aggregate_roc | make aggregated roc curve |
alt_in_cis | grab edges from walk |
AND | test boolean AND across multiple vectors |
appendEnv | appendEnv |
asdf | coerce to data frame |
asdt | coerce to data table via setDT |
asm | asm |
asn2 | version of utils::assignInNamespace |
ave3 | modification of ave |
aved | modification of ave |
bcfindex | bcfindex |
bedpe2grl | bedpe2grl |
behomology | breakend exact homology |
binom.conf | Get confidence intervals around fractions |
bool | Clean Up Boolean Logic |
bp2grl | convert table of paired string coordinates to GRangesList |
cenv | concatenate environments |
check_lst | checking list for elements that are errors checking a list... |
classystat | calculates various scores from actual classes and predicted... |
clobber | same as dplyr::coalesce |
coalesce | same as dplyr::coalesce, khtools:coalesce is an alias for... |
col2rn | alias for column_to_rownames |
colexists | find out if column is in data.table |
colnames2 | robust colnames |
colnames2-set | robust colnames() assignment |
column_to_rownames | making column into rownames |
complete.cases2 | complete.cases wrapper |
conform_si | conform_si |
copy | make deep copy, recursively |
copy2 | make deep copy |
copy3 | make deep copy, recursively |
copydt | copy data frame/table columns to a new data table with forced... |
copyr6 | make deep copy of all non-function public and private fields... |
copys4 | make deep copy of all private slots in s4 object |
dcast.count | dcast.count |
dcast.count2 | Counts up occurrences from a melted table |
dcast.wrap | wrapper around dcast or dcast2 |
debug.s4 | debug an S4 function |
dedup | dedup |
dedup.cols | applies dedup to colnames |
df2gr | data frame to GRanges |
df2grl | data frame to GRangesList |
dg | alias of dynget |
dig_dir | dig into a file path's directory |
dig_dir2 | dig into a file path's directory |
diginjob | Dig into inputs Flow Job that generated an output |
digjob | Dig into Flow Job that generated an output |
dig_job | Dig into Flow Job that generated an output |
DIM | NROW and NCOL convenience function |
DIM2 | extending NROW and NCOL2 |
dir2 | dir with full grep |
dirfind | Dig into outdir of flow job |
do.assign | assign columns or list elements |
do.cols | do.cols |
dodo.call2 | |
do.pp | do caret preProcess |
dot-filter_sv | .filter_sv |
dot-gc | .gc |
dt_any2lg | convert all columns to logical |
dtapply | mclapply on a table split by a column |
dt_empty2na | convert columns with empty character to NA |
dt_f2char | convert factor columns to character |
dt_lg2int | logical to integer in data tables |
dt_na2empty | convert columns with NA to empty character |
dt_na2false | convert columns with NA to false |
dt_na2true | convert columns with NA to true |
dt_na2zero | convert columns with NA to zeros |
dt_setallna | convert all data.table entries to NA |
dt_setchar | convert column to character |
dt_setint | convert column to integer |
dt_setnull | set columnn to NULL in data.table |
dunlist2 | unlist into a data.table |
duped | duped |
dynget | modification of base::dynGet() |
empty2na | Set vector to NA |
enframe | same as tibble::enframe |
enframe_list | data table-ize list elements and add name column |
eNROW | does vapply NROW |
errr | turn on verbose error tracing through call stack |
est_snv_cn | estimate snv cn |
est_snv_cn_stub | estimate snv cn stub |
et | shortcut for eval(parse(text = <string>)) |
extract_ggplot | helper function to grab relevant ggplot_build outputs |
ez_string | don't use this. use base::dput() |
f2int | factor to integer |
false2na | replace FALSE with NA |
feature_importance | feature_importance |
file.exists2 | slightly more robust test for whether file exists |
file.info2 | file.info2 |
file.mat.exists | file.mat.exists |
file.not.exists | slightly more robust test for whether file does not exist |
fillby | fill in variables of data table by combos |
find_dups | find all duplicates in a vector |
findov | GenomicRanges::findOverlaps wrapper |
fit_classifier | fit classiifer |
fit.cnv.sig | fit battenberg copy number to CN signatures (Nature 2022) |
fitcvglmnet | fit cv.glmnet |
fitglmnet | fit glmnet |
fitrandomforest | fit randomForest |
fitzscore | calculate z score |
fix.cols | Fix messed up data frame/table column names |
