
Defines functions redist.smc_is_ci redist_mcmc_ci redist_smc_ci redist_ci

Documented in redist_ci redist_mcmc_ci redist_smc_ci redist.smc_is_ci

#' Confidence Intervals for SMC and MCMC Estimates
#' Builds a confidence interval for a quantity of interest.
#' If multiple runs are available, uses the between-run variation to estimate
#' the standard error. If only one run is available, uses information on the SMC
#' particle/plan genealogy to estimate the standard error, using a variant of
#' the method of Olson & Douc (2019). The multiple-run estimator is more
#' reliable, especially for situations with many districts, and should be used
#' when parallelism is available.  All reference plans are ignored.
#' @param plans a [redist_plans] object.
#' @param x the quantity to build an interval for. Tidy-evaluated within `plans`.
#' @param district for [redist_plans] objects with multiple districts, which
#' `district` to subset to. Set to `NULL` to perform no subsetting.
#' @param conf the desired confidence level.
#' @param by_chain Whether the confidence interval should indicate overall
#'   sampling uncertainty (`FALSE`) or per-chain sampling uncertainty (`TRUE`).
#'   In the latter case the intervals will be wider by a factor of `sqrt(runs)`.
#' @references
#' Lee, A., & Whiteley, N. (2018). Variance estimation in the particle filter.
#' Biometrika, 105(3), 609-625.
#' Olsson, J., & Douc, R. (2019). Numerically stable online estimation of
#' variance in particle filters. Bernoulli, 25(2), 1504-1535.
#' H. P. Chan and T. L. Lai. A general theory of particle filters in hidden
#' Markov models and some applications. Ann. Statist., 41(6):2877–2904, 2013.
#' @return A tibble with three columns: \code{X}, \code{X_lower}, and
#' \code{X_upper}, where \code{X} is the name of the vector of interest,
#' containing the mean and confidence interval. When used inside
#' \code{\link[dplyr:summarise]{summarize()}} this will create three columns in the
#' output data.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(iowa)
#' iowa_map <- redist_map(iowa, existing_plan = cd_2010, pop_tol = 0.05)
#' plans <- redist_mergesplit_parallel(iowa_map, nsims = 200, chains = 2, silent = TRUE) %>%
#'     mutate(dem = group_frac(iowa_map, dem_08, dem_08 + rep_08)) %>%
#'     number_by(dem)
#' redist_smc_ci(plans, dem)
#' @md
#' @concept analyze
#' @export
redist_ci <- function(plans, x, district = 1L, conf = 0.9, by_chain = FALSE) {
    algo = attr(plans, "algorithm")
    algos_ok = c("smc", "mergesplit", "flip")

    x = enquo(x)

    if (is.null(algo) || !algo %in% algos_ok) {
        cli_abort("{.field algorithm} attribute missing from {.arg plans}.
                  Call {.fn redist_smc_ci} or {.fn redist_mcmc_ci} directly.")
    } else if (algo == "smc") {
        redist_smc_ci(plans, !!x, district, conf, by_chain)
    } else { # MCMC
        redist_mcmc_ci(plans,!!x, district, conf, by_chain)

#' @describeIn redist_ci Compute confidence intervals for SMC output.
#' @export
redist_smc_ci <- function(plans, x, district = 1L, conf = 0.9, by_chain = FALSE) {
    plans <- subset_sampled(plans)
    x_orig <- enquo(x)
    x <- as.numeric(eval_tidy(enquo(x), plans))
    if (!"district" %in% names(plans))
        plans$district = rep(1, nrow(plans))
    if (!is.null(district))
        x <- x[plans$district == district]
    N <- length(x)
    est <- mean(x)

    if ("chain" %in% names(plans)) { # multiple runs
        if (is.null(district)) {
            chain <- plans$chain
        } else {
            chain <- plans$chain[plans$district == district]
        rhat <- diag_rhat(x, chain)
        if (is.finite(rhat) && rhat > 1.05) {
            cli_warn(c("Runs have not converged for this statistic.",
                       "i" = "R-hat is {round(rhat, 3)}",
                       ">" = "Increase the number of samples."))
        run_means <- tapply(x, chain, mean) %>%

        if (isTRUE(by_chain)) {
            std_err <- sd(run_means)
        } else {
            std_err <- sd(run_means) / sqrt(max(chain) - 1) # be slightly conservative
    } else {
        std_errs <- apply(attr(plans, "diagnostics")[[1]]$ancestors, 2, function(anc) {
            sum_inner <- tapply(x - est, anc, sum)^2
        std_err <- quantile(std_errs, 0.75)

    alpha <- (1 - conf)/2
    ci <- est + qt(c(alpha, 0.5, 1 - alpha), df = N - 1)*std_err

    tibble("{{ x_orig }}" := ci[2],
           "{{ x_orig }}_lower" := ci[1],
           "{{ x_orig }}_upper" := ci[3])

#' @describeIn redist_ci Compute confidence intervals for MCMC output.
#' @export
redist_mcmc_ci <- function(plans, x, district = 1L, conf = 0.9, by_chain = FALSE) {
    plans <- subset_sampled(plans)
    x_orig <- enquo(x)
    x <- as.numeric(eval_tidy(enquo(x), plans))
    if (!"district" %in% names(plans))
        plans$district = rep(1, nrow(plans))
    if (!is.null(district))
        x <- x[plans$district == district]
    N <- length(x)
    est <- mean(x)

    if ("chain" %in% names(plans)) { # multiple runs
        chain <- plans$chain[plans$district == district]
    } else {
        chain <- rep(1, N)

    rhat <- diag_rhat(x, chain, split=TRUE)
    if (is.finite(rhat) && rhat > 1.05) {
        cli_warn(c("Runs have not converged for this statistic.",
                   "i" = "R-hat is {round(rhat, 3)}",
                   ">" = "Increase the number of samples."))

    rlang::check_installed("coda", "to calculate MCMC standard errors.")

    mcmc = coda::mcmc.list(tapply(x, chain, coda::mcmc))
    std_err <- summary(mcmc)$statistics["Time-series SE"]
    if (isTRUE(by_chain)) {
        std_err <- std_err * sqrt(max(chain))

    alpha <- (1 - conf)/2
    ci <- est + qt(c(alpha, 0.5, 1 - alpha), df = N - 1)*std_err

    tibble("{{ x_orig }}" := ci[2],
           "{{ x_orig }}_lower" := ci[1],
           "{{ x_orig }}_upper" := ci[3])

#' (Deprecated) Confidence Intervals for Importance Sampling Estimates
#' Builds a confidence interval for a quantity of interest,
#' given importance sampling weights.
#' @param x A numeric vector containing the quantity of interest
#' @param wgt A numeric vector containing the nonnegative importance weights.
#' Will be normalized automatically.
#' @param conf The confidence level for the interval.
#' @returns A two-element vector of the form `[lower, upper]` containing
#' the importance sampling confidence interval.
#' @concept post
#' @export
redist.smc_is_ci <- function(x, wgt, conf = 0.99) {
    wgt <- wgt/sum(wgt)
    mu <- sum(x*wgt)
    sig <- sqrt(sum((x - mu)^2*wgt^2))
    mu + qnorm(c((1 - conf)/2, 1 - (1 - conf)/2))*sig
kosukeimai/redist documentation built on March 28, 2024, 7:36 a.m.