
#' get's rowcount from returned deanslist objects
#' @param x object with content slot returned from deanslist
get_row_count <- function(x) {

#' get_* consturctor function
#' @param endpoint name of DeansList endpoint to construct function for
#' @param keylist  either a named list or named character vector of DeansLists API keys for each school
#' to accdess suspesions data for your school(s).  Alternatively you can add keys to .Renviron variables, which must start with \code{DL_KEY_}
#' in order to be recognized.
#' @param ... parameteres like domain passed on onto \code{\link{deanslist_api}}
#' @export
get_ <- function(endpoint, key_list, domain, ...) {
  out <- function(key_list, domain, ...){
    if (missing(key_list)) {
      key_names <- grep("DL_KEY_", names(Sys.getenv(names = TRUE)), value = TRUE)
      key_list <- Sys.getenv(key_names)


    arg_list <- list(...) %>%
      purrr::list_modify(endpoint = endpoint, domain = domain)

    resp_list <- key_list %>%
      purrr::map( ~ purrr::invoke(deanslist_api, key = ., arg_list))

    contents_are_dfs <- resp_list %>% purrr::map_lgl(~is.list(.$content))

      ok <- resp_list %>% purrr::map_lgl(~get_row_count(.)>0)

      resp_list_ok <- resp_list[ok]

      out <- purrr::map2(.x = resp_list_ok,
                         .y = names(resp_list_ok),
                         .f = ~.x$content$data %>%
                           dplyr::as_data_frame() %>%
                           dplyr::mutate(school_name = .y))
    } else {
      ok <- resp_list %>% purrr::map_lgl(~jsonlite::fromJSON(.$content)$rowcount >0)

      resp_list_ok <- resp_list[ok]
      out <- purrr::map2(.x = resp_list_ok,
                         .y = names(resp_list_ok),
                         .f = ~{
                           content <- .x$content
                           attr(content, "school_name") <- .y


#' Wrapper around \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull suspension data for multiple schools
#' @param key_list either a named list or named character vector of DeansLists API keys for each school
#' to accdess suspesions data for your school(s).  Alternatively you can add keys to .Renviron variables, which must start with \code{DL_KEY_}
#' in order to be recognized.
#' @param ... parameteres like domain passed on onto \code{\link{deanslist_api}}
#' @description This function wraps \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull the suspenions endpoint
#' (i.e., \code{deanlist_api(endpoint = 'suspensions', ...)}.  If you don't explicitly pass the
#' \code{key_list} paramater a named list, the function will attempt use \code{\link[base]{Sys.getenv}}
#' to gather keys from environment variables.  These variables can be added to a \code{.Renviron} file
#' that is source on startup or you can you set them using \code{\link[base]{Sys.setenv}}.  In either case,
#' the function looks for variables that begin with \code{DLAKEY_}.  So for Langley High School you might
#' set a key with the variable name \code{DL_KEY_LHS = 'super_secret_key'}.
#' If multiple keys are found (or passed as a named list to the \code{key_list} argument), then
#' a list of data frames will be returned.  The slot in the list for each data frame is named
#' after the key used to retrieve it.
#' @return a data.frame or list of data.frames (if multiple keys passed) with DeansList suspension data
#' @export
get_suspensions <- get_("suspensions")

#' Wrapper around \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull referral data for multiple schools
#' @param key_list either a named list or named character vector of DeansLists API keys for each school
#' to accdess suspesions data for your school(s).  Alternatively you can add keys to .Renviron variables, which must start with \code{DL_KEY_}
#' in order to be recognized.
#' @param ... parameteres like domain passed on onto \code{\link{deanslist_api}}
#' @description This function wraps \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull the suspenions endpoint
#' (i.e., \code{deanlist_api(endpoint = 'suspensions', ...)}.  If you don't explicitly pass the
#' \code{key_list} paramater a named list, the function will attempt use \code{\link[base]{Sys.getenv}}
#' to gather keys from environment variables.  These variables can be added to a \code{.Renviron} file
#' that is source on startup or you can you set them using \code{\link[base]{Sys.setenv}}.  In either case,
#' the function looks for variables that begin with \code{DLAKEY_}.  So for Langley High School you might
#' set a key with the variable name \code{DL_KEY_LHS = 'super_secret_key'}.
#' If multiple keys are found (or passed as a named list to the \code{key_list} argument), then
#' a list of data frames will be returned.  The slot in the list for each data frame is named
#' after the key used to retrieve it.
#' @return a data.frame or list of data.frames (if multiple keys passed) with DeansList referral data
#' @export
get_referrals <- get_("referrals")

