
#' @name subset
#' @title Subset method for taxlist objects
#' @description
#' Subset of [taxlist-class] objects will be done applying either
#' logical operations or pattern matchings.
#' Subsets can be referred to information contained either in the slot
#' `taxonNames`, `taxonRelations` or `taxonTraits`.
#' @param x Object of class [taxlist-class].
#' @param subset Logical vector or logical operation to apply as subset.
#' @param slot Character value indicating the slot to be used for the subset.
#' @param keep_children Logical value applied to hierarchical structures.
#' @param keep_parents Logical value applied to hierarchical structures.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
#' @details
#' The argument `subset` will be applied to the slot specified in argument
#' `slot`.
#' This argument also allows partial matchings.
#' Arguments `keep_children` and `keep_parents` are applied to objects
#' including parent-child relationships.
#' When those arguments are set as `FALSE` (the default), children or parents
#' of selected taxon concepts will not be included in the subset.
#' Be aware that [subset()] won't work properly inside of function definitions.
#' @return An object of class [taxlist-class].
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu78@@gmail.com}
#' @example examples/subset.R
#' @aliases subset,taxlist-method
#' @exportMethod subset
  "subset", signature(x = "taxlist"),
  function(x, subset, slot = "names", keep_children = FALSE,
           keep_parents = FALSE, ...) {
    slot <- grep(slot[1], slotNames(x), ignore.case = TRUE)
    if (length(slot) == 0) {
      stop("Invalid value for argument 'slot'")
    slot <- slotNames(x)[slot]
    subset <- substitute(subset)
    subset <- eval(subset, slot(x, slot), parent.frame())
    if (slot %in% c("taxonNames", "taxonRelations", "taxonTraits")) {
      subset <- unique(slot(x, slot)[subset, "TaxonConceptID"])
    } else if (slot == "taxonViews") {
      subset <- unique(slot(x, slot)[subset, "ViewID"])
      subset <- x@taxonRelations[
        x@taxonRelations$ViewID %in% subset,
    z <- x
    z@taxonRelations <- x@taxonRelations[
      x@taxonRelations$TaxonConceptID %in% subset,
    z <- clean(z)
    if (keep_children) {
      z <- get_children(x, z)
    if (keep_parents) {
      z <- get_parents(x, z)
kamapu/taxlist documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 8:20 p.m.