slope.test.stasis: Applying the constant variance test to the stasis model

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slope.test.stasisR Documentation

Applying the constant variance test to the stasis model


Investigates if the stasis model is an adequate statistical description of an evolutionary time series by applying the constant variance test.


slope.test.stasis(y, nrep = 1000, conf = 0.95, plot = TRUE,
  save.replicates = TRUE, omega = NULL)



a paleoTS object


number of iterations in the parametric bootstrap (number of simulated time series); default is 1000.


confidence level for judging whether a model is an adequate statistical description of the data. Number must be between 0 and 1. A higher number means less strict judgment of whether a model is adequate; default is 0.95. Tests are two-tailed (except for the net evolution test), which means a model is judged adequate if the observed test statistic is within the 2.5 percent of the extreme values of the calculated test statistics on the simulated data given the default confidence value of 0.95.


logical; if TRUE, the value of the test statistic calculated based on the observed fossil time series is plotted on the distribution of test statistics calculated on the simulated time series; default is TRUE.


logical; if TRUE, the values of the test statistic calculated on the simulated time series is saved and can be accessed later for plotting purposes; default is TRUE.


evolutonary variance estimated from the observed data. This parameter is automatically estimated from the data, if not set by the user (usually not recommended).


If model = stasis: the function estimates the slope of the least square regression of the size of deviations (their absolute value) from the optimal phenotype as a function of time.


First part of the output summarizes the number of iterations in the parametric bootstrap and the confidence level for judging whether a model is an adequate statistical description of the data. The last part of the output is:


The calculated test statistic on the observed data.


The smallest test statistic calculated on the simulated data.


The largest test statistic calculated on the simulated data.


Not a real p-value, but is calculated as the fraction of simulated test statistics that is larger (or smaller) than the calculated test statistic on the observed data divided by 0.5. A value of 1 means 50 percent of the test statistics on the simulated data are larger and smaller than the calculated statistic on the observed data. A value of 0.10 means 90 percent of the test statistics on the simulated data are larger or smaller than the test statistic on the observed time series.


Whether the model PASSED or FAILED the adequacy test. The outcome depends on the confidence level.


Kjetil L. Voje


Voje, K.L. 2018. Assessing adequacy of models of phyletic evolution in the fossil record. Methods in Ecology and Evoluton. (in press).

Voje, K.L., Starrfelt, J., and Liow, L.H. 2018. Model adequacy and microevolutionary explanations for stasis in the fossil record. The American Naturalist. 191:509-523.

See Also

fit4adequacy.stasis, slope.test.RW, slope.test.trend


## generate a paleoTS objects by simulating a stasis time series
x <- sim.Stasis(ns = 40, theta = 0, omega = 0.1)

## investigate if the time series pass the adequacy test

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