
##' Function for detecting change points and changed variates
##' This function is responsible for main calculation of this package. This calculate simulated change points and MAP estimates of them, and detect variates which significantly changed between each MAP estimated change points.
##' @title calculateNbcf
##' @param count.mat dgCmatrix, Count matrix. Each row represent each variate. Each column represent each observation
##' @param t.vec Numeric vector, Observation time
##' @param mean.bias.vec Numeric vector, Relative mean bias for each observation 
##' @param r Numeric, Size parameters of negative binomial distribution. 
##' @param lambda Numeric, Prior probability the change point occur each step
##' @param p.res Integer, Approximation resolution of parameter p
##' @param count.res Integer, Approximation resolution of count.
##' @param t.res Integer, Approximation resolution of t.
##' @param map.fix.num Integer, the number of map change points. If it is \code{NULL}, the point number is automaticaly estimated
##' @param method Character, this calculate least variance break points when you specify this as "variance"
##' @return Nbcf, nbcf Instance of class \code{\link{Nbcf}}
##' @seealso [Nbcf]
##' @author Yasuhiro Kojima
##' @import purrr
##' @export

calculateNbcf <- function(count.mat, t.vec, mean.bias.vec,
                          alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, r=30, lambda=0.01,
                          p.res=1000, count.res=1000, t.res=100, map.fix.num = NULL, method = "nbinom", calc.bf.list = TRUE){
  ## count.mat and mean.bias.vec  are ordered based on t.vec 
  count.mat <- count.mat[, order(t.vec)]
  mean.bias.vec <- mean.bias.vec[order(t.vec)]
  t.vec <- t.vec[order(t.vec)]
  ## rows of count.mat will be named as seq(nrow(count.mat))
  if(length(rownames(count.mat)) == 0){
    rownames(count.mat) <- seq(nrow(count.mat))
  ## t.grids will seprate observation into t.res bins
  t.grids <- as.integer(seq(0, length(t.vec), length.out = t.res+1))
  if(method == "variance"){
    lnb.dict <- NULL
    lpst.list <- calculateVarLpstList(count.mat, mean.bias.vec, t.grids)
    lnb.dict <- setupLnbDict(max(count.mat), mean.bias.vec, r, alpha, beta, count.res, p.res)
    lpst.list <- calculateLpstList(lnb.dict, count.mat, t.grids)
  names(lpst.list) <- rownames(count.mat)
    lqt.list <- purrr::map(lpst.list, ~ calculateLqt(.x, lambda))
    bf.list <- purrr::map2(lqt.list, lpst.list, ~ .x[1] - .y[1, ncol(.y)])
    lqt.list <- list()
    bf.list <- list()
  lpst <- purrr::reduce(lpst.list, ~ .x + .y)
  used.vars <- rownames(count.mat)
  lqt <- calculateLqt(lpst, lambda)
  if(method == "variance"){
    sim.change.point.list <- list()
    sim.change.point.list <- perfectSimulation(lqt, lpst, lambda)
    map.change.point <- calculateMapFix(lpst, lambda, map.fix.num)$change.point
    lqt <- calculateMapFix(lpst, lambda, map.fix.num)$lqK.vec
    map.change.point <- calculateMap(lpst, lambda)
  change.variate.df <- findChangeVariate(lpst.list, used.vars, map.change.point, lambda = lambda)
  ## conver from grid index to t corresponding to end point of each grid
  convertTidx2T <- function(t.idx.vec){
    unlist(purrr::map(t.idx.vec, ~ t.vec[t.grids[.x + 1]]))
  outer.sim.change.point.list <- purrr::map(
                                    ~ t.vec[t.grids[.x + 1]])
  outer.map.change.point <- convertTidx2T(map.change.point)
  change.variate.df$change.point <- convertTidx2T(change.variate.df$change.point)
  nbcf <- new("Nbcf",
              count.mat = count.mat,
              t.vec = t.vec,
              mean.bias.vec = mean.bias.vec,
              params = list(
                alpha = alpha,
                beta = beta,
                r = r,
                lambda = lambda,
                p.res = p.res,
                count.res = count.res),
              lpst = lpst,
              lqt = lqt,
              lpst.list = lpst.list,
              lqt.list = lqt.list,
              bf.list = bf.list,
              used.vars = used.vars,
              sim.change.point.list = outer.sim.change.point.list,
              map.change.point = outer.map.change.point,
              change.variate.df = change.variate.df)

##' Function for recalculation of part of \code{\link{calculateNbcf}}
##' This function recalculate \code{map.change.points} and \code{change.variate.df} from a existing instance of \code{nbcf}.
##' @title recalculateNbcf
##' @param old.nbcf, nbcf Instance of class \code{\link{Nbcf}}
##' @param map.fix.num Integer, the number of map change points. If it is \code{NULL}, the point number is automaticaly estimated
##' @param method Character, this calculate least variance break points when you specify this as "variance"
##' @return nbcf, Nbcf Instance of class \code{\link{Nbcf}}
##' @seealso [Nbcf]
##' @author Yasuhiro Kojima
##' @import purrr
##' @export

recalculateNbcf <- function(old.nbcf, map.fix.num, lambda = 0.5, used.vars = NULL, calc.change.variate = TRUE){
  ## count.mat and mean.bias.vec  are ordered based on t.vec
  t.vec <- old.nbcf@t.vec
  count.mat <- old.nbcf@count.mat
  mean.bias.vec <- old.nbcf@mean.bias.vec
  count.mat <- count.mat[, order(t.vec)]
  mean.bias.vec <- mean.bias.vec[order(t.vec)]
  t.vec <- t.vec[order(t.vec)]
  t.res <- length(old.nbcf@lqt)
  lpst <- old.nbcf@lpst
  lpst.list <- old.nbcf@lpst.list
  ## t.grids will seprate observation into t.res bins
  t.grids <- as.integer(seq(0, length(t.vec), length.out = t.res+1))
  if(length(used.vars) == 0){
    used.vars <- rownames(count.mat)
  lpst <- purrr::reduce(lpst.list[used.vars], ~ .x + .y)
  map.change.point <- calculateMapFix(lpst, lambda, map.fix.num)$change.point
  lqt <- calculateMapFix(lpst, lambda, map.fix.num)$lqK.vec
    change.variate.df <- findChangeVariate(lpst.list, used.vars, map.change.point)
    change.variate.df <- old.nbcf@change.variate.df
  ## conver from grid index to t corresponding to end point of each grid
  convertTidx2T <- function(t.idx.vec){
    unlist(purrr::map(t.idx.vec, ~ t.vec[t.grids[.x + 1]]))
  outer.map.change.point <- convertTidx2T(map.change.point)
  change.variate.df$change.point <- convertTidx2T(change.variate.df$change.point)
  ## move calcualtion results into new object
  nbcf <- old.nbcf
  nbcf@map.change.point <- outer.map.change.point
  nbcf@change.variate.df <- change.variate.df
  nbcf@lpst <- lpst
  nbcf@used.vars <- used.vars
kojikoji/nbcf documentation built on June 16, 2019, 6:08 p.m.