
Defines functions make_frames

Documented in make_frames

#' Create an animated video of spatiotemporal path data
#' Create a set of frames (png image files) showing geographic location data
#' (e.g., detections of tagged fish or interpolated path data) at discrete 
#' points in time on top of a Great Lakes shapefile and optionally stitches
#' frames into a video animation (mp4 file).    
#' @param proc_obj A data frame created by
#'   \code{\link{interpolate_path}} function or a data frame containing
#'   'animal_id', 'bin_timestamp', 'latitude', 'longitude', and
#'   'record_type'
#' @param recs An optional data frame containing at least four columns with
#'   receiver 'deploy_lat', 'deploy_long', 'deploy_date_time', and
#'   'recover_date_time'. Other columns in object will be ignored.
#'   Default column names match GLATOS standard receiver location file
#'   \cr(e.g., 'GLATOS_receiverLocations_yyyymmdd.csv').
#' @param out_dir A character string with file path to directory where 
#'   individual frames for animations will be written. Default is working
#'   directory.
#' @param background_ylim Vector of two values specifying the min/max values 
#' 	 for y-scale of plot. Units are degrees.
#' @param background_xlim Vector of two values specifying the min/max values 
#'   for x-scale of plot. Units are degrees.
#' @param show_interpolated Boolean. Default (TRUE) include interpolated points.
#' @param animate Boolean. Default (TRUE) creates video animation
#' @param ani_name Name of animation (character string)
#' @param frame_delete Boolean.  Default (\code{frame_delete = TRUE}) delete
#'   individual image frames after animation is created
#' @param overwrite Overwite the animation file if it already exists. Default
#'   (\code{overwrite = FALSE}) prevents file from being overwritten.
#' @param ffmpeg A file path (characer) to FFmpeg executable. This
#'   argument is only needed if ffmpeg is not added to your system
#'   path. For Windows machines, path must point to 'ffmpeg.exe',
#'   located in the bin subfolder within the ffmpeg folder.  For
#'   example on Windows machines,
#'   "C:\\Users\\Username\\Documents\\ffmpeg-3.4.1-win64-static\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe").
#'   On Mac, path must point to 'ffmpeg' within the 'bin'
#'   subfolder, i.e., "/home/directory/Documents/bin/ffmpeg".  
#' @param tail_dur contains the duration (in same units as
#'   \code{proc_obj$bin_timestamp}; see \code{\link{interpolate_path}}) of
#'   trailing points in each frame. Default value is 0 (no trailing points). A
#'   value of \code{Inf} will show all points from start.
#' @param preview write first frame only.  Useful for checking output before
#'   processing large number of frames.  Default \code{preview = FALSE}
#' @param bg_map A spatial points, lines, or polygons object.
#' @param show_progress Logical. Progress bar and status messages will be 
#'  shown if TRUE (default) and not shown if FALSE.
#' @param ... Optional graphing parameters for customizing elments of 
#'  fish location points, receiver location points, timeline, and 
#'  slider (moves along the timeline). See also \strong{Note} section.
#' \strong{\emph{To customize fish location points (from
#' \code{proc_obj}):}} Add any argument that can be passed to
#' \link[graphics]{points}. The following values will create the default plot:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{cex:}}{ symbol size; default = 2}
#' \item{\code{col:}}{ symbol color; default = "blue"}
#' \item{\code{pch:}}{ symbol type; default = 16}
#' }
#' \strong{\emph{To customize receiver location points (from
#' \code{recs}):}} Add add prefix
#' \code{recs.} to any argument that can be passed to \link[graphics]{points}.
#' The following values will create the default plot:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{recs.cex:}}{ symbol size; default = 1.5}
#' \item{\code{recs.pch:}}{ symbol type; default = 16}
#' }
#' \strong{\emph{To customize timeline:}} Add add prefix \code{timeline.} to any
#' argument of \link[graphics]{axis}.  Note all elements of the timeline except
#' the sliding symbol (see 'slider' below) are created by a call to \code{axis}.
#' The following values will create the default plot:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{timeline.at:}}{ a sequence with locations of labels (with first
#' and last being start and end) along x-axis; in units of longitude; by default
#' this will center the timeline with five equally-spaced labels in the middle
#' 80\% of background_xlim.}
