
## An example of actions
## gWidgets uses actions for toolbar, menubars and buttons
## this shows how actions can be enabled/disabled

w <- gwindow("Example of using actions")
gstatusbar("Powered by Rook and gWidgetsWWW", cont = w)

g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE)
l <- glabel("An example of how to manipulate actions", cont=g)
l <- glabel("(icons aren't yet hooked up)", cont=g) 

handler <- function(h,...) gmessage("called handler", parent=w)

## list of actions.
## actions need the parent argument in gWidgetsWWW, not so in other
## gWidgets
alist = list(
  new = gaction(label="new",icon="new",handler = handler, parent = w),
  open = gaction(label="open",icon="open",handler = handler, parent = w),
  save = gaction(label="save",icon="save",handler = handler, parent = w), = gaction(label="save as...",icon="save as...",handler = handler, parent = w),
  quit = gaction(label="quit",icon="quit",handler = handler, parent = w),
  cut = gaction(label="cut",icon="cut",handler = handler, parent = w),
  ok = gaction(label="ok", icon="ok", handler=handler, parent=w)

## menu bar list
mlist <- list(file = list(
                new = alist$new,
                open = alist$open,
                save = alist$save,
                "save as..." = alist$,
                quit = alist$quit
              edit = list(
                cut = alist$cut

mb <- gmenu(mlist, cont=w)
l <- glabel("Buttons can take actions too (buggy though when sharing!).", cont=g)
button_group <- ggroup(cont=g)

b <- gbutton(action = alist$ok, cont = button_group)
b1 <- gbutton("set actions as if a \"no changes yet\" state", cont =button_group,
              handler = function(h,...) {
                nms <- names(alist)
                grayThese <- c("save","","cut")
                for(i in grayThese)
                  enabled(alist[[i]]) <- FALSE
                for(i in setdiff(nms, grayThese))
                  enabled(alist[[i]]) <- TRUE

b2 <- gbutton("set actions as if \"some change\" is the  state", cont=button_group,
              handler = function(h,...) {
                nms <- names(alist)
                grayThese <- c()
                for(i in grayThese)
                  enabled(alist[[i]]) <- FALSE
                for(i in setdiff(nms, grayThese))
                  enabled(alist[[i]]) <- TRUE
jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2 documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 5:18 p.m.