
Defines functions redist_mergesplit

Documented in redist_mergesplit

# Author: Cory McCartan
# Institution: Harvard University
# Date Created: 2021/01/31
# Purpose: tidy R wrapper to run Merge-Split/Recom redistricting code

#' Merge-Split/Recombination MCMC Redistricting Sampler (Carter et al. 2019)
#' \code{redist_mergesplit} uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm (Carter et
#' al. 2019; based on DeFord et. al 2019) to generate congressional or legislative redistricting plans
#' according to contiguity, population, compactness, and administrative boundary
#' constraints. The MCMC proposal is the same as is used in the SMC sampler
#' (McCartan and Imai 2023); it is similar but not identical to those used in
#' the references.  1-level hierarchical Merge-split is supported through the
#' \code{counties} parameter; unlike in the SMC algorithm, this does not
#' guarantee a maximum number of county splits.
#' This function draws samples from a specific target measure, controlled by the
#' \code{map}, \code{compactness}, and \code{constraints} parameters.
#' Key to ensuring good performance is monitoring the acceptance rate, which
#' is reported at the sample level in the output.
#' Users should also check diagnostics of the sample by running
#' \code{summary.redist_plans()}.
#' Higher values of \code{compactness} sample more compact districts;
#' setting this parameter to 1 is computationally efficient and generates nicely
#' compact districts.
#' @param map A \code{\link{redist_map}} object.
#' @param nsims The number of samples to draw, including warmup.
#' @param warmup The number of warmup samples to discard. Recommended to be at
#' least the first 20% of samples, and in any case no less than around 100
#' samples, unless initializing from a random plan.
#' @param thin Save every `thin`-th sample. Defaults to no thinning (1).
#' @param init_plan The initial state of the map. If not provided, will default to
#' the reference map of the \code{map} object, or if none exists, will sample
#' a random initial state using \code{\link{redist_smc}}. You can also request
#' a random initial state by setting \code{init_plan="sample"}.
#' @param counties A vector containing county (or other administrative or
#' geographic unit) labels for each unit, which may be integers ranging from 1
#' to the number of counties, or a factor or character vector.  If provided,
#' the algorithm will generate maps tend to follow county lines. There is no
#' strength parameter associated with this constraint. To adjust the number of
#' county splits further, or to constrain a second type of administrative
#' split, consider using `add_constr_splits()`, `add_constr_multisplits()`,
#' and `add_constr_total_splits()`.
#' @param compactness Controls the compactness of the generated districts, with
#' higher values preferring more compact districts. Must be nonnegative. See the
#' 'Details' section for more information, and computational considerations.
#' @param constraints A list containing information on constraints to implement.
#' See the 'Details' section for more information.
#' @param constraint_fn A function which takes in a matrix where each column is
#' a redistricting plan and outputs a vector of log-weights, which will be
#' added the the final weights.
#' @param adapt_k_thresh The threshold value used in the heuristic to select a
#' value \code{k_i} for each splitting iteration. Set to 0.9999 or 1 if
#' the algorithm does not appear to be sampling from the target distribution.
#' Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param k The number of edges to consider cutting after drawing a spanning
#' tree. Should be selected automatically in nearly all cases.
#' @param init_name a name for the initial plan, or \code{FALSE} to not include
#' the initial plan in the output.  Defaults to the column name of the
#' existing plan, or "\code{<init>}" if the initial plan is sampled.
#' @param verbose Whether to print out intermediate information while sampling.
#' Recommended.
#' @param silent Whether to suppress all diagnostic information.
#' @return \code{redist_mergesplit} returns an object of class
#' \code{\link{redist_plans}} containing the simulated plans.
#' @references
#' Carter, D., Herschlag, G., Hunter, Z., and Mattingly, J. (2019). A
#' merge-split proposal for reversible Monte Carlo Markov chain sampling of
#' redistricting plans. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.01503.
#' McCartan, C., & Imai, K. (2023). Sequential Monte Carlo for Sampling
#' Balanced and Compact Redistricting Plans. *Annals of Applied Statistics* 17(4).
#' Available at \doi{10.1214/23-AOAS1763}.
#' DeFord, D., Duchin, M., and Solomon, J. (2019). Recombination: A family of
#' Markov chains for redistricting. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05725.
#' @examples \donttest{
#' data(fl25)
#' fl_map <- redist_map(fl25, ndists = 3, pop_tol = 0.1)
#' sampled_basic <- redist_mergesplit(fl_map, 10000)
#' sampled_constr <- redist_mergesplit(fl_map, 10000, constraints = list(
#'     incumbency = list(strength = 1000, incumbents = c(3, 6, 25))
#' ))
#' }
#' @concept simulate
#' @md
#' @order 1
#' @export
redist_mergesplit <- function(map, nsims,
                              warmup = if (is.null(init_plan)) 10 else max(100, nsims %/% 5),
                              thin = 1L, init_plan = NULL, counties = NULL, compactness = 1,
                              constraints = list(), constraint_fn = function(m) rep(0, ncol(m)),
                              adapt_k_thresh = 0.99, k = NULL, init_name = NULL,
                              verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE) {
    if (!missing(constraint_fn)) cli_warn("{.arg constraint_fn} is deprecated.")

