Defines functions GetMatSeq_A fill_seq2mat readseq_rotation readseq_mat getRotation_G MatSumDiag_log compute_W_log Delta2Cov rebacca select_parallel r.TailProbs minD stability_cutoff sscore2adjmatrix Cov2Delta rebacca_adjm2corr

#------------- Start of part 1: Identify nonzero basis covariance ----------#
# a) calculate rotation matrix G #
GetMatSeq_A = function(N_seq){
  Seq_mat = matrix(0,nrow=N_seq,ncol=1/2*N_seq*(N_seq-1))
  for(i in 1:N_seq){
    Temp2 = Temp1+t(Temp1)
    S_c = numeric(0)
    for(j in 1:(N_seq-1)){
      S_c = c(S_c, Temp2[1:(N_seq-j), N_seq-j+1])
    Seq_mat[i, ] = S_c

#fill into matrix sequence
# a matrix of values storing the index of a sequence
fill_seq2mat = function(N_comb){
  K = N_comb-1
  S_k = 1
  rr = matrix(0, nrow=N_comb, ncol=N_comb)
    rr[1:K,K+1] = S_k:(K + S_k - 1)
    S_k = S_k + K
    K = K-1

# exhange index i with j
# resulting matrix of values storing the new index of sequence
readseq_rotation = function(Temp_mat, i, j){
  Temp_rr = Temp_mat
  Temp_rr[ ,i] = Temp_mat[ ,j]
  Temp_rr[ ,j] = Temp_mat[ ,i]
  Temp = Temp_rr
  Temp_rr[i, ] = Temp[j, ]
  Temp_rr[j, ] = Temp[i, ]
  Temp = Temp_rr
  Temp = t(Temp)
  Temp_rr = Temp + Temp_rr

# read values from last column of matrix, top to diagonal
readseq_mat = function(SeqMat){
  N_comb = nrow(SeqMat)
  K = N_comb-1
  r_seq = numeric(0)
    r_seq = c(r_seq, SeqMat[1:K,K+1])
    K = K-1

getRotation_G = function(N_A){
  Ncol_mat = N_A*(N_A-1)/2
  Temp_rr = matrix(0,nrow=Ncol_mat,ncol=Ncol_mat)
  #construct the first D-1 rows of equations with pairs {(D,1),...,(D,D-1)}
  Temp = matrix(rep(-1/(N_A-2),(N_A-1)*(N_A-1)),nrow=N_A-1)
  Temp1 = diag(N_A-1)+Temp
  ddA = 2/((N_A-3)*(N_A-2))
  Temp2 = matrix(ddA, nrow=N_A-1, ncol=(N_A-1)*(N_A-2)/2)
  Temp3 = -(N_A-1)/((N_A-2)*(N_A-3))*GetMatSeq_A(N_A-1)
  Temp4 = cbind(Temp1, Temp2+Temp3)
  i = N_A
  sum_i = 0
  # exchange index in a pair {(i,1),...,(i,D-1)} with {(D,1),...,(D,D-1)}
  # which is equivalent to rotate columns of matrix of Temp4
  while(i > 1){
    if(i == N_A){
      Rot_seq = 1:Ncol_mat
      Rot_seq = readseq_mat( readseq_rotation(fill_seq2mat(N_A), i, N_A) )
    # combine the rows and
    # choose only the first i-1 pairs {(i,1),...,(i,i-1)}
    Temp_rr[(sum_i+1):(sum_i+i-1), ] = Temp4[1:(i-1), Rot_seq]
    sum_i = sum_i + i - 1
    i = i - 1

# b) calculate W, the left hand side of equation (7) #
MatSumDiag_log = function(Datalog_prop){
  N_comp = nrow(Datalog_prop)
  S = matrix(0, nrow=N_comp, ncol=N_comp)
  for(i in 1:(nrow(Datalog_prop)-1)){
    for(j in i:nrow(Datalog_prop)){
      LR.temp = Datalog_prop[i,]-Datalog_prop[j,]
      S[i,j] = var(LR.temp, na.rm=T)
  S = S + t(S)
  diag(S) = NA

compute_W_log = function(Data){
  N_data = nrow(Data)