#' \item{\code{timeline.pos:}}{ location along the y-axis; in units of latitude;
#' by default this will place the timeline up from the bottom 6\% of the range
#' of \code{background_ylim}}
#' \item{\code{timeline.labels:}}{ text used for labels; default =
#' format(labels, "\%Y-\%m-\%d"), where labels are values of proc_obj$bin_timestamp}
#' \item{\code{timeline.col:}}{ color of line; default = "grey70"} 
#' \item{\code{timeline.lwd:}}{ width of line; default = 20 times the aspect
#' ratio of the plot device}
#' \item{\code{timeline.cex.axis:}}{size of labels; default = 2}
#' }
#' \strong{\emph{To customize time slider (symbol that slides):}} Add prefix
#' \code{timeline.} to any argument that can be passed to
#' \link[graphics]{points}. The following values will create the default plot:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{timeslider.bg:}}{ a single value with symbol bg color; default =
#' "grey40"} 
#' \item{\code{timeslider.cex:}}{ a single value with symbol size; default = 2}
#' \item{\code{timeslider.col:}}{ a single value with symbol type; default =
#' "grey20"}
#' \item{\code{timeslider.pch:}}{ a single value with symbol type; default = 21}
#' }
#' \strong{\emph{To customize parameters controlled by \code{par}:}} Add prefix
#' \code{par.} to any argument that can be passed to \link[graphics]{par}. Note
#' that \code{par.mar} controls whitespace behind default timeslider. The
#' following values will create the default plot:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{par.oma}}{ plot outer margins; default = c(0,0,0,0)}
#' \item{\code{par.mar}}{ plot inner margins; default = c(6,0,0,0)}
#' }
#' @return Sequentially-numbered png files (one for each frame) and 
#'   one mp4 file will be written to \code{out_dir}.
#' @author Todd Hayden, Tom Binder, Chris Holbrook
#' @note
#' \emph{Customizing plot elements with input argument `\code{...}`}\cr
#' The option to allow customization of plot elements with input argument 
#' \code{...} provides a great deal of flexibility, but users will need to 
#' be familiar with each associated graphics functions (e.g., 
#' \link[graphics]{axis} for timeline arguments). We expect that this will 
#' require some trial and error and that input argument \code{preview = TRUE} 
#' will be useful while exploring optional plot arguments. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load detection data
#' det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
#'                          package = "glatos")
#' dtc <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)
#' # take a look
#' head(dtc)
#' # load receiver location data
#' rec_file <- system.file("extdata", 
#'   "sample_receivers.csv", package = "glatos")
#' recs <- read_glatos_receivers(rec_file)
#' # call with defaults; linear interpolation
#'  pos1 <- interpolate_path(dtc)
#' # make sequential frames and animation
#' # make sure ffmpeg is installed if argument \code{animate = TRUE}
#' # If you have not added path to 'ffmpeg.exe' to your Windows PATH 
#' # environment variable then you'll need to do that  
#' # or set path to 'ffmpeg.exe' using the 'ffmpeg' input argument
#' # make frames, preview the first frame
#' myDir <- paste0(getwd(),"/frames1")
#' make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, preview = TRUE)
#' # make frames but not animation 
#' myDir <- paste0(getwd(),"/frames2")
#' make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate = FALSE)
#' # make sequential frames, and animate.  Make animation and frames.
#' #change default color of fish markers to red and change marker and size.
#' myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames3")
#' make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate = TRUE, col="red", pch = 16, cex = 3)
#' # make sequential frames, animate, add 5-day tail
#' myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames4")
#' make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate = TRUE, tail_dur=5)
#' # make animation, remove frames.
#' myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames5")
#' make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=myDir, animate=TRUE, frame_delete = TRUE)
#' # if ffmpeg is not on system path
#' # windows
#' myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames6")
#' make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, out_dir=my_dir, animate=TRUE,
#' ffmpeg="C://path//to//ffmpeg//bin//ffmpeg.exe")
#' # mac
#' myDir <- paste0(getwd(), "/frames7")
#' make_frames(pos1, recs=recs, outDir=myDir, animate=TRUE,
#' ffmpeg="/path/to/ffmpeg")
#' }
#' @export

