
Defines functions coef.AccurateGLM

Documented in coef.AccurateGLM

# calculate deviances for AGLM
# written by Kenji Kondo @ 2019/1/3

#' Extract coefficients from an AccurateGLM object.
#' @param model An AccurateGLM object.
#' @param s  Value(s) of the penalty parameter `lambda` at which predictions are required.
#'   Default is the entire sequence used to create the model.
#' @param ... Other arguments are passed directly to `deviance` functions of `model@backend_models`.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
coef.AccurateGLM <- function(model, index=NULL, name=NULL, s=NULL, exact=FALSE, ...) {
  coefs <- coef(model@backend_models[[1]], s, exact, ...)

  # If `name` is set, `index` is overwritten.
  if (!is.null(name)) {
    tmp <- model@vars_info[sapply(model@vars_info, function(v){v$name}) == name]
    assert_that(length(tmp) == 1)
    index <- tmp[[1]]$idx

  # If `index` or `name` is set, returns coefficients of that variable.
  if (!is.null(index)) {
    nvars <- length(model@vars_info)
    off0 <- 1  # not 0 because the first column is used as intercept.
    for (i in seq(nvars)) {
      var_info <- model@vars_info[[i]]
      ncol_linear <- 0
      if (var_info$use_linear) ncol_linear <- 1

      ncol_OD <- 0
      if(var_info$use_OD) {
        ncol_OD <- length(var_info$OD_info$breaks)
        if (var_info$OD_type == 'C') ncol_OD <- ncol_OD - 1

      ncol_UD <- 0
      if(var_info$use_UD) ncol_UD <- length(var_info$UD_info$levels) - var_info$UD_info$drop_last

      ncol_LV <- 0
      if(var_info$use_LV) ncol_LV <- length(var_info$LV_info$breaks) - 1

      if (i == index) {
        c <- list()

        if(ncol_linear) c$coef.linear <- coefs[off0 + 1,] else c$coef.linear <- NULL
        off0 <- off0 + ncol_linear

        if(ncol_OD) c$coef.OD <- coefs[off0 + 1:ncol_OD, ] else c$coef.OD <-  NULL
        off0 <- off0 + ncol_OD

        if(ncol_UD) c$coef.UD <- coefs[off0 + 1:ncol_UD,] else c$coef.UD <- NULL
        off0 <- off0 + ncol_UD

        if(ncol_LV) c$coef.LV <- coefs[off0 + 1:ncol_LV, ] else c$coef.LV <-  NULL
        off0 <- off0 + ncol_LV

      } else {
        ncol_all <- ncol_linear + ncol_OD + ncol_UD + ncol_LV
        off0 <- off0 + ncol_all

  # If neither `index` nor `name` is set, return coefficients of all variables
kazuzowo/aglm-LVar documentation built on Dec. 10, 2019, 12:13 a.m.