
#' Find all geographies of a specified geography type..
#' @description This function allows users to find all geographies of a specified geography type.
#' @param geography A character with type pf Geography. \code{county, censusplace, msa, usf, statesenate, statehouse, congdistrict, tribalnation}
#' @param geography A character with type pf Geography.
#' @return If \code{stateName="nation"} returns national bip
#' @examples
#' geolookup(geography = "state")

# http://www.broadbandmap.gov/developer/api/geography-lookup-api-by-geography-type
geolookup<-function(geography = "state", maxresults=100){

  if (is.null(geography) || is.null(maxresults))
    stop("The parameters geography or maxresults can not be NULL")

  if (is.na(geography) || is.na(maxresults))
    stop("The parameters geography or maxresults can not be NA")

  if (is.nan(geography) || is.nan(maxresults))
    stop("The parameters geography or maxresults can not be NAN")

  document <- fromJSON(txt=url)
kintero/usbbmap documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:02 a.m.