
Defines functions LRUcache LRUcache.numeric LRUcache.character

Documented in LRUcache

LRUcache_ <- R6::R6Class("LRUcache_",
  public = list(
    initialize = function(size) {
      private$data <- new.env()
    exists = function(name) {
      stopifnot(is.character(name) && length(name) == 1)
      name %in% ls(private$data)
    set = function(name, value) {
      stopifnot(is.character(name) && length(name) == 1)
      private$save(name, value)
    get = function(name) {
      stopifnot(is.character(name) && length(name) == 1)
      stopifnot(name %in% ls(private$data))
    peek = function(name) {
      stopifnot(is.character(name) && length(name) == 1)
      stopifnot(name %in% ls(private$data))
    forget = function(name) {
      stopifnot(is.character(name) && length(name) == 1)
      if (!(name %in% ls(private$data))) {
        warning(name, " was already not in the cache.")
      } else {
        rm(list = name, envir = private$data)
    last_accessed = function(name) {
      stopifnot(is.character(name) && length(name) == 1)
      stopifnot(name %in% ls(private$data))
    list_all = function() {
    print = function() {
      cat(sprintf("<LRUcache> of capacity %0.f%s", private$max_num, private$units),
          , sep="\n")
  private = list(
    max_num = 0,
    data    = NULL,
    units   = '',
    save    = function(name, value) {
      # Check if this value alone exceeds the cache size
      size <- private$get_new_item_size(value)
      if (size > private$max_num) {
        warning(sprintf("In package cacher: '%s' is too large (%0.f%s) to fit in the cache (%0.f%s) and will
          not be cached. Consider creating a larger cache.",
          name, size, private$units, private$max_num, private$units), call. = FALSE)
      # Check for eviction
      while (private$check_for_eviction(name, size)) { private$evict() }
      private$data[[name]] <- list(value = value, timestamp = Sys.time())
    fetch   = function(name) {
      private$data[[name]]$timestamp <- Sys.time()
    evict   = function() {
      # This is very LRU specific. Evict the last used variable
      times  <- sapply(private$data, function(elem) elem$timestamp)
      oldest <- names(which.min(times))
      rm(list = oldest, envir = private$data)
    format_cache = function() {
        .fun = function(x) { data.frame("timestamp" = x$timestamp, "value" = x$value) } ))
    check_for_eviction = function(name, size) {
      private$get_current_size() + size > private$max_num && !(name %in% ls(private$data))

LRUcache_.numeric <- R6::R6Class("LRUcache_.numeric", inherit = LRUcache_,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(size) {
      stopifnot(all.equal(size, as.integer(size)) && length(size) == 1 && size > 0)
      private$max_num = size
  private = list(
    get_new_item_size = function(item) { 1 },
    get_current_size  = function() { length(private$data) }

LRUcache_.character <- R6::R6Class("LRUcache_.character", inherit = LRUcache_,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(size) {
      # Parse size. Check that string actually describes a size.
      stopifnot(length(regmatches(size, regexpr('[0-9.]+[kmg]?b?', size, ignore.case = TRUE))) > 0)
      private$max_num = private$convert_size_to_bytes(size)
  private = list(
    units = 'B',
    get_new_item_size = function(item) {
    convert_size_to_bytes = function(size) { # size is a string, e.g. "100mb"
      qty <- as.double(regmatches(size, regexpr("[0-9.]+", size))) # e.g. 100, 12.5
      units <- substring(toupper(regmatches(size, regexpr("[a-z]+", size, ignore.case = TRUE))), 1, 1) # e.g. "B","K","M", "G"...
      # Convert size to bytes
      pow <- switch(units,
        "B" = 0,
        "K" = 1,
        "M" = 2,
        "G" = 3)
      qty * (1000 ^ pow) # pryr::object_size assumes 1KB = 1000B rather than 1024B
    get_current_size = function() { # in bytes
      if (length(private$data) == 0) { 0 }
      else {
        Reduce(sum, lapply(private$data,
          function(x) { as.numeric(as.character(pryr::object_size(x))) }))

#' Create an LRU in-memory cache
#' LRU stands for Least Recently Used and is a description of a cache eviction
#' strategy. In simpler words, this means that you can set a size limit
#' and the cache will smartly forget about the item that was accessed last
#' in case you need to add another item which would cause the cache to breach the
#' memory or size constraint.
#' You can use cacher either by calling \code{LRUcache(3)} to store maximum 3 objects
#' or calling \code{LRUcache("150mb")} to limit the cache size to not exceed 150mb of RAM.
#' @param params numeric or character. If numeric it will create a cache that's
#'   limited by the total number of objects it can hold. If it's a character it
#'   will check how much RAM it consumes using \code{pryr::object_size}
#' @export
LRUcache <- function(params) { UseMethod('LRUcache', params) }

#' @export
LRUcache.numeric <- function(params) { LRUcache_.numeric$new(params) }

#' @export
LRUcache.character <- function(params) { LRUcache_.character$new(params) }
kirillseva/cacher documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:23 a.m.