Man pages for kauralasoo/reviseAnnotations
What the package does (short line)

basesDifferentCalculate the number of bases that are different between two...
constructAlternativeEventsConstruct alternative transcription events form a list of...
dataFrameToGRangesConvert a data frame into a GRanges object
extendSingleTranscriptExtend a single transcript in one direction using exons from...
extendTranscriptsPerGeneExtend truncated transcripts to the longest annotated...
extractGeneDataExtract gene-specifc data from annotations data frame and...
filterTranscriptMetadataPrepare transcript metadata before extending truncated...
indentifyAddedRemovedRegionsIdentify regions that are specific to one of the two...
listIntersectCalculate the intersection of a GRangesList object
listUnionCalculate the union of a GRangesList object
makeGeneTranscriptFromExonsConstruct gene or transcript annotations from exon...
markLongestGencodeTranscriptFor each gene in a gene metadata data frame, mark the...
markLongestTranscriptsFor each gene in a gene metadata data frame, mark the...
mergeByMaxDifferenceIf two transcripts in a GRanges list a are not sufficiently...
replaceExtendedTranscriptsReplace extended trancripts in gene-specific data list.
transcriptsToAnnotationsConvert list of exons to a transcript annotations that can be...
kauralasoo/reviseAnnotations documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:41 a.m.