
#' @title Log-likelihoods for evolutionary models
#' @description Returns log-likelihood for a multivariate Unbiased Random Walk model with accelerating or decelerating rates of evolution through time.
#' @param init.par initial (starting) parameters values
#' @param y vector containing all trait values from all traits
#' @param m number of traits
#' @param n number of populations
#' @param anc.values initial values for the ancestral trait values
#' @param yy a multivariate evoTS object
#' @details In general, users will not be access these functions directly, but instead use the optimization functions, which use these functions to find the best-supported parameter values.
#'@return The log-likelihood of the parameter estimates, given the data.
#'@author Kjetil Lysne Voje

logL.joint.accel.decel.single.R<-function (init.par, y , m , n, anc.values, yy)

  locations.R<-which(chol == 0, arr.ind = T)
  location.upper.tri.R<-which(locations.R[,1] < locations.R[,2])


  for (i in 1:m){

  M_temp<-matrix(data=NA, nrow=m, ncol=n)

  for (i in 1:m){
    M_temp[i,] <- rep(M.init[i], n)
  M<-c(t(M_temp)) # vectorize M

  #  VV <- exp(r*outer(y$tt, y$tt, FUN = pmin)) - 1)/r

  # Defining the "phylogenetic" covariance matrix (C)
  #C<- outer(exp(init.par[length(inixt.par)]*yy$tt[,1]), exp(init.par[length(init.par)]*yy$tt[,1]), FUN = pmin)
  #C<- outer(yy$tt[,1], yy$tt[,1], FUN = pmin)
  C<- (exp(init.par[length(init.par)]*outer(yy$tt[,1], yy$tt[,1], FUN = pmin)) - 1)/init.par[length(init.par)]
    V <- matrix(0, nrow=length(M), ncol=length(M)) # making a variance-covariance matrix with dimensionality of n*m * n*m
    VV <- V + kronecker(t(chol) %*% chol, C) # computing V as the kronecker product of the Cholesky decomposed R matrix multiplied with distance matrix C

    sample.var_temp<-matrix(data=NA, nrow=m, ncol=n)
    for (i in 1:m){
      sample.var_temp[i,] <- yy$vv[,i]/yy$nn[,i]
    diag(VV) <- diag(VV) + sample.var

    S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y, mean = M, sigma = VV, log = TRUE)
klvoje/evoTS documentation built on June 29, 2024, 10:26 p.m.