R/ExtractHighCorFeatures 2.R

Defines functions ExtractHighCorFeatures

Documented in ExtractHighCorFeatures ExtractHighCorFeatures

#' @title Extracting most highly correlated genes with GoM topics/clusters
#' @description This function compares grades of membership profile for each
#'  cluster in GoM model fit with the data expression profile to identify
#'  genes that are mostly strongly associated with each topic.
#' @param omega \eqn{\boldsymbol{omega}} matrix, the relative grades of memberships
#'                from the GoM model fitting (a \eqn{N x K} matrix where \eqn{N} is
#'                number of samples, \eqn{K} number of topics).
#' @param data \eqn{G x N} matrix of the expression profile of genes across samples,
#'              where \eqn{G} is the number of features and \eqn{N} number of samples
#' @param num_genes The number of top associated genes with each cluster. Defaults to 100
#' @return A list containing two items - a \eqn{K x num_genes} matrix of the
#'          top strongly associated/correlated indices/features for K clusters,
#'          and another \eqn{K x num_genes} matrix of the absolute values of the
#'          correlations.
#' @import  stats
#' @export

ExtractHighCorFeatures <- function(omega,
    if(num_genes > dim(data)[1]){
        stop("num genes must be less than the number of features in data")

    if(dim(data)[2] < dim(omega)[2]){
        stop("number of samples must be greater than K")

    K <- dim(omega)[2]

    indices <- matrix(0,K,num_genes)
    cor_values <- matrix(0,K,num_genes)

    for(k in 1:K){
        abs_cor_genes <- array(0, dim(data)[1])
        for(l in 1:dim(data)[1]){
            if(stats::sd(data[l,])==0){ abs_cor_genes[l] <- 0}
            else{abs_cor_genes[l] <- abs(cor(data[l,], omega[,k]))}
        indices[k,] <- order(abs_cor_genes, decreasing=TRUE)[1:num_genes]
        cor_values[k,] <- abs_cor_genes[indices[k,]]

    ll <- list("feature_indices"=indices,
kkdey/CountClust documentation built on Jan. 17, 2021, 5:32 p.m.