
#' News coverage reliability data set, Table 1 from Hayes & Krippendorff 2007
#' An example reliability data set from Hayes & Krippendorf (2007). It is cast
#' to_long_form, with missing observations simply not present in the dataset:
#' there are no NA in this dataset. See \code{\link{news_tone_wide}} for the
#' wide version ontaining NA.
#' From the original article:
#' \dQuote{The data for this example come from five observers who were asked to
#' evaluate the local news coverage given to the challenger running against an
#' incumbent for a political office in one of several political races. The
#' observers were given 40 news- paper articles describing the race published by
#' the largest circulation newspaper in the incumbent's district within 1 week
#' prior to the election. These 40 articles were randomly selected from the pool
#' of all articles published during that 1-week period. Observers rated whether
#' the tone of the article suggested the challenger was a sure loser (0),
#' somewhat competitive (1), competitive (2), or a likely winner (3). After
#' training, observers read and judged the articles independently. The data were
#' entered into SPSS such that each article was represented with a row in the
#' data file, and each observer's evaluation of the articles was located in the
#' columns, with the columns labeled "obs1," "obs2," "obs3," "obs4," and "obs5."
#' Thus, in this example, the data occupied a 40 (articles) x 5 (observers)
#' matrix, with each cell in the matrix containing a 0, 1, 2, 3, or a period
#' character (".") for missing judgments.}
#' TODO(jucor): Find how to cite Hayes 2007 properly with @references
#' @seealso \code{\link{news_tone_wide}}
#' @format A `data.table` with 200 rows and 3 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Unit}{Unit observed}
#' \item{Observer}{Name of the observer}
#' \item{Tone}{Tone rated by the observer, ordinal between 0 and 3}
#' }
jucor/krippendorff documentation built on May 4, 2021, 6:06 p.m.