
#' Specifies the Host URL of the API to Use
#' A helper function to conveniently switch different APIs.
#' @param instring Either "kobo", "kobohr", "ona", or a custom (full) URL.
#' @return A single string with the URL to use.
#' @note API URLs are made available for KoBo Toolbox ("kobo",
#' \url{https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/api/v1/}), KoBo Humanitarian Response
#' ("kobohr", \url{https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v1/}), and Ona
#' ("ona", \url{https://ona.io/api/v1/}). For your own installation, or other
#' installations using the same API but accessed at a different URL,
#' enter the full URL.
#' @author Ananda Mahto
#' @note This function is not intended to be called directly.
#' It is used in other functions.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' host("kobo")
#' host("https://ona.io/api/v1/") ## same as host("ona")
#' }
host <- function(instring) {
  if (instring %in% c("kobo", "kobohr", "ona")) {
           kobo = "https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/api/v1/",
           kobohr = "https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v1/",
           ona = "https://ona.io/api/v1/")
  } else {

#' Helper Function for GET, Depending on Whether Authentication is Required
#' Adds basic level authentication if provided.
#' @param user string of length 1 or 2 with user details
#' @param URL The URL to be passed to curl
#' @note This function is not intended to be called directly.
#' It is used in other functions.
#' @author Ananda Mahto
get_me <- function(user, URL) {
  if (is.null(user)) {
    GET(URL, progress())
  } else {
    u <- pwd_parse(user)
    GET(URL, authenticate(u$username, u$password), progress())

#' Helper Function to Parse a String to be Used as a Username/Password Combination
#' Converts a string of length 1 or of length 2 into a list that can then be
#' passed on to the \code{authenticate} function from the "httr" package.
#' @param \dots A single string, character vetor, or list containing the
#' username and password that should be used. If it is a single string, it
#' should be in the form of "username:password".
#' @note This function is not intended to be called directly.
#' It is used in other functions.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pwd_parse("username", "password")
#' pwd_parse("username:password")
#' pwd_parse(c("username", "password"))
#' }
#' @author Ananda Mahto
pwd_parse <- function(...) {
  upw <- unlist(list(...))
  nam <- c("username", "password")
  auth <- {
    if (length(upw) == 1) {
      unlist(strsplit(upw, ":", TRUE))
    } else {
      if (length(upw) > 2) {
        message("More than two values supplied. Using only first two values.")
      } else {
  setNames(as.list(auth), nam)

#' @name kobo_time_parser
#' @rdname kobo_time_parser
#' @title Parses Dates from KoBo Into a More Usable Format
#' @description The date/time values in KoBo usually get stored in a format
#' like the following: "2015-08-27T13:28:29.000+06:30". These functions
#' process these date/times into more usable formats.
#' @param instring A date/time format coming from KoBo.
#' @param timezone A valid timezone, available in the list available
#' from \code{\link[base:OlsonNames]{OlsonNames}}.
#' @return The \code{kobo_time_parser_UTC} function returns a POSIXct object,
#' while the \code{kobo_time_parser} function returns a formatted character
#' string that can be easily parsed as a date/time object.
#' @author Ananda Mahto

#' @rdname kobo_time_parser
#' @examples
#' TIME <- "2015-08-27T13:28:29.000+06:30"
#' kobo_time_parser_UTC(TIME)
#' @export kobo_time_parser_UTC
#' @aliases kobo_time_parser_UTC
kobo_time_parser_UTC <- function(instring) {
  tmp <- gsub("\\.\\d{3}|:", "", instring)
  tmp <- chartr(" ", "0", format(tmp, justify = "left", width = 22))
  as.POSIXct(strptime(tmp, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%z", tz = "UTC"))

#' @rdname kobo_time_parser
#' @examples
#' kobo_time_parser(TIME)
#' kobo_time_parser(TIME, timezone = "Asia/Rangoon")
#' kobo_time_parser(TIME, timezone = "America/Los_Angeles")
#' @aliases kobo_time_parser
#' @export kobo_time_parser
kobo_time_parser <- function(instring, timezone = Sys.timezone()) {
  format(kobo_time_parser_UTC(instring), tz = timezone, usetz = TRUE)
karpadev/kobo-for-shinyio documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:14 p.m.