
Defines functions klDivergence helperCreateMatrixNice frobeniusNorm

#### kl divergence ####

## cov2 has to be invertible
klDivergence <- function(cov1, cov2){
  ## natural log
  wantT <- solve(cov2) %*% cov1
  log(det(cov2)/det(cov1))/2 - nrow(cov1)/2 + sum(diag(wantT))/2

## this isn't going to work for low rank matrices, not invertible

helperCreateMatrixNice <- function(sparsity, signal, d) {
  precision.mat <- diag(d)
  precision.mat[upper.tri(precision.mat)] <- signal * (runif(d * (d - 1) / 2) < sparsity)
  precision.mat <- precision.mat + t(precision.mat)
  ## Check Pos-Def
  eig <- eigen(precision.mat)
  if (sum(eig$values > 0) < d) {
    precision.mat <- nearPD(precision.mat) ## adjust if not pos-def
    # eig <- eigen(precision.mat$mat) # can print to see what's happening
  } else {
    # eig <- eigen(precision.mat)

klDivergence(helperCreateMatrixNice(0.5, 0.5, 5), helperCreateMatrixNice(0.5, 0.5, 5))

## common sense checks 
test = helperCreateMatrixNice(0.5, 0.5, 5)
test2 = test
test3 = test2
klDivergence(test, test)
klDivergence(test, test2)
klDivergence(test, test3)

#### frobenius norm ####

## probably not technically the frobenius norm, but inspired by it

frobeniusNorm <- function(estimatedMat, truthMat){
  sqrt(sum(abs(truthMat - estimatedMat)))

frobeniusNorm(matrix(rnorm(25), 5, 5),  matrix(rnorm(25), 5, 5))

test = matrix(rnorm(25), 5, 5)
test2 = test
frobeniusNorm(test, test)
frobeniusNorm(test, test2)

#### communalities - IN PROGRESS ####

# look at factor loadings
## How many species have substantial loading on each factor
## communality: sum of squared factor loadings per item (species)

# load("test_data/testMats_correctlySpecified.RData")
# trueMats[[1]]
# quantile(c(trueMats[[1]]),.25)
# checkCommunality <- function(mat){
#   threshold = quantile(c(mat),.25)
#   substantial = apply(mat, 1, function(x){length(which(x>threshold))/length(x)})
#   communality = apply(mat, 1, function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))})
#   return(list(substantial = substantial, communality = communality))
# }
# corV = lapply(trueMats, cov2cor) ## why are all the one factor matrices all 1s in correlation?
# check = lapply(corV,checkCommunality)
# comm = lapply(check, function(x){x$communality})
# ## ok now is this the thing I actually want?
# substantial = lapply(check, function(x){x$substantial})
# require(corpcor)
karinorman/communityDimensions documentation built on Jan. 22, 2020, 6:59 p.m.