#' Wrapper around \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull incidents data for multiple schools
#' @param key_list either a named list or named character vector of DeansLists API keys for each school
#' to accdess suspesions data for your school(s).  Alternatively you can add keys to .Renviron variables, which must start with \code{DL_KEY_}
#' in order to be recognized.
#' @param ... parameteres like domain passed on onto \code{\link{deanslist_api}}
#' @description This function wraps \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull the suspenions endpoint
#' (i.e., \code{deanlist_api(endpoint = 'suspensions', ...)}.  If you don't explicitly pass the
#' \code{key_list} paramater a named list, the function will attempt use \code{\link[base]{Sys.getenv}}
#' to gather keys from environment variables.  These variables can be added to a \code{.Renviron} file
#' that is source on startup or you can you set them using \code{\link[base]{Sys.setenv}}.  In either case,
#' the function looks for variables that begin with \code{DLAKEY_}.  So for Langley High School you might
#' set a key with the variable name \code{DL_KEY_LHS = 'super_secret_key'}.
#' If multiple keys are found (or passed as a named list to the \code{key_list} argument), then
#' a list of data frames will be returned.  The slot in the list for each data frame is named
#' after the key used to retrieve it.
#' @return a data.frame or list of data.frames (if multiple keys passed) with DeansList incidents data
#' @export
get_incidents <- get_("incidents")

#' Wrapper around \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull student data for multiple schools
#' @param key_list either a named list or named character vector of DeansLists API keys for each school
#' to accdess suspesions data for your school(s).  Alternatively you can add keys to .Renviron variables, which must start with \code{DL_KEY_}
#' in order to be recognized.
#' @param ... parameteres like domain passed on onto \code{\link{deanslist_api}}
#' @description This function wraps \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull the suspenions endpoint
#' (i.e., \code{deanlist_api(endpoint = 'suspensions', ...)}.  If you don't explicitly pass the
#' \code{key_list} paramater a named list, the function will attempt use \code{\link[base]{Sys.getenv}}
#' to gather keys from environment variables.  These variables can be added to a \code{.Renviron} file
#' that is source on startup or you can you set them using \code{\link[base]{Sys.setenv}}.  In either case,
#' the function looks for variables that begin with \code{DLAKEY_}.  So for Langley High School you might
#' set a key with the variable name \code{DL_KEY_LHS = 'super_secret_key'}.
#' If multiple keys are found (or passed as a named list to the \code{key_list} argument), then
#' a list of data frames will be returned.  The slot in the list for each data frame is named
#' after the key used to retrieve it.
#' @return a data.frame or list of data.frames (if multiple keys passed) with DeansList student data
#' @export
get_students <- get_("students")

#' Wrapper around \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull behavior data for multiple schools
#' @param key_list either a named list or named character vector of DeansLists API keys for each school
#' to accdess suspesions data for your school(s).  Alternatively you can add keys to .Renviron variables, which must start with \code{DL_KEY_}
#' in order to be recognized.
#' @param ... parameteres like domain passed on onto \code{\link{deanslist_api}}
#' @description This function wraps \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull the suspenions endpoint
#' (i.e., \code{deanlist_api(endpoint = 'suspensions', ...)}.  If you don't explicitly pass the
#' \code{key_list} paramater a named list, the function will attempt use \code{\link[base]{Sys.getenv}}
#' to gather keys from environment variables.  These variables can be added to a \code{.Renviron} file
#' that is source on startup or you can you set them using \code{\link[base]{Sys.setenv}}.  In either case,
#' the function looks for variables that begin with \code{DLAKEY_}.  So for Langley High School you might
#' set a key with the variable name \code{DL_KEY_LHS = 'super_secret_key'}.
#' If multiple keys are found (or passed as a named list to the \code{key_list} argument), then
#' a list of data frames will be returned.  The slot in the list for each data frame is named
#' after the key used to retrieve it.
#' @return a data.frame or list of data.frames (if multiple keys passed) with DeansList incidents data
#' @export
get_behaviors <- get_("behaviors")

#' Wrapper around \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull users data for multiple schools
#' @param key_list either a named list or named character vector of DeansLists API keys for each school
#' to accdess suspesions data for your school(s).  Alternatively you can add keys to .Renviron variables, which must start with \code{DL_KEY_}
#' in order to be recognized.
#' @param ... parameteres like domain passed on onto \code{\link{deanslist_api}}
#' @description This function wraps \code{\link{deanslist_api}} to pull the suspenions endpoint
#' (i.e., \code{deanlist_api(endpoint = 'suspensions', ...)}.  If you don't explicitly pass the
#' \code{key_list} paramater a named list, the function will attempt use \code{\link[base]{Sys.getenv}}
#' to gather keys from environment variables.  These variables can be added to a \code{.Renviron} file
#' that is source on startup or you can you set them using \code{\link[base]{Sys.setenv}}.  In either case,
#' the function looks for variables that begin with \code{DLAKEY_}.  So for Langley High School you might
#' set a key with the variable name \code{DL_KEY_LHS = 'super_secret_key'}.
#' If multiple keys are found (or passed as a named list to the \code{key_list} argument), then
#' a list of data frames will be returned.  The slot in the list for each data frame is named
#' after the key used to retrieve it.
#' @return a data.frame or list of data.frames (if multiple keys passed) with DeansList users data
#' @export
get_users <- get_("users")
kippchicago/deanslistr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:02 a.m.