Man pages for klvoje/adePEM
Evaluate the adequacy of within-lineage phenotypic evolution models

auto.corrCalculating autocorrelation
auto.corr.test.decelApplying the autocorrelation test to the decelerated...
auto.corr.test.OUApplying the autocorrelation test to the OU model
auto.corr.test.RWApplying the autocorrelation test to the Random walk model
auto.corr.test.stasisApplying the autocorrelation test to the stasis model
auto.corr.test.trendApplying the autocorrelation test to the trend model distances in morphospace.
est.OUPredicting trait values for a given OU model
fit3adequacy.decelApplying 3 adequacy tests to the decelerated evolution model
fit3adequacy.OUApplying 3 adequacy tests to the Random walk model
fit3adequacy.RWApplying 3 adequacy tests to the Random walk model
fit3adequacy.trendApplying 3 adequacy tests to the trend model
fit4adequacy.stasisApplying 4 adequacy tests to the stasis model
net.change.testCalculating net evolution
net.change.test.stasisApplying the net evolution test to the stasis model
plotting.distributionsPlotting the observed test statistic on the distribution of...
runs.testCalculating the number of runs
runs.test.decelApplying the runs test to the decelerated evolution model
runs.test.OUApplying the runs test to the OU model
runs.test.RWApplying the runs test to the random walk model
runs.test.stasisApplying the runs test to the stasis model
runs.test.trendApplying the runs test to the trend model
sim.accel_decelSimulate time-series where the rate of evolution increase or...
slope.testEstimating the linear time-dependency of the trait variance
slope.test.OUApplying the constant variance test to the OU model
slope.test.RWApplying the constant variance test to the random walk model
slope.test.stasisApplying the constant variance test to the stasis model
slope.test.trendApplying the constant variance test to the trend model
variance.test.decelApplying the constant variance test to the decelerated...
variance.test.OUApplying the constant variance test to the OU evolution model
klvoje/adePEM documentation built on Feb. 24, 2023, 1:28 p.m.