flag2int | convert bam flag to integer |
force2 | force with a tryCatch |
forceall | force objects (including functions) to evaluate from... |
forcefun | force functions to load |
forceload | force functions to load from all libraries |
frac | calculate fraction |
g | alias for getdat2 |
g2 | alias for getdat2 |
gbar.error | barplot with errorbars |
gd | alias for getdat |
get_accuracy | calculate accuracy based on contingency table |
getbp | get breakpoints |
getcache | getcache |
getdat | a method to get the "data" argument from a with/within... |
getdat2 | getdat2 |
get_pred | get_pred |
gg.hist | generate ggplot histogram |
ggmroc | ggplot for multiROC |
gg_mytheme | custom theme for ggplot |
gg.sline | wrapper around geom_point and geom_smooth |
glm.nb2 | glm.nb2 |
glmnet_aic | glmnet_aic |
globasn | assign an object to global environment |
good.file | Does File exists and is file size greater than threshold |
gr2bed | gr2bed |
gr2df | granges to datatable via dataframe |
grabcov | convenience function to pull out coverage data from table |
grabggtrack | convenience function to pull out jabba model + coverage |
grabhjab | convenience function to pull out jabba model with allelic cn |
grab.hrdetect.features | grab hrdetect features from hrdetect results |
grapes-equals-grapes | test if two vectors are equal (uses conversion to character) |
grapes-inn-grapes | x %inn% table a logical vector Same as |
grapes-K-grapes | similar to setkey except a general use utility |
grapes-nin-grapes | not x %nin% table Not match |
grapes-Q-grapes | query |
grapes-Q-grapes-.CompressedGRangesList | query on CompressedGRangesList |
grapes-Q-grapes-.GRanges | query on GRangesList |
grapes-Q-grapes-.GRangesList | query on GRangesList |
gr_calc_cov | output data structure for ski slope from anchorlifted SNV |
gr_construct_by | adding on by field to seqnames for more efficient by queries |
gr_deconstruct_by | removing by field and random string barcode to seqnames for... |
gr.disjoin | updated gr.disjoin from gUtils to work with GRangesList |
grep_col_sort | grep_col_sort |
grep_order | grep_order |
gr.fixseq | get permissive seqlengths from multiple GRanges-like objects |
gr.flipstrand | works with GRangesLists |
gr.genome | create GRanges of full genome coordinates |
grg_sub | extract portions of matched substring |
grl2bedpe | grl2bedpe |
grl.disjoin | disjoin on grangeslist |
grl.flip | flip each GRangesList element |
grl.flipstrand | flip strand of grangeslist |
grl_gaps | gaps on GRangesList |
grl.undf | grangeslist to data table via dataframe |
gr.noval | get rid of mcols on GRanges/GRangesLists |
grok_vcf | modded grok_vcf |
gr.order | order granges, grangeslist |
gr.patch | same as gr.fix basically |
gr.resize | Resize granges without running into negative width error |
gr.round | round window to nearest unit |
gr.setdiff2 | gr.setdiff that works with multiple by columns |
gr.sort | sort granges, grangeslist |
gr.splgaps | gaps on GRanges, splitting by values in a metadata field |
gr.split | split a gr by field(s) in elementMetadata of GRanges or a... |
gr.sprange | get range based on a field(s) to split by in elementMetadata... |
gr.spreduce | reduce based on a field(s) to split by in elementMetadata of... |
gr.strand | specify strand of granges or grangeslist |
gr.sub2 | Substitute chr in GRanges or GRangesList |
gr_within | within on GRanges |
gr.within | within on GRanges, S3 |
gt.each | convenience function to plot each element separately |
gt.fix | fix gtrack metadata elements for plotting |
gw_edges | pull edge metadata from gwalk |
gx | alias for getdat2(nm = "x") |
iderr | returns ids of list elements that are errors |
idj | idj |
integer_breaks | make integer breaks on axes |
interaction2 | interaction but orders levels based on input vectors |
interbp_dist | interbp_dist |
intercalate | collate two vectors together interleave vectors together |
intercalate_lst | collate lists together |
is.empty | test if object is empty |
isNA | but also tests for "NA" character |
isv2grl | isv2grl |
ix_sdiff | subset out indices |
jitter2 | jitter with consistent seed |
kcpdf | open Cairo pdf device with defaults |
khtools-package | khtools: R package to make life in R a bit easier. |
kpdf | open pdf device with defaults |
kpng | open png device with defaults |
