make_frames: Create an animated video of spatiotemporal path data

View source: R/vis-make_frames.r

make_framesR Documentation

Create an animated video of spatiotemporal path data


Create a set of frames (png image files) showing geographic location data (e.g., detections of tagged fish or interpolated path data) at discrete points in time on top of a Great Lakes shapefile and optionally stitches frames into a video animation (mp4 file).


make_frames(proc_obj, recs = NULL, out_dir = getwd(),
  background_ylim = c(41.3, 49), background_xlim = c(-92.45, -75.87),
  show_interpolated = TRUE, tail_dur = 0, animate = TRUE,
  ani_name = "animation.mp4", frame_delete = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE, ffmpeg = NA, preview = FALSE, bg_map = NULL,
  show_progress = TRUE, ...)



A data frame created by interpolate_path function or a data frame containing 'animal_id', 'bin_timestamp', 'latitude', 'longitude', and 'record_type'


An optional data frame containing at least four columns with receiver 'deploy_lat', 'deploy_long', 'deploy_date_time', and 'recover_date_time'. Other columns in object will be ignored. Default column names match GLATOS standard receiver location file
(e.g., 'GLATOS_receiverLocations_yyyymmdd.csv').


A character string with file path to directory where individual frames for animations will be written. Default is working directory.


Vector of two values specifying the min/max values for y-scale of plot. Units are degrees.


Vector of two values specifying the min/max values for x-scale of plot. Units are degrees.


Boolean. Default (TRUE) include interpolated points.


contains the duration (in same units as proc_obj$bin_timestamp; see interpolate_path) of trailing points in each frame. Default value is 0 (no trailing points). A value of Inf will show all points from start.


Boolean. Default (TRUE) creates video animation


Name of animation (character string)


Boolean. Default (frame_delete = TRUE) delete individual image frames after animation is created


Overwite the animation file if it already exists. Default (overwrite = FALSE) prevents file from being overwritten.


A file path (characer) to FFmpeg executable. This argument is only needed if ffmpeg is not added to your system path. For Windows machines, path must point to 'ffmpeg.exe', located in the bin subfolder within the ffmpeg folder. For example on Windows machines, "C:\Users\Username\Documents\ffmpeg-3.4.1-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe"). On Mac, path must point to 'ffmpeg' within the 'bin' subfolder, i.e., "/home/directory/Documents/bin/ffmpeg".


write first frame only. Useful for checking output before processing large number of frames. Default preview = FALSE


A spatial points, lines, or polygons object.


Logical. Progress bar and status messages will be shown if TRUE (default) and not shown if FALSE.


Optional graphing parameters for customizing elments of fish location points, receiver location points, timeline, and slider (moves along the timeline). See also Note section.

To customize fish location points (from proc_obj): Add any argument that can be passed to points. The following values will create the default plot:

  • cex: symbol size; default = 2

  • col: symbol color; default = "blue"

  • pch: symbol type; default = 16

To customize receiver location points (from recs): Add add prefix recs. to any argument that can be passed to points. The following values will create the default plot:

  • recs.cex: symbol size; default = 1.5

  • recs.pch: symbol type; default = 16

To customize timeline: Add add prefix timeline. to any argument of axis. Note all elements of the timeline except the sliding symbol (see 'slider' below) are created by a call to axis. The following values will create the default plot:

  • a sequence with locations of labels (with first and last being start and end) along x-axis; in units of longitude; by default this will center the timeline with five equally-spaced labels in the middle 80% of background_xlim.

  • timeline.pos: location along the y-axis; in units of latitude; by default this will place the timeline up from the bottom 6% of the range of background_ylim

  • timeline.labels: text used for labels; default = format(labels, "%Y-%m-%d"), where labels are values of proc_obj$bin_timestamp

  • timeline.col: color of line; default = "grey70"

  • timeline.lwd: width of line; default = 20 times the aspect ratio of the plot device

  • timeline.cex.axis:size of labels; default = 2

To customize time slider (symbol that slides): Add prefix timeline. to any argument that can be passed to points. The following values will create the default plot:

  • a single value with symbol bg color; default = "grey40"

  • timeslider.cex: a single value with symbol size; default = 2

  • timeslider.col: a single value with symbol type; default = "grey20"

  • timeslider.pch: a single value with symbol type; default = 21

To customize parameters controlled by par: Add prefix par. to any argument that can be passed to par. Note that par.mar controls whitespace behind default timeslider. The following values will create the default plot:

  • par.oma plot outer margins; default = c(0,0,0,0)

  • par.mar plot inner margins; default = c(6,0,0,0)


Sequentially-numbered png files (one for each frame) and one mp4 file will be written to out_dir.


Customizing plot elements with input argument '...'
The option to allow customization of plot elements with input argument ... provides a great deal of flexibility, but users will need to be familiar with each associated graphics functions (e.g., axis for timeline arguments). We expect that this will require some trial and error and that input argument preview = TRUE will be useful while exploring optional plot arguments.


Todd Hayden, Tom Binder, Chris Holbrook


## Not run: 

# load detection data
det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
                         package = "glatos")
dtc <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)

# take a look
# load receiver location data
rec_file <- system.file("extdata", 
  "sample_receivers.csv", package = "glatos")
recs <- read_glatos_receivers(rec_file)

# call with defaults; linear interpolation
 pos1 <- interpolate_path(dtc)

# make sequential frames and animation
# make sure ffmpeg is installed if argument \code{animate = TRUE}
# If you have not added path to 'ffmpeg.exe' to your Windows PATH 
# environment variable then you'll need to do that  
# or set path to 'ffmpeg.exe' using the 'ffmpeg' input argument

# make frames, preview the first frame
myDir <- paste0(getwd(),"/frames1")
make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, preview = TRUE)

# make frames but not animation 
myDir <- paste0(getwd(),"/frames2")
make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate = FALSE)

# make sequential frames, and animate.  Make animation and frames.
#change default color of fish markers to red and change marker and size.
myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames3")
make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate = TRUE, col="red", pch = 16, cex = 3)

# make sequential frames, animate, add 5-day tail
myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames4")
make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate = TRUE, tail_dur=5)

# make animation, remove frames.
myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames5")
make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate=TRUE, frame_delete = TRUE)

# if ffmpeg is not on system path

# windows
myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames6")
make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=my_dir, animate=TRUE,

# mac
myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames7")
make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, outDir=myDir, animate=TRUE,

## End(Not run)

jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.