
Defines functions surv_fit

Documented in surv_fit

#' @include utilities.R surv_group_by.R
#' Create Survival Curves
#' @description Wrapper arround the standard \link[survival]{survfit}() function to create
#'   survival curves. Compared to the standard \link[survival]{survfit}() function, it supports also:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item a list of data sets and/or a list of formulas,
#'   \item a grouped data sets as generated by the function \link{surv_group_by},
#'   \item group.by option
#'   }
#'   There are many cases, where this function might be useful:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{Case 1: One formula and One data set}.
#'   Example: You want to fit the survival curves of one biomarker/gene in a given data set.
#'   This is the same as the standard \link[survival]{survfit}() function. Returns one survfit object.
#'   \item \strong{Case 2: List of formulas and One data set}.
#'   Example: You want to fit the survival curves of a list of biormarkers/genes in the same data set.
#'   Returns a named list of survfit objects in the same order as formulas.
#'   \item \strong{Case 3: One formula and List of data sets}.
#'   Example: You want to fit survival curves of one biomarker/gene in multiple cohort of patients (colon, lung, breast).
#'   Returns a named list of survfit objects in the same order as the data sets.
#'   \item \strong{Case 4: List of formulas and List of data sets}.
#'   Example: You want to fit survival curves of multiple biomarkers/genes in multiple cohort of patients (colon, lung, breast).
#'   Each formula will be applied to each of the data set in the data list.
#'   Returns a named list of survfit objects.
#'   \item \strong{Case 5: One formula and grouped data sets by one or two variables}.
#'    Example: One might like to plot the survival curves of patients
#'    treated by drug A vs patients treated by drug B in a dataset grouped by TP53 and/or RAS mutations.
#'    In this case use the argument \code{group.by}. Returns a named list of survfit objects.
#'   \item \strong{Case 6}. In a rare case you might have a list of formulas and a list of data sets, and
#'   you might want to \strong{apply each formula to the mathcing data set with the same index/position in the list}.
#'   For example formula1 is applied to data 1, formula2 is applied to data 2, and so on ...
#'   In this case formula and data lists should have the same length and you should specify the argument match.fd = TRUE ( stands for match formula and data).
#'   Returns a named list of survfit objects.
#'   }
#'   The output of the \code{surv_fit}() function can be directly handled by the following functions:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \link{ggsurvplot}()
#'   \item \link{surv_pvalue}()
#'   \item \link{surv_median}()
#'   }
#'  These functions return one element or a list of elements depending on the format of the input.
#' @param formula survival formula. See \link[survival]{survfit.formula}. Can be a list of formula. Named lists are recommended.
#' @param data a data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the formula.
#' Can be a list of data sets. Named lists are recommended.
#' Can be also a grouped dataset as generated by the function \link{surv_group_by}().
#' @param group.by a grouping variables to group the data set by.
#' A character vector containing the name of grouping variables. Should be of length <= 2.
#' @param match.fd logical value. Default is FALSE. Stands for "match formula and data".
#' Useful only when you have a list of formulas and a list of data sets, and
#'   you want to apply each formula to the matching data set with the same index/position in the list.
#'   For example formula1 is applied to data 1, formula2 is applied to data 2, and so on ....
#'   In this case use match.fd = TRUE.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to the \link[survival]{survfit.formula} function.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item Returns an object of class survfit if one formula and one data set provided.
#' \item Returns a named list of survfit objects when input is a list of formulas and/or data sets.
#' The same holds true when grouped data sets are provided or when the argument \code{group.by} is specified.
#' \itemize{
#' \item If the names of formula and data lists are available,
#' the names of the resulting survfit objects list are obtained by collapsing the names of formula and data lists.
#' \item If the formula names are not available, the variables in the formulas are extracted and used to build the name of survfit object.
#' \item In the case of grouped data sets, the names of survfit object list are obtained by
#' collapsing the levels of grouping variables and the names of variables in the survival curve formulas.
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' library("survival")
#' library("magrittr")
#'# Case 1: One formula and One data set
#'fit <- surv_fit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex,
#'                data = colon)
#'# Case 2: List of formulas and One data set.
#'#   - Different formulas are applied to the same data set
#'#   - Returns a (named) list of survfit objects
#'# Create a named list of formulas
#'formulas <- list(
#'  sex = Surv(time, status) ~ sex,
#'  rx = Surv(time, status) ~ rx
#'# Fit survival curves for each formula
#'fit <- surv_fit(formulas, data = colon)
#'# Case 3: One formula and List of data sets
#'fit <- surv_fit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex,
#'                data = list(colon, lung))
#'# Case 4: List of formulas and List of data sets
#'#  - Each formula is applied to each of the data in the data list
#'#  - argument: match.fd = FALSE
#'# Create two data sets
#'colon1 <- dplyr::sample_frac(colon, 1/2)
#'colon2 <- dplyr::sample_frac(colon, 1/2)
#'# Create a named list of formulas
#'formula.list <- list(
#'  sex = Surv(time, status) ~ sex,
#'  adhere = Surv(time, status) ~ adhere,
#'  rx = Surv(time, status) ~ rx
#'# Fit survival curves
#'fit <- surv_fit(formula.list, data = list(colon1, colon2),
#'                match.fd = FALSE)
#'# Grouped survfit
#'# - Group by the treatment "rx" and fit survival curves on each subset
#'# - Returns a list of survfit objects
#'fit <- surv_fit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex,
#'                data = colon, group.by = "rx")
#'# Alternatively, do this
#'fit <- colon %>%
#'  surv_group_by("rx") %>%
#'  surv_fit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = .)
#' @rdname surv_fit
#' @export
surv_fit <- function(formula, data, group.by = NULL, match.fd = FALSE, ...){

