#' @name insert_synonyms
#' @title Insert synonym to existing taxon concepts in database
#' @description
#' Adding synonyms to existing concepts in database.
#' @param conn A database connection provided by [dbConnect()].
#' @param schema Character value indicating the name of the schema containing
#' all taxonomic tables in the database.
#' @param df A data frame with new names and related information. Two columns
#' are mandatory, namely **taxon_concept_id**, **usage_name** and
#' **author_name**, both as character vectors.
#' @param clean A logical value indicating cleaning of characters.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed among methods.
#' @rdname insert_synonyms
#' @export
insert_synonyms <- function(conn, ...) {
UseMethod("insert_synonyms", conn)
#' @rdname insert_synonyms
#' @aliases insert_synonyms,PostgreSQLConnection-method
#' @export
insert_synonyms.PostgreSQLConnection <- function(conn,
schema = "plant_taxonomy",
clean = TRUE,
...) {
if (any(!c("taxon_concept_id", "usage_name", "author_name") %in%
colnames(df))) {
"Columns 'taxon_concept_id', 'usage_name' and 'author_name'",
"are mandatory in argument 'df'."
if (any(is.na(df$author_name))) {
stop("NA values are not allowed in column 'author_name' in 'df'")
if (any(duplicated(df[, c("usage_name", "author_name")]))) {
stop("Duplicated combinations detected in 'df'.")
# Clean strings
if (clean) {
df <- clean_strings(df)
# Append names
insert_names(conn, df, schema)
# Retrieve names IDs
Names <- dbGetQuery(conn, paste(
"select taxon_usage_id,usage_name,author_name",
paste0("from \"", schema, "\".taxon_names"),
"where usage_name || ' ' || author_name in ('",
paste0(paste(df$usage_name, df$author_name), collapse = "','"),
df$taxon_usage_id <- Names$taxon_usage_id[match(
with(df, paste(usage_name, author_name)),
with(Names, paste(usage_name, author_name))
df$name_status <- "synonym"
# Used usages (a name cannot appear twice in a taxonomy)
used_names <- dbGetQuery(conn, paste(
"select taxon_concept_id,taxon_usage_id",
paste0("from \"", schema, "\".names2concepts"),
"where taxon_usage_id in (",
paste0(df$taxon_usage_id, collapse = ","), ")"
if (nrow(used_names) > 0) {
used_names <- merge(used_names, dbGetQuery(
"select taxon_concept_id,top_view",
paste0("from \"", schema, "\".taxon_concepts"),
"where taxon_concept_id in (",
paste0(used_names$taxon_concept_id, collapse = ","), ")"
df <- merge(df, dbGetQuery(
"select taxon_concept_id,top_view",
paste0("from \"", schema, "\".taxon_concepts"),
"where taxon_concept_id in (",
paste0(df$taxon_concept_id, collapse = ","), ")"
df2 <- df[with(df, paste(top_view, as.character(taxon_usage_id))) %in%
with(used_names, paste(top_view, as.character(taxon_usage_id))), ]
if (nrow(df2) > 0) {
"Following synonyms will cause duplicate usages:\n'",
paste0(paste(df2$usage_name, df2$author_name, "in", df2$top_view),
collapse = "'\n'"
), "'"
# Create new IDs
tax_id <- unlist(dbGetQuery(conn, paste(
"select max(tax_id)",
paste0("from \"", schema, "\".names2concepts")
df$tax_id <- tax_id + seq_along(df$taxon_concept_id)
dbWriteTable(conn, c(schema, "names2concepts"),
df[, c("tax_id", "taxon_usage_id", "taxon_concept_id", "name_status")],
append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE
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