make_frames <- function(proc_obj, recs = NULL, out_dir = getwd(),
                        background_ylim = c(41.3, 49.0),
                        background_xlim = c(-92.45, -75.87),
                        show_interpolated = TRUE, tail_dur = 0, animate = TRUE,
                        ani_name = "animation.mp4", frame_delete = FALSE,
                        overwrite = FALSE, ffmpeg = NA, preview = FALSE, 
                        bg_map = NULL, show_progress = TRUE, ...){
  # test ffmpeg and get path
  if(animate) ffmpeg <- get_ffmpeg_path(ffmpeg)

  # Convert proc_obj and recs dataframes into data.table objects
  work_proc_obj <- data.table::as.data.table(proc_obj)

  #make column to identify original row to join with option plot arguments
  work_proc_obj[ , row_in := 1:.N]  
  # capture optional plot arguments passed via ellipses
  #  and add original row indices to join on both
  inargs <- list(...)
  #set defaults and apply if needed
  rcv_args <- list(pch = 16, cex = 1.5)
  dtc_args <- list(pch = 16, col = "blue", cex = 2)

  #identify and subset par arguments
  par_inargs <- inargs[grepl("^par\\.", names(inargs))] #temporary
  #identify and subset receiver point arguments
  rcv_inargs <- inargs[grepl("^recs\\.", names(inargs))] #temporary
  #identify and subset timeline arguments
  timeline_inargs <- inargs[grepl("^timeline\\.", names(inargs))]
  #identify and subset timeslider arguments
  timeslider_inargs <- inargs[grepl("^timeslider\\.", names(inargs))]
  #identify dtc input arguments
  dtc_inarg_names <- setdiff(names(inargs), c(names(par_inargs),
  #identify and subset detection point arguments
  dtc_inargs <- inargs[dtc_inarg_names]
  #strip argument names
  names(par_inargs) <- gsub("^par\\.", "", names(par_inargs))
  names(timeline_inargs) <- gsub("^timeline\\.", "", names(timeline_inargs))
  names(timeslider_inargs) <- gsub("^timeslider\\.", "", names(timeslider_inargs))
  names(rcv_inargs) <- gsub("^recs\\.", "", names(rcv_inargs))
  #update from ...
  if(length(rcv_inargs) > 0) rcv_args[names(rcv_inargs)] <- rcv_inargs
  #update from ...
  if(length(dtc_inargs) > 0) dtc_args[names(dtc_inargs)] <- dtc_inargs
  #expand single rcv_args elements to equal number of rows in recs
    for(i in 1:length(rcv_args)) {
      if(length(rcv_args[[i]] == 1)) {
        rcv_args[[i]] <- rep(rcv_args[[i]], nrow(recs))
      } else if (length(rcv_args[[i]]) != nrow(recs)) {
           stop(paste0("Length of optional plot parameters pass via '...' ",
             "must be 1 or equal to\n number of rows in input data."))

  #expand single dtc_args elements to equal number of rows in work_proc_obj
  for(i in 1:length(dtc_args)) {
    if(length(dtc_args[[i]]) == 1) {
      dtc_args[[i]] <- rep(dtc_args[[i]], nrow(work_proc_obj))
    } else if (length(dtc_args[[i]]) != nrow(work_proc_obj)) {
      stop(paste0("Length of optional plot parameters pass via '...' ",
        "must be 1 or equal to\n number of rows in input data."))
  #coerce to data.table and add original row index (for join to recs)
  rcv_args <- data.table::as.data.table(rcv_args)
  rcv_args[ , row_in := 1:.N]
  dtc_args <- data.table::as.data.table(dtc_args)
  dtc_args[ , row_in := 1:.N]
  # set recs to data.table and remove receivers not recovered
    recs <- data.table::as.data.table(recs)
    #make column to identify original row to join with option plot arguments
    recs[ , row_in := 1:.N]    
    # Remove receivers not recovered (records with NA in recover_date_time)
    data.table::setkey(recs, recover_date_time)
    recs <- recs[!list(NA_real_), c("station", "deploy_lat", 
      "deploy_long", "deploy_date_time", 
      "recover_date_time", "row_in")]

  # Make output directory if it does not already exist
  if(!dir.exists(out_dir)) dir.create(out_dir)

  # extract time sequence for plotting
  t_seq <- unique(work_proc_obj$bin_timestamp)

  # make tails if needed
  if(tail_dur == 0){

    #  Create group identifier for plotting
    work_proc_obj[, grp := bin_timestamp]
  } else {

    # make tail groups if needed
    dur <- work_proc_obj[, .(t_seq = sort(unique(bin_timestamp)))]
    dur[, c("t_end", "t_grp") :=
            list(data.table::shift(t_seq, type = "lag",
                                   fill = min(t_seq), n = tail_dur),

