
Defines functions plot_failures plot_all plot_end_detection plot_start_detection plot_trimming readkeygraph keydown

Documented in plot_all plot_end_detection plot_failures plot_start_detection plot_trimming

## declare keyPressed for graph confirmation

keydown <- function(key) {
  if (key == "q") {
  } else {
    ## keyPressed  <<- key
    ## assign("keyPressed", key, inherits = TRUE, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign("keyPressed", key, inherits = TRUE)

readkeygraph <- function(prompt) {
    prompt = prompt,
    onKeybd = keydown,
    consolePrompt = "[click on graph then follow top prompt to continue]"

#' Display automatic trimming on a list of dp objects
#' Display an automatic trimming of dp list, each dp object
#' individually. Press any key to move to the next dp object. Returns
#' nothing.
#' @param dp.list A list of dp objects, see \code{dpload}
#' @seealso dptrim, dptrim_s, dptriml_s,
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load several dp files
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
#' ## plot trimming the measurements
#' \donttest{
#' if(interactive()){
#' plot_trimming(dp.list)
#' }}
plot_trimming <- function(dp.list) {
  for (i in 1:length(dp.list)) {
    print((dptrim(dp.list[[i]], return.plot = T)))
    keyPressed <- readkeygraph(paste0("[any key to continue, q to quit] file ", i, "/", length(dp.list)))

#' Display start detection on a list of dp objects
#' Display an automatic start detection of dp list, each dp object
#' individually. Press any key to move to the next dp object. Returns
#' nothing.
#' @param dp.list A list of dp objects, see \code{dpload}
#' @seealso dptrim, dptrim_s, dptriml_s,
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load several dp files
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
#' ## trim the measurements
#' \donttest{
#' if(interactive()){
#' plot_start_detection(dp.list)
#' }}
plot_start_detection <- function(dp.list) {
  for (i in 1:length(dp.list)) {
    print((dpdetect_s(dp.list[[i]], return.plot = T)))
    keyPressed <- readkeygraph(paste0("[any key to continue, q to quit] file ", i, "/", length(dp.list)))

#' Display end detection on a list of dp objects
#' Display an automatic end detection of dp list, each dp object
#' individually. Press any key to move to the next dp object. Returns
#' nothing.
#' @param dp.list A list of dp objects, see \code{dpload}
#' @seealso dptrim, dptrim_s, dptriml_s,
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load several dp files
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
#' ## trim the measurements
#' \donttest{
#' if(interactive()){
#' plot_end_detection(dp.list)
#' }}
plot_end_detection <- function(dp.list) {
  for (i in 1:length(dp.list)) {
    print((dpdetect_e(dp.list[[i]], return.plot = T)))
    keyPressed <- readkeygraph(paste0("[any key to continue, q to quit] file ", i, "/", length(dp.list)))

#' Plot a list of dp objects, one by one
#' Plot a list of dp objects, one by one. Press any key to move to
#' the next dp object. Returns nothing.
#' @param dp.list A list of dp objects, see \code{dpload}
#' @seealso dptrim, dptrim_s, dptriml_s,
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load several dp files
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
#' ## trim the measurements
#' \donttest{
#' if(interactive()){
#' plot_all(dp.list)
#' }}
plot_all <- function(dp.list) {
  if (is.list(dp.list) == FALSE) {
    stop("not a list of density profiles")
  for (i in 1:length(dp.list)) {
    dp <- dp.list[[i]]
    keyPressed <- readkeygraph(paste0("[any key to continue, q to quit] file ", i, "/", length(dp.list)))

#' Plot trimming failures one by one
#' Plot each failed trimming detection, one by one. Press any key to
#' move to the next dp object. Returns nothing. The entry list of dp
#' trimmed objects must include the trimming report (rreport = TRUE).
#' @param dp.trimmed A list of trimmed dp objects, see \code{dpload}
#' @seealso dptrim, dptrim_s, dptriml_s,
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load several dp files
#' dp.list <- dpload(dp.directory = system.file("extdata", package = "densitr"))
#' ## trim the measurements
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_failures(dp.list)
#' }
plot_failures <- function(dp.trimmed) {
  failures <- separate_trim_failures(dp.trimmed)
  failures2 <- union(failures$failures.start, failures$failures.end)
  names(failures2) <- union(names(failures$failures.start), names(failures$failures.end))
  for (i in 1:length(failures2)) {
    dp <- failures2[[i]]$data
      type = "l",
      xlab = paste0("Drilling depth"),
      ylab = paste0("Resistograph density"),
      main = paste0("Resistograph data, trimming failure ", dp$ID[1])

    keyPressed <- readkeygraph(paste0("[any key to continue, q to quit] file ", i, "/", length(failures2)))
krajnc/densitr documentation built on April 5, 2022, 7:49 p.m.