Man pages for jtheorell/theFlowSpec
Tools for spectral unmixing of overdetermined flow-cytometry files. And other nice things.

addKeysFromNameDissociate the name of flow frames into multiple keys
allHistPlotting all variables as histograms
appendFFColsThis function is a slightly adjusted copy of the...
arcTransEfficient inverse hyperbolic cosine transformation
batchNormBatch normalisation
batchNormCtrlSetupSetup the file used for batch normalisation
compCtrlsCompensation controls
correcMatCreateGenerate a correction matrix for cytometry data analysis
correctUnmixCorrect defects in spectral unmixing by compensation
csvSet2LongDfConvert a set of csv files to one long dataframe with all...
filterOutSelect events based on filter
flowSet2LongDfConvert a flowSet to one long dataframe with all identifiers...
fullPanelFully stained sample
madFilterMedian absolute deviation-based automatic filters for...
oneDZeroTrimimportFrom flowCore exprs importFrom BiocGenerics nrow ncol...
oneVsAllPlotPlotting all variables against a single variable
peakIdentiPeak identification for higher-level functions.
ridgePlotDensity plots showing gates for all files in a flowSet
specMatSpectral unmixing matrix
specMatCalcCalculating the matrix used for spectral unmixing
specUnmixSpectral unmixing of cytometry files
turnDerGateFunction used to generate automated gates on large sets of...
jtheorell/theFlowSpec documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 3:33 a.m.