    # group obs for tails
    work_proc_obj[, t_end := bin_timestamp]
    data.table::setkey(dur, t_end, t_seq)

    # merge by overlap
    work_proc_obj <- data.table::foverlaps(work_proc_obj, dur, type = "within",
                          nomatch = 0L, by.x = c("bin_timestamp", "t_end"))
    work_proc_obj <- work_proc_obj[, c("animal_id", "t_seq", "latitude",
                                       "longitude", "record_type", "row_in")]
    data.table::setnames(work_proc_obj, c("animal_id", "bin_timestamp", "latitude",
                              "longitude", "record_type", "row_in"))
    work_proc_obj[, grp := bin_timestamp]

  # set rows in time order
  data.table::setorder(work_proc_obj, bin_timestamp)
  # create num group for later
  work_proc_obj[, grp_num := .GRP, by = bin_timestamp]
  # determine leading zeros needed by ffmpeg and add as new column
  char <- paste0("%", 0, nchar((length(t_seq))), "d")
  data.table::setkey(work_proc_obj, bin_timestamp)
  work_proc_obj[, f_name := .GRP, by = grp]
  work_proc_obj[, f_name := paste0(sprintf(char, f_name), ".png")]

  # order data for plotting
  data.table::setkey(work_proc_obj, bin_timestamp, animal_id,  record_type)

  # Load background (use example Great Lakes if null)
    background <- greatLakesPoly #example in glatos package
  } else { 
    background <- bg_map 
    #if not equal to default or NULL, then set to extent of bg_map
    if(is.null(background_ylim) | all(background_ylim == c(41.3, 49.0))) background_ylim <- 
                                              as.numeric(bbox(bg_map)[ "y", ])
    if(is.null(background_xlim) | all(background_xlim == c(-92.45, -75.87))) background_xlim <- 
        as.numeric(bbox(bg_map)[ "x", ])

  # turn off interpolated points if show_interpolated = FALSE
    work_proc_obj[record_type == "interpolated", latitude := NA]
    work_proc_obj[record_type == "interpolated", longitude := NA]
  # Calculate the duration of the animation for timeline
  time_period <- range(work_proc_obj$bin_timestamp) 
  # define custom plot function
  cust_plot <- function(x, .time_period, .recs, .out_dir, .background,
                        .background_xlim, .background_ylim){

    # Calculate great circle distance in meters of x and y limits.
    # needed to determine aspect ratio of the output
    linear_x = geosphere::distMeeus(c(.background_xlim[1], .background_ylim[1]),
                                    c(.background_xlim[2], .background_ylim[1]))
    linear_y = geosphere::distMeeus(c(.background_xlim[1], .background_ylim[1]),
                                    c(.background_xlim[1], .background_ylim[2]))
    # aspect ratio of image
    figRatio <- linear_y / linear_x

    # calculate image height based on aspect ratio
    height <- trunc(2000 * figRatio)

    # plot GL outline and movement points
    png(file.path(.out_dir, x$f_name[1]), width = 2000,
        height = ifelse(height%%2==0, height, height + 1), units = 'px',
        pointsize = 22*figRatio)

    # Plot background image
    # Set bottom margin to plot timeline outside of plot window
    #set defaults and apply if needed
    par_args <- list(oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar=c(6,0,0,0), xpd=FALSE)
    #update from defaults...
    if(length(par_inargs) > 0) par_args[names(par_inargs)] <- par_inargs
    do.call(par, par_args)

    # Note call to plot with sp
    sp::plot(.background, ylim = c(.background_ylim), 
             xlim = c(.background_xlim),
             axes = FALSE, lwd = 2*figRatio, col = "white", bg = "gray74")

    box(lwd = 3 * figRatio)
    # Add receiver locations
      # extract receivers in the water during plot interval
      sub_recs <- .recs[deploy_date_time <= x$bin_timestamp[1] &  
          (recover_date_time >= x$bin_timestamp[1] & !is.na(recover_date_time))]
      # get optional plot arguments that correspond with sub_recs
      sub_rcv_args <- rcv_args[match(sub_recs$row_in,rcv_args$row_in), ] 
      # plot receivers; not do.call to include optional input arguments
      do.call(points, c(list(x = sub_recs$deploy_long, y = sub_recs$deploy_lat), 
                        sub_rcv_args[ , !"row_in", with = FALSE]))