  . <- NULL # used in pipes
  input_data <- data

  if(inherits(data, c("surv_group_by", "list")) & !is.null(group.by))
    stop("The dataset is already grouped. ",
         "Therefore, you don't need to specify group.by.")

  # Grouped data sets by one or two grouping variables
  if(.is_grouped_data(data) )
    data <- input_data <- data$data
  else if(!is.null(group.by))
    data <- input_data <- surv_group_by(data, group.by) %>%

  # List of formulas and List of data sets with match.fd = TRUE
  # They should have the same length.
  # Each formula is applied to each data set of the same index
  if(.is_list (formula) & .is_list (data) & match.fd){

    if(length(formula) != length(data))
      stop("When formula and data are lists, ",
           "they should have the same length")

    res <- purrr::map2(formula, data, .survfit1,  ...)


  # List of formulas and List of data sets with match.fd = FALSE
  # Map each formula to each of the  data in the data lists ==> returns a list of survfit objects for each formula
  # Combine all lists to one single list
  else if(.is_list (formula) & .is_list (data) & !match.fd){

    .map_each <- function(formula, data){
      purrr::map(data, .survfit2, formula, ...)
    res <- purrr::map(formula, .map_each , data) %>%

  # List of formulas and One data set
  # Differents formula are applied to the same data set
  else if(.is_list (formula) & !.is_list (data)){
    res <- purrr::map(formula, .survfit1, data, ...)

  # One formula and List of data sets
  # The same formula is applied to multiple data sets
  else if(!.is_list (formula) & .is_list (data)){
    res <- map(data, .survfit2, formula, ...)

  # Standard survfit
    res <- .survfit1(formula, data, ...)

  # Name of survfit objects list
  # Names are obtained by collapsing data and formula names

  # Data names
  # If users provide a named list (ex: list(colon = colon, lung = lung)), things are easy: DNAME <- names(data.list)
  # But, if user provide list(colon, lung), then we need to extract DNAME by using deparse() and substitute
    DNAME <- names(data)
    if(is.null(DNAME) & !.is_grouped_data(input_data)){
      DNAME <-  deparse(substitute(data)) %>%
        as.character() %>% gsub("list\\(|\\)", "", .) %>%
        strsplit(., ",\\s*", perl = TRUE) %>% unlist()
  else DNAME <- deparse(substitute(data))

  # Formula names
  FNAME <- .get_formula_names(formula)

  if(.is_list (formula) & .is_list (data) & !match.fd){
    # We need to 1) repeat each formula name as many times as the length of data list
    # 2) repeat all data names as many times as the lentgh of formulas list ===>
    # All the possible combinations ordered by formula: d1::f1, d2::f1, d3::f1; d1::f2, d2::f2, ...
    nf <- length(formula)
    ndata <- length(data)
    FNAME <- rep(FNAME, each = ndata )
    DNAME <- rep(DNAME, nf)

  if(.is_list(data) | .is_list(formula))
    names(res) <- .collapse(DNAME, FNAME, sep = "::")


# Helper functions

# Returns a list of valid survfit options
.valid_survfit_options <- function(formula, data, ...){

  .dots <- list(...)
  survoptions <- list( formula = formula, data = data)

  allowed.options <- c("weights", "subset", "na.action",
                       "etype", "id", "istate",
                       "type", "error", "conf.type",
                       "conf.lower", "start.time", "conf.int",
                       "se.fit", "influence")

  for(argument in names(.dots)){

    if(argument %in% allowed.options)
      survoptions[[argument]] <- .dots[[argument]]

# .survfit1(): formula is the first argument
.survfit1 <- function(formula, data, ...){
  res <- do.call(survfit, .valid_survfit_options(formula, data, ...))
  structure(res, class = "survfit")

# Formula is the second argument
.survfit2 <- function(data, formula, ...){
  res <- do.call(survfit, .valid_survfit_options(formula, data, ...))
  structure(res, class = "survfit")
kassambara/survminer documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 4:11 a.m.