
Defines functions abacus_plot

Documented in abacus_plot

#'Plot detection locations of acoustic transmitters over time
#'Plot detection locations of acoustic transmitters over time.
#'@param det A \code{glatos_detections} object (e.g., produced by
#'  \link{read_glatos_detections}) containing detections to be plotted.
#'  \emph{OR} A data frame containing detection data with at least two columns,
#'  one of which must be named 'detection_timestamp_utc', described below, and
#'  another column containing a location grouping variable, whose name is
#'  specified by \code{location_col} (see below).
#'  The following column must appear in \code{det}: \describe{
#'  \item{\code{detection_timestamp_utc}}{Detection timestamps; MUST be of class
#'  POSIXct.} }
#'@param location_col A character string indicating the column name in
#'  \code{det} that will be used as the location grouping variable (e.g.
#'  "glatos_array"), in quotes.
#'@param locations An optional vector containing the locations
#'  \code{location_col} to show in the plot. Plot order corresponds to order in
#'  the vector (from bottom up). Should correspond to values in
#'  \code{location_col}, but can contain values that are not in the det data
#'  frame (i.e., can use this option to plot locations fish were not detected).
#'@param receiver_history An optional \code{glatos_receivers} object (e.g.,
#'  produced by \link{read_glatos_receivers}) containing receiver history data
#'  for plotting receiver status behind the detection data when
#'  \code{receiver_history} is not \code{NULL}.
#'  \emph{OR} An optional data frame containing receiver history data for
#'  plotting receiver status behind the detection data.
#'  The following column must be present: \describe{
#'  \item{\code{deploy_date_time}}{Receiver deployment timestamps; MUST be of
#'  class POSIXct.} \item{\code{recover_date_time}}{Receiver recovery
#'  timestamps; MUST be of class POSIXct.} \item{a grouping column whose name is
#'  specified by \code{location_col}}{See above.} }
#'@param out_file An optional character string with the name (including
#'  extension) of output image file to be created. File extension will determine
#'  type of file written. For example, \code{"abacus_plot.png"} will write a png
#'  file to the working directory. If \code{NULL} (default) then the plot will
#'  be printed to the default plot device. Supported extensions: png, jpeg, bmp,
#'  and tiff.
#'@param x_res Resolution of x-axis major tick marks. If numeric (e.g., 5
#'  (default value), then range of x-axis will be divided into that number of
#'  equally-spaced bins; and will be passed to \code{length.out} argument of
#'  \code{seq.Date}. If character, then value will be passed to \code{by}
#'  argument of \link[base]{seq.Date}. In that case, a character string,
#'  containing one of "day", "week", "month", "quarter" or "year". This can
#'  optionally be preceded by a (positive or negative) integer and a space, or
#'  followed by "s". E.g., "10 days", "weeks", "4 weeks", etc. See
#'  \link[base]{seq.Date}.
#'@param x_format Format of the x-axis tick mark labels (major ticks only; minor
#'  ticks are not supported). Default is "%Y-%m-%d". Any valid
#'  \link[base]{strptime} specification should work.
#'@param outFile Deprecated. Use \code{out_file} instead.
#'@param ... Other plotting arguments that pass to \link{plot}, \link{points}
#'  (e.g., \code{col}, \code{lwd}, \code{type}). Use \code{cex.main} to set
#'  title character size, and \code{col.main} to set title color. If \code{xlim}
#'  is specified, it must be a two-element vector of POSIXct.
#'@param show_receiver_status DEPCRECATED. No longer used. A logical value
#'  indicating whether or not to display receiver status behind detection data
#'  (i.e., indicate when receivers were in the water). If
#'  \code{show_receiver_status} == TRUE, then a receiver_history data frame
#'  (\code{receiver_history}) must be supplied. Default is FALSE.
#'@details NAs are not allowed in any of the two required columns.
#'@details The locations vector is used to control which locations will appear
#'  in the plot and in what order they will appear. If no locations vector is
#'  supplied, the function will plot only those locations that appear in the
#'  \code{det} data frame and the order of locations on the y-axis will be
#'  alphebetical from top to bottom.
#'@details By default, the function does not distinguish detections from
#'  different transmitters and will therefore plot all transmitters the same
#'  color. If more than one fish is desired in a single plot, a vector of colors
#'  must be passed to the function using the 'col =' argument. The color vector
#'  must be the same length as the number of rows in the detections data frame
#'  or the colors will be recycled.
#'@details Plotting options (i.e., line width and color) can be changed using
#'  optional graphical parameters
#'  \url{http://www.statmethods.net/advgraphs/parameters.html} that are passed
#'  to "points" (see ?points).
#'@return An image to the default plot device or a file containing the image if
#'  \code{out_file} is specified.
#'@author T. R. Binder, edited by A. Dini
#' @examples
#' #get path to example detection file
#' det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
#'  package = "glatos")
#' det <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)
#' #subset one transmitter
#' det2 <- det[det$animal_id == 153, ]
#' #plot without control table and main tile and change color to red
#' abacus_plot(det2, locations=NULL,
#'   main = "TagID: 32054", col = "red")
#' #example with locations specified
#' abacus_plot(det2, locations=c("DRF", "DRL", "FMP", "MAU", "PRS", "RAR",
#'    "DRM", "FDT"), main = "TagID: 32054", col = "red")
#' #plot with custom y-axis label and lines connecting symbols
#' abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", type = "o", pch = 20,  col = "red")
#' #plot with custom x-axis resolution - 10 bins
#' abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = 10)
#' #plot with custom x-axis resolution - monthly bins
#' abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = "month")
#' #plot with custom x-axis resolution - 8-week bins
#' abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = "8 weeks")
#' #plot with custom x-axis format
#' abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", x_res = "months", x_format = "%b-%y")
#'#plot with custom x axis limits
#' xLim <- as.POSIXct(c("2012-01-01", "2014-01-01"), tz = "UTC")
#' abacus_plot(det2, main = "TagID: 32054", xlim = xLim)
#'#example with receiver locations
#'# get example receiver location data
#'rec_file <- system.file("extdata", "sample_receivers.csv",
#'  package = "glatos")
#'rec <- read_glatos_receivers(rec_file)
#'abacus_plot(det2, locations=c("DRF", "DRL", "FMP", "MAU", "PRS", "RAR",
#'  "DRM", "FDT"), receiver_history = rec,
#'  main = "TagID: 32054", col = "red")

