
DIRT <- tabPanel("Dichotomous models",

                 # Dichotomous models ####
                 h3("Dichotomous models"),
                 p("Dichotomous models are used for modelling items producing a simple binary response
                   (i.e., true/false). Most complex unidimensional dichotomous IRT model described here
                   is 4PL IRT model. Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) assumes discrimination fixed to \\(a = 1\\)
                   guessing fixed to \\(c = 0\\) and innatention to \\(d = 1\\). Similarly, other restricted
                   models (1PL, 2PL and 3PL models)  can be obtained by fixing appropriate parameters in
                   4PL model."),
                 p("In this section, you can explore behavior of two item characteristic curves
                   \\(\\mathrm{P}\\left(\\theta\\right)\\) and their item information functions
                   \\(\\mathrm{I}\\left(\\theta\\right)\\) in 4PL IRT model. "),

                 # Parameters ####
                 p("Select parameters ", strong("\\(a\\)"), "(discrimination), ", strong("\\(b\\)"),
                   "(difficulty), ", strong("\\(c\\)"), "(guessing) and ", strong("\\(d\\)"), "(inattention).
                   By constraining \\(a = 1\\), \\(c = 0\\), \\(d = 1\\) you get Rasch model. With option
                   \\(c = 0\\) and \\(d = 1\\) you get 2PL model and with option \\(d = 1\\) 3PL model."),
                 p("When different curve parameters describe properties of the same item but for different groups of respondents, this phenomenon is called Differential
                   Item Functioning (DIF). See further section for more information. "),
                     cellWidths = c("20%", "5%", "20%", "5%", "20%", "5%", "20%", "5%"),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-red",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_a1", "a - discrimination",
                                          min = -4, max = 4, value = 1, step = 0.1)),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-red",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_b1", "b - difficulty",
                                          min = -4, max = 4, value = 0, step = 0.1)),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-red",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_c1", "c - guessing",
                                          min = 0, max = 1, value = 0, step = 0.1)),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-red",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_d1", "d - inattention",
                                          min = 0, max = 1, value = 1, step = 0.1)),
                     cellWidths = c("20%", "5%", "20%", "5%", "20%", "5%", "20%", "5%"),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-blue",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_a2", "a - discrimination",
                                          min = -4, max = 4, value = 2, step = 0.1)),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-blue",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_b2", "b - difficulty",
                                          min = -4, max = 4, value = 0.5, step = 0.1)),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-blue",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_c2", "c - guessing",
                                          min = 0, max = 1, value = 0, step = 0.1)),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-blue",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_d2", "d - inattention",
                                          min = 0, max = 1, value = 1, step = 0.1)),
                 p("Select also the value of latent ability \\(\\theta\\) to see the intepretation of the item
                   characteristic curves. "),
                     cellWidths = c("20%", "5%", "75"),
                     tags$div(class = "js-irs-gray",
                              sliderInput("ccIRTSlider_theta", "\\(\\theta\\) - latent ability",
                                          min = -4, max = 4, value = 0, step = 0.1)),

                 # Equations ####
                 ('$$\\mathrm{P}\\left(\\theta \\vert a, b, c, d \\right) = c + \\left(d - c\\right) \\cdot \\frac{e^{a\\left(\\theta-b\\right) }}{1+e^{a\\left(\\theta-b\\right) }} $$'),
                 ('$$\\mathrm{I}\\left(\\theta \\vert a, b, c, d \\right) = a \\cdot \\left(d - c\\right) \\cdot \\frac{e^{a\\left(\\theta-b\\right) }}{\\left[1+e^{a\\left(\\theta-b\\right)}\\right]^2} $$'),

                 # Interpretation ####

                 # Plots ####
                 splitLayout(cellWidths = c("50%", "50%"),
                 splitLayout(cellWidths = c("50%", "50%"),
                             downloadButton("DB_ccIRT", label = "Download figure"),
                             downloadButton("DB_iccIRT", label = "Download figure")),

