
Defines functions email_vars

Documented in email_vars

#' Title Extract features form email address, name and surname
#' @param x - a data.frame object with email address, name and surname.
#' @param address - column's name with email address
#' @param name - column's name with email's owner name
#' @param surname - column's name with of email's owner surname
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
email_vars <- function(x, address, name, surname) {

  vars <- c(address, name, surname)
  x <- x[, vars]

  # checking condtitions

  if (!is.data.frame(x))
    stop("object x must be a data.frame!")

  if (!all(sapply(x, class) %in% c("factor", "character")))
    stop("Variables must be factors or characters!")

  if (!all(grepl("^[[:alnum:].-_]+@[[:alnum:].-]+$", x[,address])))
    warning("Your data contains not validated emails!")

  # converting name and surname to LATIN-ASCII and trim

  x[, name] <- stringi::stri_trans_general(x[, name], "LATIN-ASCII")
  x[, surname] <- stringi::stri_trans_general(x[,surname], "LATIN-ASCII")
  x[, name] <- stringi::stri_trim_both(x[, name])
  x[, surname] <- stringi::stri_trim_both(x[, surname])

  # making features based on email, name and surname

  stri_opts <- stringi::stri_opts_fixed(case_insensitive = TRUE)

  output<- data.frame(address = x[ , address],
                      email_name = stringi::stri_detect_fixed(x[, address], x[, name], opts_fixed = stri_opts),
                      email_surname = stringi::stri_detect_fixed(x[, address], x[, surname], opts_fixed = stri_opts),
                      email_both = stringi::stri_detect_fixed(x[, address], x[, name], opts_fixed = stri_opts) &
                                   stringi::stri_detect_fixed(x[, address], x[, surname], opts_fixed = stri_opts)
                     # email_variable = NULL

  output$email_variable <- ifelse(output[, "email_both"] == TRUE, 'name and surname',
    ifelse(output[, "email_surname"] == TRUE, 'only surname',
           ifelse(output[, "email_name"] == TRUE, 'only name', "any")

  ix_na <- is.na(output$address)
  vars_output <- c("email_name", "email_surname", "email_both")

  output[!ix_na, vars_output] <- as.data.frame(
    sapply(output[!ix_na, vars_output], function(x) ifelse(x == TRUE, "Yes", "No")),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  output[ix_na, c(vars_output, "email_variable")] <- "email doesn't exist"

  output <- as.data.frame(sapply(output, as.factor))


karabanb/BKmisc documentation built on March 29, 2021, 7:56 a.m.