


# tof_downsample_constant ------------------------------------------------------

### downsampling without grouping

test_that("Output shape is correct.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_constant(num_cells = 100L)

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is correct
    expect_identical(nrow(result), 100L)

### downsampling with grouping

test_that("Output shape is correct.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_constant(group_cols = sample_name, num_cells = 100L)

    result_2 <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = c(sample_name, phenograph_cluster),
            num_cells = 100L

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_2), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is correct
    expect_identical(nrow(result), 300L)
    expect_identical(nrow(result), 300L)

# tof_downsample_prop ----------------------------------------------------------

### downsampling without grouping

test_that("Output shape is correct.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_prop(prop_cells = 0.1)

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is correct
    expect_equal(nrow(result), nrow(phenograph_data) * 0.1)

### downsampling with grouping

test_that("Output shape is correct.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_prop(group_cols = sample_name, prop_cells = 0.1)

    result_2 <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = c(sample_name, phenograph_cluster),
            prop_cells = 0.1

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_2), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is correct
    expect_equal(nrow(result), 0.1 * nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_equal(nrow(result), 0.1 * nrow(phenograph_data))

# tof_downsample_density ----------------------------------------------------------

### downsampling without grouping

###### KNN density estimation

test_that("Output shape is correct using KNN density estimation.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_density(target_percentile = 0.05, density_cols = c(cd19, cd11b))

    result_2 <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_density(target_num_cells = 100L)

    result_3 <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_density(target_prop_cells = 0.1, density_estimation_method = "sum_distance")

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_2), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_3), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is smaller after density-dependent downsampling
    expect_true(nrow(result) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_2) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_3) < nrow(phenograph_data))

###### spade density estimation

test_that("Output shape is correct using KNN density estimation.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_density(target_percentile = 0.05, density_cols = c(cd19, cd11b))

    result_2 <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_density(target_num_cells = 100L)

    result_3 <-
        phenograph_data |>
        tof_downsample_density(target_prop_cells = 0.1, density_estimation_method = "sum_distance")

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_2), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_3), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is smaller after density-dependent downsampling
    expect_true(nrow(result) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_2) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_3) < nrow(phenograph_data))

### downsampling with grouping

###### KNN density estimation

test_that("Output shape is correct using KNN density estimation.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = sample_name,
            target_percentile = 0.05,
            density_cols = c(cd19, cd11b)

    result_2 <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = c(sample_name, phenograph_cluster),
            target_prop_cells = 0.1,
            # density_cols = where,
            density_estimation_method = "mean_distance"

    result_3 <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = c(sample_name, phenograph_cluster),
            target_num_cells = 100L,
            density_estimation_method = "sum_distance"

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_2), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_3), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is correct
    expect_true(nrow(result) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_2) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_3) < nrow(phenograph_data))

    expect_true(nrow(result) > 0)
    expect_true(nrow(result_2) > 0)
    expect_true(nrow(result_3) > 0)

###### spade density estimation

test_that("Output shape is correct with SPADE density estimation.", {
    result <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = sample_name,
            density_cols = c(cd19, cd11b),
            target_percentile = 0.05,
            density_estimation_method = "spade"

    result_2 <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = c(sample_name, phenograph_cluster),
            target_prop_cells = 0.1,
            density_estimation_method = "spade"

    result_3 <-
        phenograph_data |>
            group_cols = c(sample_name, phenograph_cluster),
            target_num_cells = 100L,
            density_estimation_method = "spade"

    # number of columns is unchanged
    expect_identical(ncol(result), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_2), ncol(phenograph_data))
    expect_identical(ncol(result_3), ncol(phenograph_data))

    # number of rows is correct
    expect_true(nrow(result) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_2) < nrow(phenograph_data))
    expect_true(nrow(result_3) < nrow(phenograph_data))

    # all results have more than 0 rows
    expect_true(nrow(result) > 0)
    expect_true(nrow(result_2) > 0)
    expect_true(nrow(result_3) > 0)

    # expect error when arguments for a different density estimation method
    # are provided
        phenograph_data |>
                group_cols = sample_name,
                target_prop_cells = 0.1,
                num_neighbors = 10,
                density_estimation_method = "spade"
keyes-timothy/tidytof documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 8:37 a.m.