SpatialPRo - spatial proteomics analysis


Using devtools call install_github("kieranrcampbell/SpatialPRo")


SpatialPRo contains two different classes - SPData that represents a single (tissue) sample and SPExp that represents the entire experiment, storing a list of SPDatas, the sample ids and the directory and filenames of the original files.


There is an example dataset included - to load it first load the library via library(SpatialPRo) then call data(sp5). This loads an example object of class SPData called sp. The following can then be used to access data elements:

Generic SPData methods

Methods for dealing with different cell classes

The class SPData also contains several plotting routines:


An SPExp has four slots:

  1. dir Directory location of experiment files
  2. files List of files used in the experiment
  3. spdata List containing objects of class SPData
  4. ids Vector of sample ids

Generic SPExp Methods

Example workflows

Download all the original matlab files from and extract to ~/myfolder

We can then initialise an empty SPE with

spe <- SPExperimentfromDir("~/myfolder")

If the files option is left blank then all files are used.

We can then load all the files into the object using

spe <- loadExp(spe)

(this may take some time for matlab -> R conversion)

kieranrcampbell/SpatialPRo documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:24 a.m.