new_GPPM <- function(mFormula,cFormula,myData,control){

    mFormula=mFormula, #formula for the mean
    cFormula=cFormula, #formula for the covariance
    data=myData,       #data must be a data frame
    control=control,    #list of controls
    parsedModel=NA,    #model in a parsed format
    dataForStan=NA,    #data as used for stan
    stanModel=NA,      #generated stan Model
    stanOut =NA,       #stan output
    fitRes=NA          #all the fitting results

#' Define a Gaussian process panel model
#' This function is used to specify a Gaussian process panel model (GPPM),
#' which can then be fit using \code{\link{fit.GPPM}}.
#' @param mFormula character string. Contains the specification of the mean function. See details for more information.
#' @param cFormula character string. Contains the specification of the covariance function. See details for more information.
#' @param myData data frame. Contains the data to which the model is fitted. Must be in the long-format.
#' @param ID character string. Contains the column label in myData which describes the subject ID.
#' @param DV character string. Contains the column label in myData which contains the to be modeled variable.
#' @param control object of class GPPMControl. Used for storing technical settings. Default should only be changed by advanced users. Generated via \code{\link{gppmControl}}.
#' @return A (unfitted) Gaussian process panel model, which is an object of class 'GPPM'
#' @details
#' mFormula and cFormula contain the specification of the mean and the covariance function respectively.
#' These formulas are defined using character strings. Within these strings there are four basic elements:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item Parameters
#'   \item Functions and operators
#'   \item References to observed variables in the data frame myData
#'    \item Mathematical constants
#' }
#' The gppm function automatically recognizes which part of the string refers to which elements. To be able to do this certain relatively common rules need to be followed:
#' Parameters: Parameters may not have the same name as any of the columns in myData to avoid confusing them with a reference to an observed variable.
#'  Furthermore, to avoid confusing them with functions, operators, or constants, parameter labels must always begin with a lower case letter and only contain letters and digits.
#' Functions and operators: All functions and operators that are supported by stan can be used; see \url{http://mc-stan.org/users/documentation/} for a full list. In general, all basic operators and functions are supported.
#' References: A reference must be the same as one of the elements of the output of \code{names(myData)}. For references, the same rules apply as for parameters. That is, the column names of myData may only contain letters and digits and must start with a letter.
#' Constants: Again, all constants that are supported by stan can be used and in general the constants are available by their usual name.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit.GPPM}} for how to fit a GPPM
#' @examples
#' # Defintion of a latent growth curve model
#' \donttest{
#' data("demoLGCM")
#' lgcm <- gppm('muI+muS*t','varI+covIS*(t+t#)+varS*t*t#+(t==t#)*sigma',
#'         demoLGCM,'ID','y')
#' }
#' @import rstan
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggthemes
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom mvtnorm dmvnorm
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
gppm <- function(mFormula,cFormula,myData,ID,DV,control=gppmControl()){
  myData <- as_LongData(myData,ID,DV)

  theModel <- new_GPPM(mFormula,cFormula,myData,control)
  theModel$dataForStan <- as_StanData(myData)
  theModel$parsedModel <- parseModel(theModel$mFormula,theModel$cFormula,theModel$dataForStan)
  theModel$stanModel <- toStan(theModel$parsedModel,control)

subsetData <- function(gpModel,rowIdxs){
  newModel <- gpModel
  newModel$data <- gpModel$data[rowIdxs,]
  newModel$dataForStan <- as_StanData(newModel$data)

updateData <- function(gpModel,newData){
  newModel <- gpModel
  oldData <- datas(newModel)
  newModel$data <- as_LongData(newData,getID(oldData),getDV(oldData))
  newModel$dataForStan <- as_StanData(newModel$data)

validate_gppm <- function(mFormula,cFormula,myData,control){
  ID <- attr(myData,'ID')
  DV <- attr(myData,'DV')
  #type checks
  if (!is.character(mFormula)){
    stop('mFormula must contain a string')
  } else if(length(mFormula)!=1){


  if (!(is.character(cFormula)&& length(cFormula)==1)){
    stop('cFormula must contain a string')

  if (!is.data.frame(myData)){
    stop('myData must be a data frame')

  if (!(is.character(ID))){
    stop('ID must contain a string')

  if (!is.character(DV)){
    stop('DV must contain a string')

  if (!class(control)=='GPPMControl'){
    stop('control must be of class GPPMControl')

  varNames <- names(myData)
  allValid <- grepl("^[A-Za-z]+[0-9A-Za-z]*$",varNames)
  if (any(!allValid)){
    stop(sprintf('Invalid variable name %s in your data frame. See ?gppm for naming conventions\n',varNames[!allValid]))

  if (!"longData" %in% class(myData)){
    if (!ID %in% names(myData)){
      stop(sprintf('ID variable %s not in data frame',ID))

    if (!DV %in% names(myData)){
      stop(sprintf('DV variable %s not in data frame',DV))
karchjd/gppmr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:05 a.m.