    map <- validate_redist_map(map)
    V <- nrow(map)
    adj <- get_adj(map)
    ndists <- attr(map, "ndists")
    warmup <- max(warmup, 0L)
    thin <- as.integer(thin)

    if (compactness < 0)
        cli_abort("{.arg compactness} must be non-negative.")
    if (adapt_k_thresh < 0 | adapt_k_thresh > 1)
        cli_abort("{.arg adapt_k_thresh} must lie in [0, 1].")
    if (nsims <= warmup)
        cli_abort("{.arg nsims} must be greater than {.arg warmup}.")
    if (thin < 1 || thin > nsims - warmup)
        cli_abort("{.arg thin} must be a positive integer, and no larger than {.arg nsims - warmup}.")
    if (nsims < 1)
        cli_abort("{.arg nsims} must be positive.")

    exist_name <- attr(map, "existing_col")
    counties <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::enquo(counties), map)
    if (is.null(init_plan) && !is.null(exist_name)) {
        init_plan <- vctrs::vec_group_id(get_existing(map))
        if (is.null(init_name)) init_name <- exist_name
    }  else if (!is.null(init_plan) && is.null(init_name)) {
        init_name <- "<init>"
    if (length(init_plan) == 0L || isTRUE(init_plan == "sample")) {
        init_plan <- as.integer(get_plans_matrix(
            redist_smc(map, 10, counties, resample = FALSE, ref_name = FALSE, silent = TRUE, ncores = 1))[, 1])
        if (is.null(init_name)) init_name <- "<init>"

    # check init
    if (length(init_plan) != V)
        cli_abort("{.arg init_plan} must be as long as the number of units as `map`.")
    if (max(init_plan) != ndists)
        cli_abort("{.arg init_plan} must have the same number of districts as `map`.")
    if (any(contiguity(adj, init_plan) != 1))
        cli_warn("{.arg init_plan} should have contiguous districts.")

    if (is.null(counties)) {
        counties <- rep(1, V)
    } else {
        if (any(is.na(counties)))
            cli_abort("County vector must not contain missing values.")

        # handle discontinuous counties
        component <- contiguity(adj, vctrs::vec_group_id(counties))
        counties <- dplyr::if_else(component > 1,
                                   paste0(as.character(counties), "-", component),
                                   as.character(counties)) %>%
            as.factor() %>%

    # Other constraints
    if (!inherits(constraints, "redist_constr")) {
        constraints <- new_redist_constr(eval_tidy(enquo(constraints), map))
    if (any(c("edges_removed", "log_st") %in% names(constraints))) {
        cli_warn(c("{.var edges_removed} or {.var log_st} constraint found in
           {.arg constraints} and will be ignored.",
            ">" = "Adjust using {.arg compactness} instead."))
    if (any(c("poslby", "fry_hold") %in% names(constraints)) && compactness == 1) {
        cli_warn("{.var polsby} or {.var fry_hold} constraint found in {.arg constraints}
                 with {.arg compactness != 1). This may disrupt efficient sampling.")
    constraints <- as.list(constraints) # drop data attribute

    verbosity <- 1
    if (verbose) verbosity <- 3
    if (silent) verbosity <- 0
    if (is.null(k)) k <- 0

    pop_bounds <- attr(map, "pop_bounds")
    pop <- map[[attr(map, "pop_col")]]
    init_pop <- pop_tally(matrix(init_plan, ncol = 1), pop, ndists)
    if (any(init_pop < pop_bounds[1]) | any(init_pop > pop_bounds[3]))
        cli_abort("Provided initialization does not meet population bounds.")
    if (any(pop >= pop_bounds[3])) {
        too_big <- as.character(which(pop >= pop_bounds[3]))
        cli_abort(c("Unit{?s} {too_big} ha{?ve/s/ve}
                    population larger than the maximum district size.",
            "x" = "Redistricting impossible."))

    t1_run <- Sys.time()
    control = list(adapt_k_thresh=adapt_k_thresh, do_mh=TRUE)
    algout <- ms_plans(nsims, adj, init_plan, counties, pop, ndists,
                       pop_bounds[2], pop_bounds[1], pop_bounds[3], compactness,
                       constraints, control, k, thin, verbosity)
    t2_run <- Sys.time()

    storage.mode(algout$plans) <- "integer"
    acceptances <- as.logical(algout$mhdecisions)

    warmup_idx <- c(seq_len(1 + warmup %/% thin), ncol(algout$plans))
    l_diag <- list(
        runtime = as.numeric(t2_run - t1_run, units = "secs")
    out <- new_redist_plans(algout$plans[, -warmup_idx, drop = FALSE],
                            map, "mergesplit", NULL, FALSE,
                            ndists = ndists,
                            compactness = compactness,
                            constraints = constraints,
                            adapt_k_thresh = adapt_k_thresh,
                            version = packageVersion("redist"),
                            diagnostics = l_diag,
                            mh_acceptance = mean(acceptances))

    warmup_idx <- c(seq_len(warmup %/% thin), length(acceptances))
    out <- out %>% mutate(mcmc_accept = rep(acceptances[-warmup_idx], each = ndists))

    if (!is.null(init_name) && !isFALSE(init_name)) {
        out <- add_reference(out, init_plan, init_name)

kosukeimai/redist documentation built on March 28, 2024, 7:36 a.m.