
Defines functions .read_one_header .read_headers read_header.character read_header read_las.character read_las

Documented in read_las

#'  read an las file
#'  read an las file
#'  read an las file
#'Revision History
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'1.0 \tab 2017 March 08 Created\cr
#'Jacob Strunk <Jstrunk@@fs.fed.us>
#'@param path single path
#'@param paths vector of paths for 'read_header()'
#'  <Delete and Replace>
#'    files=list.files("C:\\temp\\lidar_test\\",full.names=T)
#'    print(read_header("C:\\temp\\lidar_test\\183_302.las"))
#'    print(read_header(files))
#'@import tools sp
#'@seealso \code{\link{read_dtm}}\cr \code{\link{gridmetrics}}\cr


  UseMethod("read_las",path    )


  if(length(path)==0) stop("'path' is empty")
  if(length(path) > 1) stop("path must be of length 1, currently of length",length(path))






  UseMethod("read_header",paths    )



  if(length(paths)==0) stop("'path' is empty")
  if(length(paths)==1) try(return(data.frame(t(.read_one_header(paths)))))
  if(length(paths) >1) try(return(.read_headers(paths)))






  con <- file(path, open = 'rb')
  rBcon <-readBin(con, 'raw', n = 227, size = 1, signed = F)

  phb <- data.frame(
    row.names = c(
      , 'Source_ID'
      , 'Encoding'
      , 'GUID1'
      , 'GUID2'
      , 'GUID3'
      , 'GUID4'
      , 'V_Maj'
      , 'V_Min'
      , 'Sys_ID'
      , 'Software'
      , 'Create_Day'
      , 'Create_Year'
      , 'Header_Size'
      , 'Off2points'
      , 'N_VLR'
      , 'Format_ID'
      , 'Rec_length'
      , 'N_all'
      , 'N_1st'
      , 'N_2nd'
      , 'N_3rd'
      , 'N_4th'
      , 'N_5th'
      , 'Xscale'
      , 'Yscale'
      , 'Zscale'
      , 'Xoffset'
      , 'Yoffset'
      , 'Zoffset'
      , 'MaxX'
      , 'MinX'
      , 'MaxY'
      , 'MinY'
      , 'MaxZ'
      , 'MinZ')

    ,Value = c(
      readBin(rBcon[1:4], 'char', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[5:6], 'int', size = 2, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[7:8], 'int', size = 2, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[9:12], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[13:14], 'int', size = 2, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[15:16], 'int', size = 2, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[17:24], 'char', size = 4, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[25], 'char', size = 1, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[26], 'char', size = 1, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[27:58], 'char', size = 32, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[59:90], 'char', size = 32, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[91:92], 'int', size = 2, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[93:94], 'int', size = 2, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[95:96], 'int', size = 2, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[97:100], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[101:104], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[105],"int", size = 1, signed = F),
      readBin(rBcon[106:107], 'int', size = 2, n = 1, signed = FALSE),
      readBin(rBcon[108:111], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[112:115], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[116:119], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[120:123], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[124:127], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[128:131], 'int', size = 4, n = 1),
      readBin(rBcon[132:139], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[140:147], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[148:155], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[156:163], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[164:171], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[172:179], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[180:187], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[188:195], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[196:203], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[204:211], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[212:219], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE),
      readBin(rBcon[220:227], 'double', size = 8, n = 1, signed = TRUE)
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  isLASF <- phb[1, 1] == 'LASF'

  if (!isLASF){

    warning(path, ' is not a valid LAS file')


    phb['V_Min', 1] <- ifelse(phb['V_Min', 1] == '\001', 1, phb['V_Min', 1])
    phb['V_Min', 1] <- ifelse(phb['V_Min', 1] == '\002', 2, phb['V_Min', 1])
    phb['V_Min', 1] <- ifelse(phb['V_Min', 1] == '\003', 3, phb['V_Min', 1])
    phb['V_Min', 1] <- ifelse(phb['V_Min', 1] == '\004', 4, phb['V_Min', 1])

    phb['V_Maj', 1] <- ifelse(phb['V_Maj', 1] == '\001', 1, phb['V_Maj', 1])
    phb['V_Maj', 1] <- ifelse(phb['V_Maj', 1] == '\002', 2, phb['V_Maj', 1])

    phb['Format_ID', 1] <- ifelse(phb['Format_ID', 1] == '\001', 1, phb['Format_ID', 1])
    phb['Format_ID', 1] <- ifelse(phb['Format_ID', 1] == '\002', 2, phb['Format_ID', 1])
    phb['Format_ID', 1] <- ifelse(phb['Format_ID', 1] == '\003', 3, phb['Format_ID', 1])
    phb['Format_ID', 1] <- ifelse(phb['Format_ID', 1] == '\004', 4, phb['Format_ID', 1])

