
Defines functions pg_add_foreign_key pg_add_primary_key pg_vacuum .pg_assert_existence pg_add_index explain_analyze

Documented in explain_analyze pg_add_foreign_key pg_add_index pg_add_primary_key pg_vacuum

#' EXPLAIN and ANALYZE the current query
#' @param x SQL query to explan and analyze
#' @param ... Unused, included for compatability with [dplyr::explain()]
#' @return x, invisibly
#' Note that this is much more expensive than `explain()`
#' @export
explain_analyze <- function(x, ...) {
  # Just like dplyr::explain, but pipe-able and optionally running EXPLAIN ANALYZE
  stopifnot('tbl_sql' %in% class(x))
  exsql <- dbplyr::build_sql(dbplyr::sql('EXPLAIN ANALYZE '), dbplyr::sql_render(x))
  expl_raw <- DBI::dbGetQuery(x$src$con, exsql)
  expl <- paste(expl_raw[[1]], collapse = "\n")

  message("<PLAN>\n", expl)

#' Create an index
#' @param con A DBI connection to a postgresql database
#' @param table_name The name of a table in the postgresql database
#' @param indexed_col Columns or an expression on columns to index
#' @param unique_index Force index to be unique?
#' @param drop_existing Drop index if it already exists?
#' @return The name of the created index
#' Note, postgres is smart enough that you don't need to index a column that's
#' already unique, but if you want to ALTER TABLE to make a primary key, you
#' have to start with a unique index.
#' @export
pg_add_index <- function(con, table_name, indexed_col, unique_index = FALSE,
                         drop_existing = FALSE) {
  # This function is here so I don't have to remember the SQL index syntax and so I
  # don't do anything too dumb. However, it definitely isn't safe or sanitized.
  # Obviously don't expose it to anyone malicious.

  stopifnot(length(table_name) == 1, length(indexed_col) >= 1)
  # Doesn't work with temp tables.  Instead, just rely on SQL to complain.
  # .pg_assert_existence(con, table_name, indexed_col)
  indexed_col_names <- gsub(".", "_", make.names(indexed_col), fixed = TRUE)
  index_name <- paste0(paste(indexed_col_names, collapse = "_"), "_index")
  index_name <- gsub("_+", "_", index_name, perl = TRUE)
  # TODO: This isn't exactly right, because substr selects characters, not bytes
  index_name <- substr(index_name, 1, 63)

  if (unique_index) {
    # fillfactor to 100 because I'm never adding rows
    statement <- "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ?index_name on ?table_name (?index_spec) WITH (fillfactor = 100)"
  } else {
    statement <- "CREATE INDEX ?index_name on ?table_name (?index_spec) WITH (fillfactor = 100)"
  if (drop_existing) {
    drop_cmd <- DBI::sqlInterpolate(con, "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ?index_name",
      index_name = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, index_name))
    drop_res <- DBI::dbSendStatement(con, drop_cmd)
  # If there are multiple columns, make a comma-separated list. Quote each name,
  # then paste them together with commas, then mark them as not needing
  # additional quoting. There must be a better way to do this.
  indexed_col <- purrr::map_chr(indexed_col, DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier, conn = con)
  index_spec <- DBI::SQL(paste(indexed_col, collapse = ", "))
  # Note that prepared statements can't be used here because postgres doesn't
  # spport them for CREATE statements.
  filled_statement <- DBI::sqlInterpolate(con, statement,
    table_name = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table_name),
    index_spec = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, index_spec),
    index_name = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, index_name))
  res <- DBI::dbSendStatement(con, filled_statement)

#' Assert the existance of a table, and optionally, columns
#' @param con A DBI connection to a postgresql database
#' @param table_name The name of a table in the postgresql database
#' @param col_name Column names to check. Default doesn't check any.
#' @return Nothing
#' @noRd
.pg_assert_existence <- function(con, table_name, col_name = NULL) {
  # TODO: can I make this work for temporary tables?
  if (! DBI::dbExistsTable(con, table_name)) {
    err_msg <- sprintf("Table name '%s' is not in the database", table_name)
  if (! is.null(col_name)) {
    known_cols <- DBI::dbListFields(con, table_name)
    if(! all(col_name %in% known_cols)) {
      unknown_cols <- setdiff(col_name, known_cols)
      column_columns <- if (length(unknown_cols) > 1) "Columns" else "Column"
      unknown_cols_str <- paste(unknown_cols, collapse=", ")
      err_msg <- sprintf("%s %s not found in table '%s'.",
                         column_columns, unknown_cols_str, table_name)

#' Run the VACUUM command, and maybe ANALYZE too.
#' @param con A DBI connection to a postgresql database
#' @param table_name The name of a table in the postgresql database (
#'   (The default processes all tables in the database)
#' @param analyze Run ANALYZE too? (Default TRUE)
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
pg_vacuum <- function(con, table_name = NULL, analyze = TRUE) {
  if (analyze) {
    sql_cmd <- "VACUUM FREEZE ANALYZE"
  } else {
    sql_cmd <- "VACUUM FREEZE"
  if (!is.null(table_name)) {
    stopifnot(length(table_name) == 1)
    # default w/o table name is all tables in database
    .pg_assert_existence(con, table_name)
    sql_cmd <- paste(sql_cmd, DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table_name))
  # TODO: It would be better to use dbBind than this paste nonsense
  res <- DBI::dbSendStatement(con, sql_cmd)

#' Add a primary key
#' @param con A DBI connection to a postgresql database
#' @param table_name The name of a table in the postgresql database
#' @param key_col The column to use as the primary key
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
pg_add_primary_key <- function(con, table_name, key_col) {
  stopifnot(length(table_name) == 1, length(key_col) >= 1)
  existing_index <- pg_add_index(con, table_name, key_col, unique_index = TRUE)
  sql_cmd <- DBI::sqlInterpolate(con,
    "ALTER TABLE ?table_name ADD PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX ?index_name",
    table_name = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table_name),
    index_name = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, existing_index))
  res <- DBI::dbSendStatement(con, sql_cmd)

#' Add a foreign key
#' @param con A DBI connection to a postgresql database
#' @param table_name The name of a table in the postgresql database
#' @param column_name The column to put the foreign key constraint on
#' @param reftable The name of the table providing the foreign key constraint
#' @param refcolumn The name of the column providing the foreign key constraint
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
pg_add_foreign_key <- function(con, table_name, column_name, reftable, refcolumn) {
  .pg_assert_existence(con, table_name, column_name)
  .pg_assert_existence(con, reftable, refcolumn)
  sql_cmd <- DBI::sqlInterpolate(con,
    "ALTER TABLE ?table_name ADD FOREIGN KEY (?column_name) REFERENCES ?reftable (?refcolumn)",
    table_name  = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table_name),
    column_name = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, column_name),
    reftable    = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, reftable),
    refcolumn   = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(con, refcolumn))
  res <- DBI::dbSendStatement(con, sql_cmd)
karldw/kdw.junk documentation built on Sept. 8, 2021, 9:30 p.m.