read_glatos_workbook: Read data from a GLATOS project workbook

View source: R/load-read_glatos_workbook.r

read_glatos_workbookR Documentation

Read data from a GLATOS project workbook


Read data from a GLATOS project workbook (xlsm file) and return a list of class glatos_workbook.


read_glatos_workbook(wb_file, read_all = FALSE, wb_version = NULL)



A character string with path and name of workbook in standard GLATOS format (*.xlsm). If only file name is given, then the file must be located in the working directory. File must be a standard GLATOS file (e.g., xxxxx_GLATOS_YYYYMMDD.xlsm) submitted via GLATOSWeb Data Portal


If TRUE, then all columns and sheets (e.g., user-created "project-specific" columns or sheets) in the workbook will be imported. If FALSE (default value) then only columns and sheets in the standard GLATOS workbook will be imported (project-specific columns will be ignored.)


An optional character string with the workbook version number. If NULL (default value) then version will be determined by evaluating workbook structure. Currently, the only allowed values are NULL and "1.3". Any other values will trigger an error.


In the standard glatos workbook (v1.3), data in workbook sheets 'Deployment', 'Recovery', and 'Location' are merged on columns 'GLATOS_PROJECT', 'GLATOS_ARRAY', 'STATION_NO', 'CONSECUTIVE_DEPLOY_NO', AND 'INS_SERIAL_NO' to produce the output data frame receivers. Data in workbook sheets 'Project' and 'Tagging' are passed through to new data frames named 'project' and 'animals', respectively, and data from workbook sheet 'Proposed' is not included in result. If read_all = TRUE then each sheet in workbook will be included in result.

Data are read from the input file using readWorkbook in the package 'openxlsx' package. If read_all = TRUE then the type of data in each user-defined column (and sheet) will be 'guessed' by readWorkbook. Therefore, if read_all = TRUE then the structure of those columnns should be carefully reviewed in the result. See readWorkbook for details.

Column animal_id is considered a required column by many other functions in this package, so it will be created if any records are NULL. When created, it will be constructed from tag_code_space and tag_id_code, separated by '-'.

Timezone attribute of all timestamp columns (class POSIXct) in output will be "UTC" and all 'glatos-specific' timestamp and timezone columns will be omitted from result.


A list of class glatos_workbook with three elements (described below) containing data from the standard GLATOS Workbook sheets. If read_all = TRUE, then additional elements will be added with names corresponding to non-standard sheet names.


A list with data about the project and workbook.


A data frame of class glatos_animals with data about tagged animals.


A data frame of class glatos_receivers with data about telemetry receivers.


On warnings and errors about date and timestamp formats. Date and time columns are sometimes stored as text in Excel. When those records are loaded by this function, there are two possible outcomes.

1. If the records are formatted according to the GLATOS Data Dictionary specification (e.g., "YYYY-MM-DD" for dates and "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" for timestamps; see https:\ those records should be properly loaded into R, but the user is encouraged to verify that they were loaded correctly, so a warning points the user to those records in the workbook. Users may want to format as custom date in the workbook to avoid warnings in the future.

2. If the format of a date-as-text column is not consistent with GLATOS specification, then no data will be loaded and an error will alert the user to this condition.

On cells with locked formatting in Excel: Occasionally the format of a cell in Excel will be locked. In those cases, it is sometimes possible to force date formatting in Excel by (1) highlighting the columns that need reformatting, (2) select 'Text-to-columns' in the 'Data' menu, (3) select 'Delimited' and 'next', (4) uncheck all delimiters and 'next', (5) choose 'Date: YMD' in the 'Column data format' box, and (6) 'Finish'.


C. Holbrook

See Also



#get path to example GLATOS Data Workbook
wb_file <- system.file("extdata", 
  "walleye_workbook.xlsm", package = "glatos")
#note that code above is needed to find the example file
#for real glatos data, use something like below
#wb_file <- "c:/path_to_file/HECWL_GLATOS_20150321.csv"
wb <- read_glatos_workbook(wb_file)

jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.