop polygon to western Lake Erie
maumee <-  crop(greatLakesPoly, extent(-83.7, -82.5, 41.3, 42.4))
plot(maumee, col = "grey")
points(deploy_lat ~ deploy_long, data = det, pch = 20, col = "red", 
  xlim = c(-83.7, -80))

#make transition layer object
# Note: using make_transition2 here for simplicity, but 
#       make_transition is generally preferred for real application  
#       if your system can run it see ?make_transition
tran <- make_transition(maumee, res = c(0.1, 0.1))

plot(tran$rast, xlim = c(-83.7, -82.0), ylim = c(41.3, 42.7))
plot(maumee, add = TRUE)

# not high enough resolution- bump up resolution
tran1 <- make_transition(maumee, res = c(0.001, 0.001))

# plot to check resolution- much better
plot(tran1$rast, xlim = c(-83.7, -82.0), ylim = c(41.3, 42.7))
plot(maumee, add = TRUE)

# add fish detections to make sure they are "on the map"
# plot unique values only for simplicity
foo <- unique(det[, c("deploy_lat", "deploy_long")]) 
points(foo$deploy_long, foo$deploy_lat, pch = 20, col = "red")

# call with "transition matrix" (non-linear interpolation), other options
# note that it is quite a bit slower due than linear interpolation
pos2 <- interpolate_path(det, trans = tran1$transition, out_class = "data.table")

plot(maumee, col = "grey")
points(latitude ~ longitude, data = pos2, pch=20, col='red', cex=0.5)

## End(Not run) 

jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.