ksvg | open svg device with defaults |
lapply_dt | Flexibly apply function to columns of data.table/frame | | convenience function to label the nodes and edges of gGraph |
len | similar to length except gets nrows for those items that have... |
lens | similar to lengths except gets nrows for those items that... |
levelsinuse | get the levels in use in a factor |
lg2f | logical to factor |
log10p | log10(x + 1) |
loop_grep | wraps grep in for loop |
loop_grepl | wrapper around loop_grep |
lst.empty | lst.empty A logical vector to select which list elements are... |
lst.empty2na | empty list elements set to NA |
lst.empty2null | empty list elements set to NULL |
lst.empty2replace | length 0 elements of list to replace with a value set empty... |
lst.empty2zero | Convert empty elements to zero. |
lst.emptychar2na | empty character elements of list to NA |
lst.emptychar2null | empty character elements of list to NULL |
lst.null2na | NULL elements of list to NA |
lst.zerochar2empty | zero length character elements to empty char set 0 length... |
main | wrapper around cenv |
make_chunks | make_chunks |
make_dummy | make table of dummy encodings |
make_roc | make_roc |
make_roc2 | make_roc2 |
make_ttsplit | make training/test splits |
make_xfold | make training/test splits |
match | similar to setkey except a general use utility |
match2 | matches x in terms of y |
match3 | similar to setkey except a general use utility |
match_s | ordered match |
matrify | take a data.table/frame, shave first column into rownames,... |
matrify2 | create matrix from table like obj with dplyr syntax |
max.col.narm | maximum column per row (removing NA) |
merge.repl | merging data tables with collapsing columns with the same... |
metanames | metanames |
min.col.narm | minimum column per row (removing NA) |
mkst | MaKe STring making string out of vector for eval(parse(text =... |
mrocdat | create a data frame for ggplotting multiroc |
mroclab | create one hot table of labels for multiROC |
mrocpred | format predicted scores for multiROC |
mstrsplit | make matrix out of stringsplitted character vector |
mylambdas | mylambdas |
na2empty | na2empty A convenience function to set a character vector... |
na2false | replace logical vector with NA to FALSE |
na2true | replace logical vector with NA to TRUE |
na2zero | na2zero A convenience function to set a numeric vector with... |
names2 | robust name() |
names2-set | robust name() assignment |
nan2zero | nan2zero A convenience function to set a numeric vector with... |
na.seql | NA out seqlevels |
NCOL2 | extending NCOL |
ne | "no error" | | mark x with NA if it does not exist |
nodim | testing if object is empty |
nonacol | no columns named "NA" |
nonzero2na | replace 0 to with NA |
normpath | normalize directory, but not basepath |
normv | normalize a vector |
normv_sep | normalize a vector, treating positives and negatives... |
nott | negate a function |
numeq | test equality between numeric values with some tolerance |
off_diag | get off diagonal values |
one_vs_other | one level vs other |
OR | test boolean OR across multiple vectors |
output_cols | output the union columns from a Flow output |
overwritefun | overwrite a function in its namespace |
overwriteR6 | overwrite a method in R6 class generator |
pairs.collect.junctions | collect junctions from pairs as breakpoints |
pairs.grab.hrdetect.features | grab hrdetect features from pairs table |
pairs.grab.ot.features | grab oneness twoness features from pairs table |
parasn | assign parallel columns |
parse.gr2 | a robust |
parse.grl2 | a robust parse.grl |
parse_slurm_time | Parse the slurm times into an R format |
parsesnpeff | parse snpeff output into granges |
peepr6 | peepr6 |
pg_mytheme | print gg_mytheme output |
pinch | pinch a vector |
pinch.frac | pinch a vector |
ppdf | kevin's modification of ppdf |
ppng | kevin's modification of ppng |
predict.pp | predict preProcess |
printerr | print error message from tryCatch |
process_tbl | flexibly read in a field and append an id to the output |
qmat | query a matrix with nonmatching entries as NA |
get actual quantile values of vector | |
qtrim | cut off vector by quantiles |
ra.dedup6 | ra.dedup6 |
rand.string | make a random string |
ra.overlaps6 | ra.overlaps6 |
read.bam.header | read.bam.header |
