
# Example 5. Get familiar with the common visual tasks in JS (p5.js) and
# leverage R's modelling ability (GLM).
rm(list = ls())

my_html <- create_html() %>%
  add_js_library(c("p5", "r")) %>%
  add_title("Digits recognition with GLM") %>%
  add_container(id = "row_1") %>%
    add_container(id = "column_1", into = "row_1") %>%
      add_item(id = "text_item", align = 'left', into = "column_1") %>%
      add_text("Drag to draw. Drag with key pressed to erase.", into = "text_item") %>%
    add_container(id = "column_2", into = "row_1") %>%
      add_item(id = "result_table", into = "column_2") %>%
      add_button(into = "column_2", text = "Clear", onclick = "plot_grid()")

my_html %<>% add_style(
  ".container#row_1 {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: row
    .container#column_1 {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
    .container#column_2 {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      padding-top: 1.1em;
      padding-left: 1.1em;
    th, td {
      padding: 8px;
      text-align: center;
      border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
    table {
      border-collapse: collapse;
      border: 1px solid black
    #result_table {
      padding-bottom: 8px;

my_html %<>%

# Use this if you want to see your own handwriting in R plot.
show_digit <- function(arr784, col=gray(12:1/12), ...) {
  image(matrix(arr784, nrow=28)[,28:1], col=col, ...)
# This function rearranges the pixel to align with the training data
reshuffle <- function(vec0) {
  vec0 <- as.numeric(vec0)
  as.numeric(matrix(vec0, 28, 28, byrow = T))

load("fitted_glmnet", verbose = T)
r_fun <- function(msg) {
  msg <- reshuffle(msg) * 255
  # show_digit(msg)
  pred <- predict(cv, t(data.frame(msg)), type = 'response')
  #list(class = 0:9, pred = as.numeric(pred))  #use this if you want to process on the JS side
  list('table' = print(
    xtable::xtable(data.frame(class = 0:9, pred = as.numeric(pred))),
    type = 'html', print.results = F, include.rownames = F

preview_app(my_html, r_fun, T)
kcf-jackson/jsReact documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:01 a.m.