#' @export

abacus_plot <- function(det,
                        location_col = 'glatos_array',
                        locations = NULL,
                        show_receiver_status = NULL,
                        receiver_history = NULL,
                        out_file = NULL,
                        x_res = 5, 
                        x_format = "%Y-%m-%d",
                        outFile = NULL,
  #deprecation message for show_receiver_status
  if(!is.null(show_receiver_status)) warning(paste("argument", 
    "'show_receiver_status' has been deprecated and is no longer used.",
    "Receiver status will now be added to the plot whenever 'receiver_history'",
    "is specified."))
  #check if outFile was given
    out_file <- outFile
    warning(paste0("Input argument 'outFile' is deprecated and will not be ",
                   "supported in the future. Use 'out_file' instead."), 
            call. = FALSE)
  # Check that the specified columns appear in the detections data frame
  missingCols <- setdiff(c("detection_timestamp_utc", location_col), names(det))
  if (length(missingCols) > 0){
    stop(paste0("det is missing the following ",
      "column(s):\n", paste0("       '", missingCols, "'", collapse="\n")), 
      call. = FALSE)
  # Rename column specified in location_col to "location"
  names(det)[which(names(det)==location_col)] = "location"
  # Check that timestamp is of class 'POSIXct'
  if(!('POSIXct' %in% class(det$detection_timestamp_utc))){
    stop(paste0("Column 'detection_timestamp_utc' in the det data frame must 
                be of class 'POSIXct'."),
      call. = FALSE)
  # Get output directory and check if exists
    outDir <- ifelse(dirname(out_file) == ".", getwd(), dirname(out_file)) 
    if(!dir.exists(outDir)) stop("Output directory '", outDir, 
      "' does not exist.", call. = FALSE)
  # Perform checks related to receiver_history