    # Add timeline
    par(xpd = TRUE)

    # Define timeline x and y location
    xlim_diff <- diff(.background_xlim)
    ylim_diff <- diff(.background_ylim)
    timeline_y <- rep(.background_ylim[1] - (0.06*ylim_diff), 2)
    timeline_x <- c(.background_xlim[1] + (0.10*xlim_diff),
                    .background_xlim[2] - (0.10*xlim_diff))

    time_dur <- diff(as.numeric(.time_period))
    # Add labels to timeline
    labels <- seq(as.POSIXct(format(min(.time_period), "%Y-%m-%d")),
                  as.POSIXct(format(max(.time_period), "%Y-%m-%d")),
                  length.out = 5)
    labels_ticks <- as.POSIXct(format(labels, "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "GMT")
    ptime <- (as.numeric(labels_ticks) - as.numeric(min(.time_period))) / time_dur
    labels_x <- timeline_x[1] + (diff(timeline_x) * ptime)
    #set defaults and apply if needed
    timeline_args = list(side=1, at = labels_x, pos = timeline_y[1], 
                         labels = format(labels, "%Y-%m-%d"), col = "grey70", 
                         lwd = 20*figRatio, lend = 0, lwd.ticks = NA, 
                         col.ticks = 1, cex.axis = 2, padj = 0.5)
    #update from ...
    if(length(timeline_inargs) > 0) timeline_args[names(timeline_inargs)] <- 
    do.call(axis, timeline_args)
    # Update timeline
    ptime <- (as.numeric(x[1,"grp"]) - as.numeric(min(.time_period))) / time_dur

    # Proportion of timeline elapsed
    timeline_x_i <- timeline_x[1] + diff(timeline_x) * ptime

    #set defaults and apply if needed
    timeslider_args = list(pch = 21, 
                          cex = 2, bg = "grey40", col = "grey20", lwd = 1)
    #update from ...
    if(length(timeslider_inargs) > 0) timeslider_args[names(timeslider_inargs)] <- 
    # Plot slider along timeline at appropriate location
    do.call(points, c(list(x=timeline_x_i, y=timeline_args$pos), 
    # Add fish positions
    # get optional plot arguments that correspond with x
    sub_dtc_args <- dtc_args[match(x$row_in, dtc_args$row_in), ] 
    do.call(points, c(list(x = x$longitude, y = x$latitude), 
                      sub_dtc_args[ , !"row_in", with = FALSE]))


  # order for plotting
  data.table::setkey(work_proc_obj, grp_num)

  if(preview){ grpn <- 1 } else {
    # start progress bar
    grpn <- data.table::uniqueN(work_proc_obj$grp)
    if(show_progress) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = grpn, style = 3)
  # call cust_plot witin data.table
  work_proc_obj[grp_num <= grpn, 
               {if(!preview & show_progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, .GRP)
                cust_plot(x = .SD, 
                          .time_period = time_period, 
                          .recs = recs, 
                          .out_dir = out_dir,
                          .background = background, 
                          .background_xlim = background_xlim, 
                          .background_ylim = background_ylim 
                , by = grp,
                .SDcols = c("bin_timestamp", "longitude", "latitude",
                  "record_type", "f_name", "grp", "row_in")]
  if(preview) { return(paste("preview frames are in \n", out_dir)) } else {
     if(show_progress) close(pb) }
  if(animate == FALSE & frame_delete == TRUE) message("are you sure?")
  if(animate == FALSE) message(paste("frames are in\n", out_dir))

  if(animate & frame_delete){
    make_video(dir = out_dir, pattern = paste0(char, ".png"), output = ani_name,
               output_dir = out_dir, overwrite = overwrite, ffmpeg = ffmpeg)
    unlink(file.path(out_dir, unique(work_proc_obj$f_name)))
    message(paste("video is in\n", out_dir))}

  if(animate & !frame_delete){
    make_video(dir = out_dir, pattern = paste0(char, ".png"), output = ani_name,
               output_dir = out_dir, overwrite = overwrite, ffmpeg = ffmpeg)
    if(show_progress) message(paste("video and frames in \n", out_dir))}
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.