read_bed | read bed or bedpe as a table |
read.header | read header of file |
readin | flexible file opening |
readinfasta | wrapper around readDNAStringSet to remove extraneous... |
read_vcf2 | read_vcf2 |
reassign | reassign elements of named list into environment |
refactor | refactor |
rematch | rematch |
rep_each | recycle vector - shortcut for rep(x, each = each) |
replace2 | function to replace elements of vector, can use "x" as... |
replace_na | replace NAs |
rep_len | recycle vector - overload base::rep_len |
rep_len2 | recycle vector along length OR nrow of object |
reset.job | reset.job |
ret_err | a wrapper around check_lst |
ret_na_err | using check_lst to return |
ret_no_err | a wrapper around check_lst |
rg_sub | extracting substring match using regexpr |
rintersect | Reduce intersect |
rleseq | numbers up within repeating elements of a vector |
rmcol | rmcol |
rm_mparen | utility function for removing multiple parantheses |
rn2col | alias for rownames_to_column |
robust.scale | flatten outliers by quantile |
rownames2 | robust rownames |
rownames2-set | robust rownames() assignment |
rownames_to_column | making column out of rownames |
rows.all | test whether all row entries are TRUE |
rows.any | test whether any row entries are TRUE |
row.sort | sort rows of integer matrix |
rrrepeated | Recursively repeat a function call |
runion | Reduce union |
sampler | sampler |
save.r | save R data session |
seevar | see variables in environment |
select.matrix | select.matrix |
selfname | name a character vector to itself |
seq_along2 | seq along either row of table or length of vector |
setAllNames | setAllNames convenience function to set all names of a vector |
setcolnames | convenience function to set column names alias of setColnames |
setColnames | convenience function to set column names |
setcols | convenience function to set columns sets columns of an object |
setNames2 | setNames2 convenience function to set all names of a vector |
set_rngseed | set random number generator AND seed |
setrownaes | convenience function to set row names sets rownames of an... |
setRownames | convenience function to set row names sets rownames of an... |
shift_down | shift_downstream from plyranges package |
shift_left | shift_left from plyranges package |
shift_right | shift_right from plyranges package |
shift_up | shift_upstream from plyranges package |
silent | run expression without any printed output |
sim.bx | simulate 10x Barcoded reads off of collection of walks |
softmax | calculate softmax |
somejit | add tiny jitter |
split_by | split data frame-like object based on columns |
ss | same as subset2 |
sstat | Kevin's implementation of sstat |
stack.dt | collapse a named list of vectors into a data.table |
stackenv | stackenv |
stackenv2 | stackenv2 |
subgr | subgr |
subset2 | function to subset on a variable by using "x" as surrogate... |
summ_glm | tabular summary of glm model coefficients |
sv_filter | filter sv by overlaps with another |
symdiff | data.table of all setdiff items in X and in Y gives back data... |
system3 | modified system2 |
table2 | wrapper around table(), show NA counts if there are any |
table3 | wrapper around table, always show NA counts |
tailf | modification of tailf from skitools |
trans | transpose a list |
trans.df | transpose data.table or data.frame |
transp | transpose a list |
try2 | wrapper around tryCatch - robust to parallel:: functions |
un | shortcut to check unique entries |
uncut | get upper and lower bounds of cut labels |
undebug.s4 | undebug an S4 function |
undup | an alternative to base::unique() that preserves names |
unI | remove "AsIs" from class, i.e. undo I(obj) undo I(obj) |
uniqf | Unique factor |
upset2 | wrapper around UpSetR::upset() |
vcf_remove_sample | take vcf read in chunks and write clean vcf |
viewtask | convert job task to table |
vmatch | make list of matches and nonmatches |
whicherr | same as iderr |
withv | withv |
withx | withx |
w.quantile | weighted quantile |
write_bed | write bed or bedpe into canonical formatted table |
write.ctab | writing a comma separated table with quotes |
ws2und | Clean up whitespace from columns of data.frame-like object |
wv | alias for withv |
zscore | zscore a numeric vector |
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