
Defines functions pr_fit_parameters

Documented in pr_fit_parameters

#' Fit parameters of a phenology model to validation data
#' Calculates the estimated phenophases for a given set of parameters
#' and a specified model (be sure to match parameter and requirements
#' with the model.
#' @param par a vector of starting parameter values (function specific)
#' @param data nested data structure with validation data as returned
#' by format_phenocam() or format_pep725(), or your own dataset adhering
#' to the same data structure.
#' @param cost the cost function to use in the optimization, it should return
#' a RMSE or other value which needs to be minimized
#' @param model the model name to be used in optimizing the model
#' @param method optimization method to use (default = GenSA)
#'    - GenSA :  Generalized Simulated Annealing algorithm
#'    - genoud : GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
#'    - BayesianTools: various bayesian based optimization tools
#' @param lower lower limit of parameter values (function specific)
#' @param upper upper limit of parameter values (function specific)
#' @param control optimization control parameters (default = NULL)
#' @param ... extra arguments to pass to the function, mostly BayesianTools
#' @keywords phenology, model, optimization, simulated annealing, genoud, optim
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' estimate <- pr_fit_parameters(par,data,model)
#' # estimate will return the best estimated parameter set given the
#' # validation data
#' }

pr_fit_parameters <- function(
  par = NULL,
  cost = rmse,
  model = "TT",
  method = "GenSA",
) {

  # check if starting parameters are present
  if (missing(lower) |
      missing(upper) |
      missing(data)  |
    stop('Please provide data, upper and lower boundaries
          to the parameter space and control settings.
          Not defining your parameter space might yield good fits,
          for a wrong reason.')

  # check if starting parameters are balanced
  if (length(lower) != length(upper)){
    stop('Parameter boundaries should be balanced')

  # convert to a flat format for speed
  data <- pr_flatten(data)

  if ( tolower(method) == "gensa" ){
    # one can opt to automatically generate starting values
    # in GenSA, this might yield better results. Set the
    # par parameter to NULL to do so.
    optim_par <- GenSA::GenSA(
      par = par,
      data = data,
      fn = cost,
      lower = lower,
      upper = upper,
      model = model,
      control = control,

  # BayesianTools
  if (tolower(method) == "bayesiantools"){

    # setup the bayes run, no message forwarding is provided
    # so wrap the function in a do.call
    setup <- BayesianTools::createBayesianSetup(
      likelihood = function(random_par){
                list(par = random_par,
                     data = data,
                     model = model
        lower = c(lower, 1),
        upper = c(upper, 14),

    # calculate the runs
    out <- BayesianTools::runMCMC(bayesianSetup = setup,
                                   sampler = control$sampler,
                                   settings = control$settings)

    # drop last value
    bt_par <- BayesianTools::MAP(out)$parametersMAP
    bt_par <- bt_par[1:(length(bt_par)-1)]

    # correct formatting in line with other outputs
    optim_par <- list("par" = bt_par,
                       "opt_out" = out)

  # return the optimization data (parameters)
  # check formatting for post-processing
khufkens/phenor documentation built on June 28, 2024, 2:30 p.m.