  #compute W
  K = N_data
  S_mat = MatSumDiag_log(Data)
  S_total = sum(S_mat, na.rm=T)
  S_B = S_total
  N_A = N_data-1
  N_B = N_data
  N_C = N_data-2
  N_D = N_data-1
  W = rep(0, N_data*(N_data-1)/2)
  ID2 = 0

  #vector W in the order of pair combinations
  # for K components
  # {(K,1),(K,2),(K,3),...,(K,K-1),(K-1,1),...,(K-1,K-2),...,(2,1)}
    S_A = S_B - 2*sum(S_mat[K, ], na.rm=T)
    Sigma_z1 = S_B/(2*(N_B-1))-S_A/(2*(N_A-1))
    Delta_temp = numeric(0)
    # K replaced by 10
    T_Seq = 1:N_data
    T_Seq[K] = N_data
    T_Seq = T_Seq[-N_data]
    for(i in T_Seq[1:(K-1)]){
      S_C = S_A - sum(S_mat[i,-K], na.rm=T)*2
      S_D = S_C + sum(S_mat[K,-c(K,i)], na.rm=T)*2
      Sigma_z2 = S_D/(2*(N_D-1))-S_C/(2*(N_C-1))
      Delta_temp = c(Delta_temp, 1/2*N_A*(Sigma_z2-Sigma_z1))

    ID1 = 1 + ID2
    ID2 = ID1 + K - 2
    W[ID1:ID2] = Delta_temp
    K = K - 1

# c) other functions #
#insert values delta to covariance matrix
Delta2Cov = function(N_comb, Delta){
  K = N_comb-1
  S_k = 1
  Cov_basis = matrix(0, nrow=N_comb, ncol=N_comb)
    Cov_basis[1:K,K+1] = Delta[S_k:(S_k+K-1)]
    S_k = S_k+K
    K = K-1
  Cov_basis + t(Cov_basis)

# d) rebacca Main function #
# result is basis covariance matrix and average number of selected variables by LASSO
#  used to calculated rho in equation (11)
rebacca = function(x, nbootstrap=50, N.cores = 1){
  dimx = dim(x)
  n = dimx[2]
  p = dimx[1]

  #replace zeros with minimum/10
  x_min = min(x[x!=0])
  x[x==0] = x_min/10

  # if data is not proportions, normalize the data
    x = x%*%diag(1/apply(x, 2, sum))

  #log transform
  x = log(x)

  cat("calculating rotation matrix\n")
  tempG = getRotation_G(p)

  #pre-calculate LASSO path using full data
  tempW = compute_W_log(x)
  pre.lasso = tryCatch(glmnet(tempG, tempW, alpha=1, standardize = F, intercept=F), error=function(
    e){cat("obtaining pre-LASSO fails!\n")})
  Lambda = pre.lasso$lambda

  #choose lambda path to reveal proper amount of nonzero solutions
  # maximum df = 1/2 of total variables
  q_max = 1/2*p*(p-1)/2

  Temp = which(pre.lasso$df<q_max)
  Lambda_max_id = Temp[length(Temp)]
  Lambda = Lambda[1:Lambda_max_id]

  # initial values
  freq = matrix(0, p*(p-1)/2, length(Lambda))
  qval = 0
  S_Mat = numeric(0)

  # parallel calculation
  cat("calculating LASSO with parallel bootstrapping\n")
  mc = getOption("mc.cores", N.cores)
  res = mclapply(seq_len(N.cores), select_parallel, Data=x, RotationG=tempG, Lambda=Lambda, N_boots=nbootstrap, N_cores=mc, mc.cores=mc)

