abacus_plot: Plot detection locations of acoustic transmitters over time

View source: R/vis-abacus_plot.r

abacus_plotR Documentation

Plot detection locations of acoustic transmitters over time


Plot detection locations of acoustic transmitters over time.


abacus_plot(det, location_col = "glatos_array", locations = NULL,
  show_receiver_status = NULL, receiver_history = NULL,
  out_file = NULL, x_res = 5, x_format = "%Y-%m-%d",
  outFile = NULL, ...)



A glatos_detections object (e.g., produced by read_glatos_detections) containing detections to be plotted.

OR A data frame containing detection data with at least two columns, one of which must be named 'detection_timestamp_utc', described below, and another column containing a location grouping variable, whose name is specified by location_col (see below).

The following column must appear in det:


Detection timestamps; MUST be of class POSIXct.


A character string indicating the column name in det that will be used as the location grouping variable (e.g. "glatos_array"), in quotes.


An optional vector containing the locations location_col to show in the plot. Plot order corresponds to order in the vector (from bottom up). Should correspond to values in location_col, but can contain values that are not in the det data frame (i.e., can use this option to plot locations fish were not detected).


DEPCRECATED. No longer used. A logical value indicating whether or not to display receiver status behind detection data (i.e., indicate when receivers were in the water). If show_receiver_status == TRUE, then a receiver_history data frame (receiver_history) must be supplied. Default is FALSE.


An optional glatos_receivers object (e.g., produced by read_glatos_receivers) containing receiver history data for plotting receiver status behind the detection data when receiver_history is not NULL.

OR An optional data frame containing receiver history data for plotting receiver status behind the detection data.

The following column must be present:


Receiver deployment timestamps; MUST be of class POSIXct.


Receiver recovery timestamps; MUST be of class POSIXct.

a grouping column whose name is specified by location_col

See above.


An optional character string with the name (including extension) of output image file to be created. File extension will determine type of file written. For example, "abacus_plot.png" will write a png file to the working directory. If NULL (default) then the plot will be printed to the default plot device. Supported extensions: png, jpeg, bmp, and tiff.


Resolution of x-axis major tick marks. If numeric (e.g., 5 (default value), then range of x-axis will be divided into that number of equally-spaced bins; and will be passed to length.out argument of seq.Date. If character, then value will be passed to by argument of seq.Date. In that case, a character string, containing one of "day", "week", "month", "quarter" or "year". This can optionally be preceded by a (positive or negative) integer and a space, or followed by "s". E.g., "10 days", "weeks", "4 weeks", etc. See seq.Date.


Format of the x-axis tick mark labels (major ticks only; minor ticks are not supported). Default is " strptime specification should work.


Deprecated. Use out_file instead.


Other plotting arguments that pass to plot, points (e.g., col, lwd, type). Use cex.main to set title character size, and col.main to set title color. If xlim is specified, it must be a two-element vector of POSIXct.


NAs are not allowed in any of the two required columns.

The locations vector is used to control which locations will appear in the plot and in what order they will appear. If no locations vector is supplied, the function will plot only those locations that appear in the det data frame and the order of locations on the y-axis will be alphebetical from top to bottom.

By default, the function does not distinguish detections from different transmitters and will therefore plot all transmitters the same color. If more than one fish is desired in a single plot, a vector of colors must be passed to the function using the 'col =' argument. The color vector must be the same length as the number of rows in the detections data frame or the colors will be recycled.

Plotting options (i.e., line width and color) can be changed using optional graphical parameters http://www.statmethods.net/advgraphs/parameters.html that are passed to "points" (see ?points).


An image to the default plot device or a file containing the image if out_file is specified.


T. R. Binder, edited by A. Dini


#get path to example detection file
det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
 package = "glatos")
det <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)

#subset one transmitter
det2 <- det[det$animal_id == 153, ]

#plot without control table and main tile and change color to red
abacus_plot(det2, locations=NULL,
  main = "TagID: 32054", col = "red")

#example with locations specified
abacus_plot(det2, locations=c("DRF", "DRL", "FMP", "MAU", "PRS", "RAR",
   "DRM", "FDT"), main = "TagID: 32054", col = "red")

#plot with custom y-axis label and lines connecting symbols
abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", type = "o", pch = 20,  col = "red")

#plot with custom x-axis resolution - 10 bins
abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = 10)

#plot with custom x-axis resolution - monthly bins
abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = "month")

#plot with custom x-axis resolution - 8-week bins
abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = "8 weeks")

#plot with custom x-axis format
abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = "months", x_format = "%b-%y")

#plot with custom x axis limits
xLim <- as.POSIXct(c("2012-01-01", "2014-01-01"), tz = "UTC")
abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", xlim = xLim)

#example with receiver locations
# get example receiver location data
rec_file <- system.file("extdata", "sample_receivers.csv",
 package = "glatos")
rec <- read_glatos_receivers(rec_file)

abacus_plot(det2, locations=c("DRF", "DRL", "FMP", "MAU", "PRS", "RAR",
 "DRM", "FDT"), receiver_history = rec,
 main = "TagID: 32054", col = "red")

jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.