
### code chunk number 43: tabbed_notebook
window <- gwindow("gnotebook example")
notebook <- gnotebook(cont = window)

### code chunk number 44: addPage
add_a_page <- function(file_name) {
  f <- system.file(file_name, package = "ProgGUIinR")
  gtext(paste(readLines(f), collapse="\n"), cont = notebook, label = file_name)

### code chunk number 45: helpPage
lyt <- glayout(cont = notebook, horizontal = FALSE, 
               label = "Help")
lyt[1,1] <- gimage("help", dir = "stock", cont = lyt)
lyt[1,2] <- glabel(paste("To add a page:",
           "Click on a file in the left pane, and its contents",
           "are displayed in a notebook page.", sep = "\n"), 
           cont = lyt)

### code chunk number 46: set_notebook_page
svalue(notebook) <- length(notebook)
jverzani/ProgGUIinR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:17 a.m.