

test_that("SMC runs without errors", {
    N <- 20
    res <- redist_smc(fl_map, N, silent = TRUE)

    expect_s3_class(res, "redist_plans")

test_that("County constraint works", {
    iowa_map <- redist_map(iowa, ndists = 4, pop_tol = 0.05)
    plans <- redist_smc(iowa_map, 50, counties = region, silent = TRUE)
    splits <- redistmetrics::splits_admin(plans, iowa_map, region)
    expect_true(all(splits <= 3L))
    expect_true(all(apply(get_plans_matrix(plans), 2,
        function(x) all(contiguity(iowa_map$adj, x) == 1))))

    region2 <- iowa$region
    region2[25] <- NA
    expect_error(redist_smc(iowa_map, 50, counties = region2, silent = TRUE),
        "missing values")

test_that("Single-precinct counties work", {
    bb <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(list(rbind(c(0, 0), c(1, 0), c(1, 1), c(0, 0)))))
    grid <- sf::st_make_grid(bb, n = 4)
    tb <- sf::st_as_sf(grid) %>%
        rename(geometry = x) %>%
        mutate(pop = 1, counties = row_number())
    box_map <- redist_map(tb, ndists = 4, pop_tol = 0.25, total_pop = pop) %>%
        suppressWarnings() %>%

    test <- redist_smc(box_map, 50, counties = counties, silent = TRUE)
    expect_s3_class(test, "redist_plans")

test_that("Not egregiously incorrect sampling accuracy (5-prec)", {

    g <- list(c(1L, 4L), c(0L, 2L, 4L), c(1L, 3L, 4L), c(2L, 4L), c(0L, 1L, 2L, 3L))
    g_pop <- c(2, 1, 1, 1, 1)
    map <- redist_map(pop = g_pop, ndists = 2, pop_tol = 0.5, adj = g)
    out <- redist_smc(map, 20e3, compactness = 0, adapt_k_thresh = 0.99, resample = FALSE, silent = TRUE)
    types <- apply(as.matrix(out), 2, function(x) 1L + (x[1] == x[2]))
    wgts <- weights(out)
    avg <- weighted.mean(types, wgts)
    se <- sqrt(sum((types - avg)^2*(wgts/sum(wgts))^2))
    zscores <- (avg - 1.5) / se
    expect_true(abs(zscores) <= 3)

test_that("Not egregiously incorrect sampling accuracy (25-prec)", {

    ref_plans <- plans_10[, redist.parity(plans_10, pop) <= 0.01]
    log_st_ref <- round(log_st_map(adj, ref_plans, rep(1L, 25), 3L), 5)

    out <- redist_smc(set_pop_tol(fl_map, 0.01), 6000, compactness = 0,
        adapt_k_thresh = 1, seq_alpha = 0.5, resample = FALSE, silent = TRUE) %>%
        suppressWarnings() # efficiency
    log_st <- round(log_st_map(adj, as.matrix(out), rep(1L, 25), 3L), 5)
    types <- match(log_st, log_st_ref)

    wgts <- weights(out)
    avgs <- sapply(seq_along(log_st_ref), function(i) weighted.mean(types == i, wgts))
    ses <- sapply(seq_along(log_st_ref), function(i) {
        sqrt(sum(((types == i) - avgs[i])^2*(wgts/sum(wgts))^2))
    zscores <- (avgs - (1/length(log_st_ref)))/ses
    expect_true(all(abs(zscores) <= 5))

test_that("Partial sampling works accurately", {

    ref_plans <- plans_10[, redist.parity(plans_10, pop) <= 0.01]
    log_st_ref <- round(log_st_map(adj, ref_plans, rep(1L, 25), 3L), 5)

    out1 <- redist_smc(set_pop_tol(fl_map, 0.01), 3000, compactness = 0,
        n_steps = 1, adapt_k_thresh = 1, seq_alpha = 0.5,
        resample = TRUE, silent = TRUE) %>%
        suppressWarnings() # efficiency
    out2 <- redist_smc(set_pop_tol(fl_map, 0.01), 3000, compactness = 0,
        init_particles = as.matrix(out1),
        adapt_k_thresh = 1, seq_alpha = 0.5, resample = F, silent = TRUE) %>%
        suppressWarnings() # efficiency
    log_st <- round(log_st_map(adj, as.matrix(out2), rep(1L, 25), 3L), 5)
    types <- match(log_st, log_st_ref)

    wgts <- weights(out2)
    avgs <- sapply(seq_along(log_st_ref), function(i) weighted.mean(types == i, wgts))
    ses <- sapply(seq_along(log_st_ref), function(i) {
        sqrt(sum(((types == i) - avgs[i])^2*(wgts/sum(wgts))^2))
    zscores <- (avgs - (1/length(log_st_ref)))/ses
    expect_true(all(abs(zscores) <= 5.0))

test_that("Partial sampling works with strange bounds", {
    bounds <- sum(fl25$pop)*c(0.25, 0.3, 0.32)
    fl_map2 <- redist_map(fl25, pop_bounds = bounds, ndists = 4, adj = adj) %>%
    res <- redist_smc(fl_map2, 1000, n_steps = 2, silent = TRUE)
    expect_s3_class(res, "redist_plans")
    expect_true(all(res$total_pop[res$district > 0] > bounds[1]))
    expect_true(all(res$total_pop[res$district > 0] < bounds[3]))

test_that("Additional constraints work", {
    iowa_map <- redist_map(iowa, ndists = 4, pop_tol = 0.05)

    constr <- redist_constr(iowa_map) %>%
        add_constr_grp_hinge(5, dem_08, tot_08, c(0.5, 0.6)) %>%
        add_constr_grp_hinge(5, bvap + hvap, vap, c(0.5, 0)) %>%
        add_constr_custom(1e5, function(plan, distr) plan[7] == 2)

    plans <- redist_smc(iowa_map, 100, constraints = constr, silent = TRUE)
    expect_false(any(as.matrix(plans)[7, ] == 2))

test_that("Precise population bounds are enforced", {
    map2 <- fl_map
    attr(map2, "pop_bounds") <- c(52e3, 58e3, 60e3)
    res <- redist_smc(map2, 20, silent = TRUE)
    distr_pop <- apply(as.matrix(res), 2, function(x) tapply(pop, x, sum))
    expect_true(all(apply(distr_pop, 2, max) <= 60e3))
    expect_true(all(apply(distr_pop, 2, min) >= 52e3))

test_that("SMC checks arguments", {
    expect_error(redist_smc(fl_map, 10, compactness = -1), "non-negative")
    expect_error(redist_smc(fl_map, 10, seq_alpha = 1.5), "0, 1")
    expect_error(redist_smc(fl_map, 10, adapt_k_thresh = 1.5), "0, 1")
    expect_error(redist_smc(fl_map, 0), "positive")

test_that("Parallel runs are reproducible", {
    pl1 <- redist_smc(fl_map, 100, runs = 2, silent = TRUE)
    pl2 <- redist_smc(fl_map, 100, runs = 2, silent = TRUE)

    # runtime is the only thing that shouldn't be identical
    for (i in 1:2) {
        attr(pl1, "diagnostics")[[i]]$runtime <- NULL
        attr(pl2, "diagnostics")[[i]]$runtime <- NULL

    expect_identical(pl1, pl2)
kosukeimai/redist documentation built on March 28, 2024, 7:36 a.m.