
Defines functions stream_order_igraph stream_order_ratio stream_order

Documented in stream_order stream_order_igraph stream_order_ratio

#' Calculate stream order with GRASS
#' @param lines lines
#' @param outlet outlet
#' @param ... options passed to rgrass7sf::initGRASS
#' @importFrom rgrass7sf initGRASS execGRASS gmeta readVECT writeVECT
#' @importFrom sf st_crs st_sfc as_Spatial
#' @importFrom raster raster extent
#' @importFrom sp SpatialLines SpatialLinesDataFrame
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(sf)
#' library(mapview)
#' data(nhd_sub_lines)
#' outlet <- st_sf(data.frame(1), geometry = st_cast(st_line_sample(
#'                dplyr::filter(nhd_sub_lines, comid == "7718290"),
#'            sample = 1), "POINT"))
#' res <- stream_order(lines = nhd_sub_lines, outlet = outlet)
#' # mapview(res, zcol = "strahler")
stream_order <- function(lines, outlet, ...){

  grass_setup(lines, ...)

  lines <- lines[,!duplicated(tolower(names(lines)))]
  # lines <- lines[!(is.na(lines$ToNode) & is.na(lines$FromNode)),]

  rgrass7sf::writeVECT(lines, "testlines"  ,
                       v.in.ogr_flags = c("o", "overwrite"),
                       ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  rgrass7sf::writeVECT(outlet, "testoutlet",
                       v.in.ogr_flags = c("o", "overwrite"),
                       ignore.stderr = TRUE)

  # print(outlet)
  # print(lines)

            parameters = list(
              input = "testlines",
              points = "testoutlet",
              output = "test"
            )) #, echoCmd = FALSE)

  rgrass7sf::readVECT("test", ignore.stderr = TRUE)

#' Calculate stream order ratio with GRASS
#' @inheritParams stream_order
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(sf)
#' data(nhd_sub)
#' outlet_reach   <- terminal_reaches(network = nhd_sub, approve_all_dl = TRUE)
#' outlet_point   <- st_cast(st_line_sample(outlet_reach, sample = 1), "POINT")
#' stream_order_ratio(lines = nhd_sub, outlet = outlet_point)
stream_order_ratio <- function(lines, outlet, ...){
  res <- stream_order(lines, outlet = outlet, ...)
  length(which(res$strahler == 1)) / length(res$strahler)

#' Calculate stream order with igraph
#' @description This function is experimental. The equivalent GRASS
#' function should be used in most cases.
#' @param tree igraph tree object
#' @importFrom igraph degree as_edgelist delete.vertices vcount E V
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' tree <- create_reversed_tree(15)
#' igraph::E(tree)$weight <- stream_order_igraph(tree)
#' plot(tree, edge.width = igraph::E(tree)$weight,
#'          layout = layout_as_tree(tree, mode = "in"))
#' }
stream_order_igraph <- function(tree){
  base_order <- 1
  leaf_nodes <- names(which(degree(tree,
                                   v = igraph::V(tree),
                                   mode = "in") == 0,
                            useNames = TRUE))
  edgelist   <- data.frame(as_edgelist(tree))
  edgelist$order <- NA
  names(edgelist)[c(1,2)] <- c("from", "to")
  edgelist$order[edgelist$from %in% leaf_nodes] <- base_order

  tree <- igraph::delete.vertices(tree, leaf_nodes)

  while(igraph::vcount(tree) >= 1){
    base_order <- max(edgelist$order, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
    leaf_nodes <- names(which(degree(tree, v = igraph::V(tree),
                                     mode = "in") == 0,
                              useNames = TRUE))

    raised_nodes <- sapply(leaf_nodes,
          function(x) all(edgelist$order[edgelist$to == x] == base_order - 1))
    raised_nodes <- names(which(raised_nodes))
    flat_nodes <- leaf_nodes[!(leaf_nodes %in% raised_nodes)]

    edgelist$order[edgelist$from %in% raised_nodes] <- base_order
    edgelist$order[edgelist$from %in% flat_nodes] <- base_order - 1

    tree <- igraph::delete.vertices(tree, leaf_nodes)

jsta/streamnet documentation built on July 9, 2022, 9:02 p.m.