#' @name pg_insert_observations
#' @title Insert plots and samples in PostgreSQL
#' @description
#' Plots and records of species in the plots will be jointly inserted in a
#' PostgreSQL database, whereby a series of checks will be carried out previous
#' to insert the data.
#' This function carry out a series of checks on the input data previous to
#' import them in the database (if not errored). The variable 'original_number'
#' will be used for cross-check identities of entries in samples and in header.
#' Connection to taxa via 'TaxonUsageID'.
#' @param conn A database connection provided by \code{\link[DBI]{dbConnect}}.
#' @param samples A data frame including records of species in plots. Columns
#' 'ReleveID' and 'TaxonUsageID' are mandatory in this object.
#' @param header An object of class [sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame-class] including
#' the information on the plots. In the attribute table the columns 'ReleveID'
#' and 'original_number' are mandatory.
#' @param names2concepts,db_samples,db_header Character vectors including the
#' name of the respective schema and table in database.
#' @param geom Character value indicating the name of the geometry variable in
#' the database.
#' @param ... Further arguments (not yet in use).
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu78@@gmail.com}
#' @rdname pg_insert_observations
#' @export
pg_insert_observations <- function(conn, ...) {
UseMethod("pg_insert_observations", conn)
#' @rdname pg_insert_observations
#' @aliases pg_insert_observations,PostgreSQLConnection-method
#' @export
pg_insert_observations.PostgreSQLConnection <- function(conn, samples, header,
db_samples, db_header,
geom, ...) {
# Control occurrence of variables
if (!all(c("ReleveID", "TaxonUsageID") %in% colnames(samples))) {
stop("'ReleveID' and 'TaxonUsageID' are mandatory variables in 'samples'.")
if (!all(c("ReleveID", "original_number") %in% colnames(header@data))) {
"'ReleveID' and 'original_number' are mandatory variables",
"in 'header'."
# Check uniqueness in IDs
if (any(duplicated(header$ReleveID))) {
stop("Values of 'ReleveID' in 'header' have to be unique")
if (any(duplicated(header$original_number))) {
stop("Values of 'original_number' in 'header' have to be unique")
# Check missmatchings on releve IDs
if (!all(header$ReleveID %in% samples$ReleveID)) {
stop("Some values of 'ReleveID' are missing in 'samples'.")
if (!all(samples$ReleveID %in% header$ReleveID)) {
stop("Some values of 'ReleveID' are missing in 'header'.")
# Check missmatchings with taxon usage IDs
SQL <- paste0(
"SELECT \"TaxonUsageID\"\n",
"FROM \"", paste(names2concepts, collapse = "\".\""), "\";\n"
usage_id <- dbGetQuery(conn, SQL)[, 1]
if (any(!samples$TaxonUsageID %in% samples$TaxonUsageID)) {
"Some of the values of 'TaxonUsageID' in 'samples' are absent",
"in the database."
# Column names in database
description <- get_description(conn)
if (any(!colnames(samples) %in%
description$schema == db_samples[1] &
description$table == db_samples[2],
])) {
stop("Some variables from 'samples' are not in database.")
if (any(!colnames(header@data) %in%
description$schema == db_header[1] &
description$table == db_header[2],
])) {
stop("Some variables from 'samples' are not in database.")
# End of checks
SQL <- paste0(
"SELECT MAX(\"ReleveID\")\n",
"FROM \"", paste(db_header, collapse = "\".\""), "\";\n"
N <- unlist(dbGetQuery(conn, SQL))
# Import of header
old_id <- header$ReleveID
header@data <- header@data[, colnames(header@data) != "ReleveID"]
pgInsert(conn, db_header, header, geom)
# Retrieve new codes
SQL <- paste0(
"SELECT \"ReleveID\",original_number", "\n",
"FROM \"", paste(db_header, collapse = "\".\""), "\"\n",
"WHERE \"ReleveID\" > ", N, ";\n"
ref_ids <- dbGetQuery(conn, SQL)
new_id <- with(ref_ids, ReleveID[match(
samples$ReleveID <- new_id[match(samples$ReleveID, old_id)]
pgInsert(conn, db_samples, samples)
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