  # merge all paralleled results
  # add frequencies up
  for (i in 1:length(res)){
    freq = freq + res[[i]][[1]]
    qval = qval + res[[i]][[2]]

  # normalize frequence in [0,1]
  freq = freq/(2*nbootstrap)
  qval = qval/(2*nbootstrap)

  # choose the maximum selection probability for each variable
  S_score = apply(freq, 1, max)

  # convert to matrix with significance
  RR = Delta2Cov(p, S_score)
  diag(RR) = NA

  list(Stability = RR, q = qval)

# multi-core running code
select_parallel = function(cc, Data, RotationG, Lambda, N_boots, N_cores){
  bin_size = floor(N_boots/N_cores)
  seq_start = (cc-1)*bin_size + 1
  seq_end = ifelse(cc==N_cores, N_boots, cc*bin_size)
  n = ncol(Data)
  p = nrow(Data)
  # global variable tempG and Lambda
  freq = matrix(0, p*(p-1)/2, length(Lambda))
  q_temp = 0
  j = 1

  for (i in seq_start:seq_end){
    perm = sample(n, replace=F)

    #use split-sample resampling method, stabiity selection
    #calculate W vector on each set of subsamples
    tempW1 = compute_W_log(Data[, perm[1:floor(n/2)]])
    tempW2 = compute_W_log(Data[, perm[floor(n/2):n]])

    r1 = tryCatch(glmnet(RotationG, tempW1, alpha=1, standardize = F, intercept=F, lambda = Lambda), error=function(
      e){cat("warning: fails to run LASSO")})
    r2 = tryCatch(glmnet(RotationG, tempW2, alpha=1, standardize = F, intercept=F, lambda = Lambda), error=function(
      e){cat("warning: fails to run LASSO")})

    # extract beta from lars (need transpose) or glm
    beta1 = abs(sign(r1$beta))
    beta2 = abs(sign(r2$beta))
    Temp1 = apply(beta1, 1, function(h)ifelse(sum(h)==0, 0, 1))
    Temp2 = apply(beta2, 1, function(h)ifelse(sum(h)==0, 0, 1))
    q_temp = q_temp + length(which(Temp1 != 0)) + length(which(Temp2 != 0))
    freq = freq + beta1 + beta2
    #SelectMat[ ,j] = Temp1
    j = j + 1
  list(freq, q_temp)
#------------- End of part 1: Identify nonzero basis covariance ----------#

#------------ Start of part II: Assess significance ----------#
# Use CPSS, (Shah and el. al., 2012)
# Original R code from http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~rds37/papers/r_concave_tail.R
r.TailProbs <- function(eta, B, r) {
  # TailProbs returns a vector with the tail probability for each \tau = ceil{B*2\eta}/B + 1/B,...,1
  # We return 1 for all \tau = 0, 1/B, ... , ceil{B*2\eta}/B
  MAXa <- 100000
  MINa <- 0.00001
  s <- -1/r
  etaB <- eta * B
  k_start <- (ceiling(2 * etaB) + 1)
  output <- rep(1, B)
  if(k_start > B) return(output)

  a_vec <- rep(MAXa,B)

  Find.a <- function(prev_a) uniroot(Calc.a, lower = MINa, upper = prev_a, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.75)$root
  Calc.a <- function(a) {
    denom <- sum((a + 0:k)^(-s))
    num <- sum((0:k) * (a + 0:k)^(-s))
    num / denom - etaB

  for(k in k_start:B) a_vec[k] <- Find.a(a_vec[k-1])