                 # Exercise 1 ####
                 h4("Exercise 1"),
                 p("Consider the following 2PL items with parameters", br(),
                   strong("Item 1:"), "\\(a = 2.5, b = -0.5\\)", br(),
                   strong("Item 2:"), "\\(a = 1.5, b = 0\\)", br(),
                   "For these items fill the following exercises with an accuracy of up to 0.05.
                   Then click on ", strong("Submit answers"), "button.
                   If you need a hint, click on blue button with question mark."),
                   tags$li("Sketch item characteristic and information curves.",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_1_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich1_1_help", title = "Help",
                                     content = "Set item parameters by red and blue sliders above.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                           htmlOutput("irt_training_dich1_1_answer", inline = T)),
                   tags$li("Calculate probability of correct answer for latent abilities
                           \\(\\theta  = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2\\).",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_2_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich1_2_help",
                                     title = "Help",
                                     content = "Set &theta; to desired value by gray slider above.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "38%"),
                             strong("Item 1: "),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_1_2a",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = -2\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_1_2b",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = -1\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_1_2c",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = 0\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_1_2d",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = 1\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_1_2e",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = 2\\)", value = 0),
                             htmlOutput("irt_training_dich1_2e_1_answer"), ""),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "7%", "4%", "38%"),
                             strong("Item 2: "),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_2_2a",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = -2\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_2_2b",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = -1\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_2_2c",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = 0\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_2_2d",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = 1\\)", value = 0),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_2_2e",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta = 2\\)", value = 0),
                             htmlOutput("irt_training_dich1_2e_2_answer"), "")),
                   tags$li("For what level of ability \\(\\theta\\) are the probabilities equal?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_3_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich1_3_help",
                                     title = "Help",
                                     content = "You can find this value at the left figure. Alternatively, you need to find &theta; satisfying P<sub>1</sub>(&theta;) = P<sub>2</sub>(&theta;), that is a<sub>1</sub>(&theta; - b<sub>1</sub>) = a<sub>2</sub>(&theta; - b<sub>2</sub>).",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "4%", "89%"),
                             numericInput(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_3",
                                          label = "\\(\\theta\\) = ?", value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich1_3_answer"), "")),
                   tags$li("Which item provides more information for weak (\\(\\theta = -2\\)), average (\\(\\theta = 0\\))
                           and strong (\\(\\theta = 2\\)) students?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_4_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich1_4_help",
                                     title = "Help",
                                     content = "Look at the figure on the right side. Which curve does have larger value for desired level of ability &theta;?",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "14%", "4%", "75%"),
                             HTML("\\(\\theta = -2\\)"),
                             radioButtons(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_4a",
                                          label = NULL,
                                          choices = list("Item 1" = 1, "Item 2" = 2),
                                          inline = T),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich1_4a_answer"), ""),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "14%", "4%", "75%"),
                             HTML("\\(\\theta = 0\\)"),
                             radioButtons(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_4b",
                                          label = NULL,
                                          choices = list("Item 1" = 1, "Item 2" = 2),
                                          inline = T),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich1_4b_answer"), ""),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "14%", "4%", "75%"),
                             HTML("\\(\\theta = 2\\)"),
                             radioButtons(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_4c",
                                          label = NULL,
                                          choices = list("Item 1" = 1, "Item 2" = 2),
                                          inline = T),
                             div(style = "display: inline-block; float: right; width: 200px;",
                                 actionButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich1_submit",
                                              label = "Submit answers", width = "80%"))))),

