

These files are only for development purposes and not a part of the package itself. They are supposed to be run while in the package root directory.

CRAN download statistics

metacran downloads metacran downloads metacran downloads metacran downloads

Dev notes

Test suite output

Proteomics data experiment's (4-5) relevance results confirmed to agree with paper.

                   name obs_model f_sampled n_obs n_comps t_ch_mean t_ch_sd
1         01_sleepstudy  gaussian     FALSE   180       2    193.56    3.13
2          02_orthodont  gaussian     FALSE   108       3     78.50    5.00
3 03_two-age-components  gaussian     FALSE    70       2     16.10    0.23
4        04_protein-liu  gaussian     FALSE   189       5    572.94   22.37
5  05_protein-liu-heter  gaussian     FALSE   189       5   1528.20   66.63

     t_fit t_pred t_post  t_total size_fit size_small size_disk n_div max_Rhat
1  1578.72  51.27  11.23  1645.33  44.9 Mb       1 Mb   40.1 Mb     0    1.002
2   643.12  24.99  10.82   681.67  34.1 Mb     1.1 Mb   27.9 Mb     0    1.002
3   136.60  12.39   4.16   154.59  18.1 Mb       1 Mb   17.3 Mb     0    1.002
4  4642.29  98.22  16.55  4763.23  82.1 Mb     1.4 Mb   63.6 Mb     0    1.005
5 12283.78 100.55  18.40 12408.22  82.8 Mb     2.1 Mb   64.5 Mb     0    1.005

  min_TESS min_BESS
1     2517     2036
2     2087     1753
3     1775     1618
4     1344     1470
5     1015      690

           gp(Days) gp(Days)*zs(Subject)    noise
Relevance 0.3096018            0.5637252 0.126673
Expected  0.3096018            0.5637252 0.126673

            gp(age) gp(age)*zs(Subject) gp(age)*zs(Sex)     noise
Relevance 0.2818898           0.4012653       0.1506231 0.1662218
Expected  0.2818898           0.4012653       0.1506231 0.1662218

             gp(age) gp(age_fast)     noise
Relevance 0.05237128    0.8587906 0.0888381
Expected  0.07648480    0.8130515 0.1104637

          gp(age)*zs(id)   gp(age) gp_vm(diseaseAge) zs(sex)*gp(age)
Relevance      0.2286768 0.1573663        0.02842119      0.03088412
Expected       0.2286768 0.1573663        0.02842119      0.03088412
            zs(group)     noise
Relevance 0.007530387 0.5471212
Expected  0.007530387 0.5471212

          gp(age)*zs(id)   gp(age) het(id)*gp_vm(diseaseAge) zs(sex)*gp(age)
Relevance     0.09591313 0.1149214                 0.2531681      0.03665491
Expected      0.09591313 0.1149214                 0.2531681      0.03665491
            zs(group)     noise
Relevance 0.003777137 0.4955653
Expected  0.003777137 0.4955653

                     file                                          rds
1         01_sleepstudy.R         test_suite_out/rds/01_sleepstudy.rds
2          02_orthodont.R          test_suite_out/rds/02_orthodont.rds
3 03_two-age-components.R test_suite_out/rds/03_two-age-components.rds
4        04_protein-liu.R        test_suite_out/rds/04_protein-liu.rds
5  05_protein-liu-heter.R  test_suite_out/rds/05_protein-liu-heter.rds

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

jtimonen/lgpr documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 11:13 p.m.