  OptimInt <- function(a) {
    num <- (k + 1 - etaB) * sum((a + 0:(t-1))^(-s))
    denom <- sum((k + 1 - (0:k)) * (a + 0:k)^(-s))
    1 - num / denom
  # NB this function makes use of several gloabl variables

  prev_k <- k_start
  for(t in k_start:B) {
    cur_optim <- rep(0, B)
    cur_optim[B] <- OptimInt(a_vec[B])
    if (prev_k <= (B-1)) {
      for (k in prev_k:(B-1))
        cur_optim[k] <- optimize(f=OptimInt,lower = a_vec[k+1], upper = a_vec[k], maximum  = TRUE)$objective
    output[t] <- max(cur_optim)
    prev_k <- which.max(cur_optim)

minD <- function(theta, B, r = c(-1/2, -1/4)) {
  pmin(c(rep(1, B), r.TailProbs(theta^2, B, r[1])), r.TailProbs(theta, 2*B, r[2]))
#------------ End of part II: Assess significance ----------#

#------------- Start of part III: calculating basis correlations ----------#
# We first obtain adjacency matrix based on the selected nonzero covariance given the FWER cutoff
# then we refit the nonzero covariance with least-square
# finally we convert the covariance to correlation matrix

# choose cutoff such that expected false positive rate is less than FWER (default is 0.01)
stability_cutoff = function(Stab_score, q_val, B=50, FWER=0.05){
  p = nrow(Stab_score)
  N_p = p*(p-1)/2
  Pval_ref = minD(q_val/N_p, B)

  #largest one that smaller than FWER=0.01
  Temp_select = which(Pval_ref < FWER)[1]

#convert stability score to adjacency matirx
sscore2adjmatrix = function(S_mat, alpha){
  S_mat[S_mat < alpha] = NA
  S_mat[!is.na(S_mat)] = 1
  S_mat[is.na(S_mat)] = 0

#convert cov matrix to variables
Cov2Delta = function(Cov_basis){
  N_sp = nrow(Cov_basis)
  N_p = N_sp*(N_sp-1)/2
  Delta = rep(0, N_p)
  K = N_sp - 1
  S_k = 1
    Delta[S_k:(S_k+K-1)] = Cov_basis[1:K,K+1]
    S_k = S_k+K
    K = K-1

# calculate correlation matrix from adjacency matrix
#obtain the zeros
rebacca_adjm2corr = function(Data, Adj_Mat){
  x = as.matrix(Data)
  dimx <- dim(x)
  n <- dimx[2]
  p <- dimx[1]

  #replace zeros with minimum/10
  x_min = min(x[x!=0])
  x[x==0] = x_min/10

  # if data is not proportions, normalize the data
    x = x%*%diag(1/apply(x, 2, sum))

  #log transform
  x = log(x)

  cat("calculating rotation matrix\n")
  TempG = getRotation_G(p)
  TempW = compute_W_log(x)

  cat("calculating ls fit\n")
  Temp_b0 = Cov2Delta(Adj_Mat)
  uncons_ind = which(Temp_b0==1)

  #remove columns in G that correspond the variables with zeros
  TempG2 = TempG[, uncons_ind]

  #use least square fit for nonzero variables
  Temp = lm.fit(y=TempW, x=TempG2)

  # set nonzero variables equals lm fit estimates
  Estimate_lmfit = Temp_b0
  Estimate_lmfit[uncons_ind] = Temp$coef

  #----calculate correlations----#
  cat("calculating correlation\n")
  Result_cov = Delta2Cov(p, Estimate_lmfit)

  #calculate variance
  S_mat = MatSumDiag_log(x)
  S_total = sum(S_mat, na.rm=T)

  TotalSum = (S_total + 2*sum(Result_cov))/(2*(p-1))
  Var_basis = rep(0, p)

  for(i in 1:p){
    Data_ratio =t(apply(x, 1, function(h)(h-x[i,])))
    LR_temp = diag(cov(t(Data_ratio), use="complete.obs"))
    Var_basis[i] = (sum(LR_temp) - TotalSum + 2*sum(Result_cov[i,]))/(p-2)
  diag(Result_cov) = Var_basis
  list(cov = Result_cov, corr = cov2cor(Result_cov))

#------------- End of part III: calculating basis correlations ----------#
julieklessner/cornetwork documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:22 a.m.