    #laz files mess with format field
    phb['Format_ID', 1] <- ifelse(as.numeric(phb['Format_ID', 1]) > 127, as.numeric(phb['Format_ID', 1]) - 128, phb['Format_ID', 1])

    if (!isLASF) { warning(path, ' is not a valid LAS/LAZ file') }

    if(phb['V_Min',]=="") phb['V_Min',]=0

    if(as.numeric(phb['V_Maj',])==1 & as.numeric(phb['V_Min',])>3){

      con <- file(path, open = 'rb')
      rBcon <- readBin(con, 'raw', n = 375, size = 1)

      phb_add<- data.frame(
        row.names = c(
          , 'st_vlr'
          , 'n_vlr'
          , 'n_pr'
          , 'n_1'
          , 'n_2'
          , 'n_3'
          , 'n_4'
          , 'n_5'
          , 'n_6'
          , 'n_7'
          , 'n_8'
          , 'n_9'
          , 'n_10'
          , 'n_11'
          , 'n_12'
          , 'n_13'
          , 'n_14'
          , 'n_15'
        Value = c(
          readBin(rBcon[228:235], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[236:243], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[244:247], 'int', size = 4, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[248:255], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)

          ,readBin(rBcon[256:263], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[264:271], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[272:279], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[280:287], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[288:295], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[296:303], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[304:311], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[312:319], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[320:327], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[328:335], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[336:343], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[344:351], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[352:359], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[360:367], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
          ,readBin(rBcon[368:375], 'int', size = 8, n = 1)
        ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      phb <- rbind(phb , phb_add)

    isLASF <- phb[1, 1] == 'LASF'

    phb[17, 1] <- ifelse(phb[17, 1] == '\001', 1, phb[17, 1])
    phb[17, 1] <- ifelse(phb[17, 1] == '\002', 2, phb[17, 1])
    phb[17, 1] <- ifelse(phb[17, 1] == '\003', 3, phb[17, 1])
    phb[17, 1] <- ifelse(phb[17, 1] == '\004', 4, phb[17, 1])

    phb[8, 1] <- ifelse(phb[8, 1] == '\001', 1, phb[8, 1])
    phb[8, 1] <- ifelse(phb[8, 1] == '\002', 2, phb[8, 1])

    phb[9, 1] <- ifelse(phb[9, 1] == '\001', 1, phb[9, 1])
    phb[9, 1] <- ifelse(phb[9, 1] == '\002', 2, phb[9, 1])




.read_points=function (
  ,n_read = NA

) {

    #preparatory variables
      rlength <- as.numeric(phb["Rec_length",])
      if(!is.na(n_read)) nrecords=min(n_read,nrecords)

      #read in data
      con <- file(path, open = 'rb')
      seek(con, seek_to, rw = "read")
      dat_bin=readBin(con, "raw", n = nBytes, size = 1, endian = "little")

      if(length(dat_bin) !=nBytes ){

        warning("file '",path,"' is a bad tile: missing ",nrecords-n_pts," records")



      bytes.matrix <- matrix(dat_bin , ncol= rlength , nrow = nrecords , byrow = TRUE)

      Xscalefactor <- as.numeric(phb[25, 1])
      Yscalefactor <- as.numeric(phb[26, 1])
      Zscalefactor <- as.numeric(phb[27, 1])
      Xoffset <- as.numeric(phb[28, 1])
      Yoffset <- as.numeric(phb[29, 1])
      Zoffset <- as.numeric(phb[30, 1])

      X = Xoffset + Xscalefactor * readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 1:4]), 'integer', size = 4, n = nrecords, signed = TRUE,endian="little")
      Y = Yoffset + Yscalefactor * readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 5:8]), 'integer', size = 4, n = nrecords, signed = TRUE,endian="little")
      Z <- Zoffset + Zscalefactor * readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 9:12]), 'integer', size =4, n = nrecords, signed = TRUE,endian="little")
      bad_pts = X<0 | Y<0 | is.na(Z)

        bytes.matrix <- bytes.matrix[!bad_pts,]
        X = Xoffset + Xscalefactor * readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 1:4]), 'integer', size = 4, n = nrecords, signed = TRUE,endian="little")
        Y = Yoffset + Yscalefactor * readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 5:8]), 'integer', size = 4, n = nrecords, signed = TRUE,endian="little")
        Z <- Zoffset + Zscalefactor * readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 9:12]), 'integer', size =4, n = nrecords, signed = TRUE,endian="little")

      sr <- readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 17]), 'integer', size = 1, n = nrecords)
      #sn <- ifelse(sr > 90, sr - 90, 90 - sr)
      i <- readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 13:14]), 'integer', size = 2, n = 1 * nrecords)
      cl <- readBin(t(bytes.matrix[, 16]), 'integer', size = 1, n = nrecords, signed = FALSE)

      return(data.frame(X, Y, Z, Intensity = i, Classification = cl))

jstrunk001/lasR documentation built on April 20, 2020, 7:24 a.m.