
Defines functions EER_alt EER_linear cllr

cllr <- function(LLR_SS, LLR_DS, log = TRUE){
  # More numerically robust implementation to work better with log LRs (using Maechler, 2012)
  # See: Maechler, M. (2012). Accurately Computing log(1-exp(-|a|)) Assessed by the Rmpfr package.

    LLR_SS <- log(LLR_SS)
    LLR_DS <- log(LLR_DS)

  cllr_SS <- mean(log1pexp(-LLR_SS)) / log(2)
  cllr_DS <- mean(log1pexp(LLR_DS)) / log(2)

  # Cllr
  c <- (cllr_SS + cllr_DS) / 2


EER_linear <- function(LR_SS, LR_DS, log = FALSE){
  # Convert to log LR if not already logged
    LR_SS <- log(LR_SS)
    LR_DS <- log(LR_DS)

  num_thresholds <- 5000
  counter <- 0
  min_threshold <- min(LR_SS, LR_DS)
  max_threshold <- max(LR_SS, LR_DS)

  if(max_threshold == Inf) max_threshold <- log(.Machine$double.xmax)
  if(min_threshold == -Inf) min_threshold <- log(.Machine$double.xmin)

  SS_corr <- numeric(num_thresholds)
  DS_corr <- SS_corr

  for(threshold in seq(from = min_threshold, to = max_threshold, length.out = num_thresholds)){
    counter <- counter + 1
    SS_corr[counter] <- sum(LR_SS > threshold)
    DS_corr[counter] <- sum(LR_DS <= threshold)

  SS_corr <- SS_corr / length(LR_SS)
  DS_corr <- DS_corr / length(LR_DS)

  diffind <- which(abs(SS_corr - DS_corr) == min(abs(SS_corr - DS_corr)))

  EER <- 1 - min(SS_corr[diffind] + DS_corr[diffind]) / 2


EER_alt <- function(LR_SS, LR_DS){
  SS_total <- length(LR_SS)
  DS_total <- length(LR_DS)

  LR_all <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(LR_SS, LR_DS, rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(SS_total, DS_total))), ncol = 2))
  LR_all <- LR_all[order(LR_all[, 1], LR_all[, 2]), ]

  LR_all$SS <- cumsum(LR_all[, 2]) / SS_total
  LR_all$DS <- 1 - cumsum(!LR_all[, 2]) / DS_total
  LR_all$ER <- (LR_all$SS + LR_all$DS) / 2

  EER <- min(LR_all$ER)
justinjhlo/fvclrr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5 p.m.