      # Check that required columns appear in the receiver history data frame
      missingCols2 <- setdiff(c("deploy_date_time", "recover_date_time",  
      if (length(missingCols2) > 0){
        stop(paste0("receiver_history is missing the following ","column(s):\n", 
                    paste0("       '", missingCols2, "'", collapse="\n")), 
             call. = FALSE)
      # Check that deploy_date_time is of class 'POSIXct'
      if(!('POSIXct' %in% class(receiver_history$deploy_date_time))){
        stop(paste0("Column 'deploy_date_time' in the receiver_history data 
                    frame must be of class 'POSIXct'."),
             call. = FALSE)
      # Check that recover_date_time is of class 'POSIXct'
      if(!('POSIXct' %in% class(receiver_history$deploy_date_time))){
        stop(paste0("Column 'recover_date_time' in the receiver_history data 
                    frame must be of class 'POSIXct'."),
             call. = FALSE)
      # Rename receiver_history column specified in location_col to "location"
      names(receiver_history)[which(names(receiver_history)==location_col)] = "location"
  # Make a list of optional arguments passed through ... for use in parsing out 
  # arguments for plotting.
  arguments <- list(...)
  # If locations not supplied, create one data frame with unique values
  # (ordered alphebetically from top to bottom) of location_col values with
  # plot order appended. Otherwise append a column of plot order to locations.
    locations_table <- data.frame(
      location = sort(unique(det$location), decreasing = TRUE), 
      y_order = 1:length(unique(det$location)), 
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    locations_table <- data.frame(
      location = locations, 
      y_order = 1:length(locations), 
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Merge det and locations_table data frames
  # Keep only locations that appear in the locations_table data frame
  det <- merge(det, locations_table, by = "location", all.y = TRUE)
  # Sort by timestamp
  det <- det[order(det$detection_timestamp_utc), ] 
  # Prepare receiver_history data frame for plotting
    # Merge receiver_history and locations_table data frames
    # Keep only locations that appear in the locations_table data frame
    receiver_history <- merge(receiver_history, locations_table, by = "location", all.y = TRUE)
  # Variable which scales the height of the y-axis depending on the number of 
  # labels to appear. 
  # Assumes 24 labels is the perfect spacing for height = 1000 px.
  pngHeight <- max((nrow(locations_table)/24)*1000, 500)
  # Calculate a y-axis label offset to accommodate grouping variables with 
  # different string lengths (e.g., "DRM" vs "DRM-001").
  YlabOffset <- (max(nchar(det$location)) - 3) / 3
  #get file extension
  file_type <- ifelse(is.null(out_file), NA, tools::file_ext(out_file))
  #check file extension is supported
  ext_supp <- c(NA, "png", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "tiff")
  if(!(tolower(file_type) %in% ext_supp))
    stop(paste0("Image type '", file_type, "' is not supported."), 
      call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'png')
    png(out_file, height = pngHeight, width = 1000, pointsize = 22)
  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'jpeg')
    jpeg(out_file, height = pngHeight, width = 1000, pointsize = 22)
  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'bmp')
    bmp(out_file, height = pngHeight, width = 1000, pointsize = 22)
  if(!is.na(file_type) & tolower(file_type) == 'tiff')
    tiff(out_file, height = pngHeight, width = 1000, pointsize = 22)  
  # Set inner and outer margins
  par(mar = c(1, 1, 1.5, 2), oma = c(3, 4 + YlabOffset, 0, 0))
  #set plot-level arguments passed via ...
  # set defaults
  plot_args <- with(det, 
                    xlim = range(detection_timestamp_utc, na.rm = TRUE),
                    ylim = c(1,nrow(locations_table)),
                    yaxt = "n",
                    xaxt = "n",
                    ylab = "",
                    xlab = ""))
  #update if supplied via ...
  plot_args <- c(arguments, 
    plot_args[setdiff(names(plot_args), names(arguments))])
  # Plot detection data
  do.call(plot, c(list(x = NULL), plot_args))
                  lwd = 3,
                  col = "gray"))
  with(det, do.call(points, 
    c(list(x = detection_timestamp_utc,y = y_order), arguments)))

  # Add custom axes
  axis(2, at = locations_table$y_order, 
    labels = locations_table$location, las = 1)

  #list to hold arguments for seq
  seq_args <- list(from = plot_args$xlim[1], 
                   to = plot_args$xlim[2])
  #set by and length.out for seq.Date based on input arg x_res
  if(is.numeric(x_res)) {
    seq_args$length.out = x_res
  } else if (is.character(x_res)){
    seq_args$by = x_res
  } else { warning("Input argument `x_res` must be either an integer or \n
                    a valid string that can be passed to seq.Date(..., by = ).\n
                    Defeault value 5 has been used.")
    seq_args$length.out = 5 #force default with warning

  xmaj <- do.call(seq, seq_args)
  axis(1, at = xmaj, labels = format(xmaj, x_format), las = 1)
  # Add axes titles
  mtext(ifelse("xlab" %in% names(arguments), arguments$xlab, "Date"), 
        side = 1, line = 2.2, cex = 1.2)
  mtext(ifelse("ylab" %in% names(arguments), arguments$ylab, location_col),
        side = 2, line = 3.5 + YlabOffset, cex = 1.2)

  if(!is.na(file_type))	{
    message(paste0("Output file is located in the following directory:\n", 
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.