                 # Exercise 2 ####
                 h4("Exercise 2"),
                 p("Consider now 2 items with following parameters", br(),
                   strong("Item 1:"), "\\(a = 1.5, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0\\)", br(),
                   strong("Item 2:"), "\\(a = 1.5, b = 0, c = 0.2, d = 0\\)", br(),
                   "For these items fill the following exercises with an accuracy of up to 0.05.
                   Then click on ", strong("Submit answers"), "button."),
                   tags$li("What is the lower asymptote for items?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich2_1_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich2_1_help", title = "Help",
                                     content = "Lower asymptote is determined by parameter c.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 1:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich2_1a", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich2_1a_answer"), ""),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 2:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich2_1b", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich2_1b_answer"), "")),
                   tags$li("What is the probability of correct answer for latent ability \\(\\theta = b\\)?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich2_2_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich2_2_help", title = "Help",
                                     content = "You can find this value at the left figure. Alternatively, you can calculate the value by formula for P(&theta;), where you can use the fact that exp(0) = 1.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 1:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich2_2a", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich2_2a_answer"), ""),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 2:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich2_2b", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich2_2b_answer"), "")),
                   tags$li("Which item is more informative?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich2_3_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich2_3_help", title = "Help",
                                     content = "Compare the curves at the right figure. Alternatively, you can compare formulas for information function.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("21%", "4%", "75%"),
                             radioButtons("irt_training_dich2_3", label = NULL,
                                          choices = list("Depends on level of \\(\\theta\\)" = 12,
                                                         "Item 1 for all levels of \\(\\theta\\)" = 1,
                                                         "Item 2 for all levels of \\(\\theta\\)" = 2)),
                             div(style = "display: inline-block; float: right; width: 200px;",
                                 actionButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich2_submit",
                                              label = "Submit answers", width = "80%"))))),

                 # Exercise 3 ####
                 h4("Exercise 3"),
                 p("Consider now 2 items with following parameters", br(),
                   strong("Item 1:"), "\\(a = 1.5, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0.9\\)", br(),
                   strong("Item 2:"), "\\(a = 1.5, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1\\)", br(),
                   "For these items fill the following exercises with an accuracy of up to 0.05. Then click on ", strong("Submit answers"), "button."),
                   tags$li("What is the upper asymptote for items?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich3_1_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich3_1_help", title = "Help",
                                     content = "Upper asymptote is determined by parameter d.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 1:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich3_1a", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich3_1a_answer"), ""),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 2:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich3_1b", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich3_1b_answer"), "")),
                   tags$li("What is the probability of correct answer for latent ability \\(\\theta = b\\)?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich3_2_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich3_2_help", title = "Help",
                                     content = "You can find this value at the left figure. Alternatively, you can calculate the value by formula for P(&theta;), where you can use the fact that exp(0) = 1.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 1:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich3_2a", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich3_2a_answer"), ""),
                             cellWidths = c("7%", "7%", "4%", "82%"),
                             strong("Item 2:"),
                             numericInput("irt_training_dich3_2b", label = NULL, value = 0),
                             uiOutput("irt_training_dich3_2b_answer"), "")),
                   tags$li("Which item is more informative?",
                           bsButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich3_3_help",
                                    label = "", icon = icon("question"),
                                    style = "info", size = "extra-small"),
                           bsPopover(id = "irt_training_dich3_3_help", title = "Help",
                                     content = "Compare the curves at the right figure. Alternatively, you can compare formulas for information function.",
                                     placement = "right",
                                     trigger = "hover",
                                     options = list(container = "body")),
                             cellWidths = c("21%", "4%", "75%"),
                             radioButtons("irt_training_dich3_3", label = NULL,
                                          choices = list("Depends on level of \\(\\theta\\)" = 12,
                                                         "Item 1 for all levels of \\(\\theta\\)" = 1,
                                                         "Item 2 for all levels of \\(\\theta\\)" = 2)),
                             div(style = "display: inline-block; float: right; width: 200px;",
                                 actionButton(inputId = "irt_training_dich3_submit", label = "Submit answers", width = "80%"))))),

                 # Selected R code ####
                 h4("Selected R code"),
kitdouble/ShinyIRT documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:47 p.m.