
Defines functions embed.2011PJM

Documented in embed.2011PJM

#' Directed Graph Embedding by Perrault-Joncas and Meila (2011)
#' @param graph an \code{igraph} object or \eqn{(N\times N)} affinity matrix.
#' @param ndim an embedding dimension for a given graph.
#' @return a named list containing
#' \describe{
#' \item{embed}{an \eqn{(N\times ndim)} matrix of embedded coordinates.}
#' \item{field}{an \eqn{(N\times ndim)} matrix of directional information on each one.}
#' }
#' @examples 
#' ## create a simple directed ring graph
#' library(igraph)
#' mygraph = graph.ring(10, directed=TRUE)
#' ## embed in R^2
#' solution = embed.2011PJM(mygraph)
#' coords = solution$embed
#' fields = solution$field
#' ## extract coordinates information
#' x0 = coords[,1]; y0 = coords[,2]
#' x1 = x0 + fields[,1]
#' y1 = y0 + fields[,2]
#' ## visualize the results
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2), pty="s")
#' plot(mygraph, main="directed ring graph")
#' plot(x0,y0, pch=19, main="embedded in R^2",xlim=c(-0.5,0.5),ylim=c(-0.5,0.5))
#' text(x0+0.05,y0+0.05,labels=1:10)
#' arrows(x0,y0,x1,y1,length=0.1)
#' @export
embed.2011PJM <- function(graph, ndim=2){
  # Check Input & Transform into 'igraph' object if matrix
  if (!check_network(graph)){
    stop("* embed.2011PJM : an input graph should be either an 'igraph' object or affinity matrix.")
  if (is.matrix(graph)){
    if (isSymmetric(graph)){
      graph = igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(graph, mode="undirected")  
    } else {
      graph = igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(graph, mode="directed")  
  W = as.matrix(igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(graph))
  if (isSymmetric(W)){
    warning("* embed.2011PJM : directional vector field is 0 since graph is undirected.")
  if ((ndim < 1)||(ndim >= nrow(W))){
    stop("* embed.2011PJM : target dimension 'ndim' should be in [1,#{nodes}).")
  ndim  = as.integer(ndim)
  nnode = nrow(W) # number of nodes; size of W
  # PART 1 : estimate embedding coordinates
  S = (W+t(W))/2
  Q = diag(rowSums(S)); Qinv = base::solve(Q)
  V = Qinv%*%S%*%Qinv
  Q1 = diag(rowSums(V))
  Hss = base::solve(Q1,V)
  eigHss = base::eigen(Hss)
  if (nnode < (ndim+1)){
    warning("* embed.2011PJM : we don't have enough data points for embedding you want.")
  idstart = max(which.min((eigHss$values < 1)),2) # for spectral clustering, it's important to exclude non-null ones
  if ((ndim+idstart-1)>nnode){
    stop("* embed.2011PJM : invalid eigendecomposition. Try smaller 'ndim'.")
  Phi = eigHss$vectors[,idstart:min((ndim+idstart-1),nnode)]
  Lbd = eigHss$values[idstart:min((idstart+ndim+1),nnode)]
  # PART 2 : Density
  vecpi = as.vector(base::eigen(t(Hss))$vectors[,1])
  vecpi = vecpi/sum(vecpi)
  # PART 3 : Estimate Vector Field
  PP  = diag(rowSums(W)); PPinv = solve(PP)
  TT  = PPinv%*%W%*%PPinv
  P1  = diag(rowSums(TT))
  Haa = base::solve(P1,TT)
  # PART 4 : compute vector field
  # R = (Phi%*%diag(Lbd) - Haa%*%Phi)/2 # arXiv
  R = (Haa-Hss)%*%Phi/2
  output = list()
  output$embed = Phi
  output$field = R 
kisungyou/PNAS documentation built on Nov. 14, 2019, 3:32 p.m.