
Defines functions generation_helper generation_get

Documented in generation_get

#' This wraps a GET request to the API
#' There's a limit of 200 documents, so the API will return an
#' error if this limit is reached.
#' @param documentType
#' @param processType
#' @param businessType
#' @param psrType
#' @param type_MarketAgreement.Type
#' @param auction.Type
#' @param auction.Category
#' @param classificationSequence_AttributeInstanceComponent.Position
#' @param outBiddingZone_Domain
#' @param biddingZone_Domain
#' @param controlArea_Domain
#' @param in_Domain
#' @param out_Domain
#' @param acquiring_Domain
#' @param timeInterval
#' @param periodStart
#' @param periodEnd
#' @param securityToken
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(entsoeR)
#' # 
#' # https://transparency.entsoe.eu/content/static_content/Static%20content/web%20api/Guide.html#_outages
#' # 4.4.1. Installed Generation Capacity Aggregated [14.1.A]
#' generation_get(documentType = "A68",
#'                processType = "A33",
#'                psrType = "B16",
#'                in_Domain = "10YCZ-CEPS-----N",
#'                periodStart = "201512312300",
#'                periodEnd = "201612312300")
#' # 4.4.2. Installed Generation Capacity per Unit [14.1.B]
#' generation_get(documentType = "A71",
#'                processType = "A33",
#'                psrType = "B02",
#'                in_Domain = "10YCZ-CEPS-----N",
#'                periodStart = "201512312300",
#'                periodEnd = "201612312300")
#' # 4.4.3. Day-ahead Aggregated Generation [14.1.C]
#' # This example is rather slow
#' generation_get(documentType = "A71",
#'                processType = "A01",
#'                in_Domain = "10YCZ-CEPS-----N",
#'                periodStart = "201512312300",
#'                periodEnd = "201612312300")
#' # 4.4.4. Day-ahead Generation Forecasts for Wind and Solar [14.1.D]
#' # This example is rather slow
#' generation_get(documentType = "A69",
#'                processType = "A01",
#'                psrType = "B16",
#'                in_Domain = "10YCZ-CEPS-----N",
#'                periodStart = "201512312300",
#'                periodEnd = "201612312300")
#' # 4.4.5. Actual Generation Output per Generation Unit [16.1.A]
#' # This example is rather slow
#' # This example is slightly modified compared to the example on th API page
#' # as the API only allows results for one day.
#' generation_get(documentType = "A73",
#'                processType = "A16",
#'                psrType = "B02",
#'                in_Domain = "10YCZ-CEPS-----N",
#'                periodStart = "201512312300",
#'                periodEnd = "201601012300")
generation_get <- function(documentType = NULL,
                        processType = NULL,
                        businessType = NULL,
                        psrType = NULL,
                        type_MarketAgreement.Type = NULL,
                        contract_MarketAgreement.Type = NULL,
                        auction.Type = NULL,
                        auction.Category = NULL,
                        classificationSequence_AttributeInstanceComponent.Position = NULL,
                        outBiddingZone_Domain = NULL,
                        biddingZone_Domain = NULL,
                        controlArea_Domain = NULL,
                        in_Domain = NULL,
                        out_Domain = NULL,
                        acquiring_Domain = NULL,
                        timeInterval = NULL,
                        periodStart = NULL,
                        periodEnd = NULL,
                        securityToken = Sys.getenv("ENTSOE_PAT")){
  final_url <- entsoe_create_url(documentType = documentType,
                                 processType = processType,
                                 businessType = businessType,
                                 psrType = psrType,
                                 type_MarketAgreement.Type = type_MarketAgreement.Type,
                                 contract_MarketAgreement.Type = contract_MarketAgreement.Type,
                                 auction.Type = auction.Type,
                                 auction.Category = auction.Category,
                                 classificationSequence_AttributeInstanceComponent.Position = classificationSequence_AttributeInstanceComponent.Position,
                                 outBiddingZone_Domain = outBiddingZone_Domain,
                                 biddingZone_Domain = biddingZone_Domain,
                                 controlArea_Domain = controlArea_Domain,
                                 in_Domain = in_Domain,
                                 out_Domain = out_Domain,
                                 acquiring_Domain = acquiring_Domain,
                                 timeInterval = timeInterval,
                                 periodStart = periodStart,
                                 periodEnd = periodEnd,
                                 securityToken = securityToken)
  # make GET request
  e_request <- httr::GET(url = final_url)
  # check status
  if(httr::status_code(e_request) == 400){
    stop(paste0(httr::http_status(e_request)$category, ". ",
                httr::http_status(e_request)$reason, ". ",
                httr::http_status(e_request)$message, ". ",
                e_request %>% httr::content(., encoding = "UTF-8") %>% 
                  xml2::xml_child(., 8) %>% 
                  xml2::xml_child(., 2) %>% 
                  xml2::xml_text()), call. = FALSE)
  } else if(httr::status_code(e_request) == 500){
    stop(paste0(httr::http_status(e_request)$category, ". ",
                httr::http_status(e_request)$reason, ". ",
                httr::http_status(e_request)$message, ". ",
                e_request %>% httr::content(., encoding = "UTF-8") %>% 
                  rvest::html_node("body") %>% 
                  rvest::html_text()), call. = FALSE)
  # Check if the get request returns application/zip
  # if yes, save to folder and unzip
  # else, parse the file.
  if(httr::http_type(e_request) == "application/zip"){
    stop("application/zip not supported", call. = FALSE)
  } else if(httr::http_type(e_request) == "text/xml"){
    # not tested yet.
    html_doc <- httr::content(e_request, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
    e_content <- generation_helper(html_doc = html_doc)
  } else {
    stop("Http type not supported.", call. = FALSE)

generation_helper <- function(html_doc){
  html_doc <- html_doc %>% 
    xml2::read_html(encoding = "UTF-8") %>% 
    rvest::html_node("body") %>% 
  # data for time series
  html_ts <- 
    html_doc %>% 
  # nested xml docs. period and interval belong together
  html_period <- 
    html_ts %>% 
    purrr::map(~rvest::html_nodes(.x, "period"))
  html_point <- 
    html_period %>% 
    purrr::map(~rvest::html_nodes(.x, "point"))
  # nested xml docs. mktpsrtype and mktgeneratingunit belong together
  html_mktpsrtype <- 
    html_ts %>% 
    purrr::map(~rvest::html_nodes(.x, "mktpsrtype"))
  html_mktgeneratingunit <- 
    html_mktpsrtype %>%
    purrr::map(~rvest::html_nodes(.x, "MktGeneratingUnit"))
  # extract doc info
  ids <- c("mRID", 
  ids <- tolower(ids)
  doc_result <-
    id_extractor(html_doc, ids) %>%
  # extract timeseries
  ids <- c("mRID",
  ids <- tolower(ids)
  time_series <- 
    suppressMessages(html_ts %>%
                       purrr::map(~id_extractor(.x, ids)) %>%
                       dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
  # get resolution
  if(length(html_period[[1]]) > 0){
    ids <- c("resolution")
    ids <- tolower(ids)
    time_series$period <- 
      html_period %>%
      purrr::map(~id_extractor(.x, ids))
    ids <- c("start", "end")
    ids <- tolower(ids)
    doc_result_ts_timeinterval <- 
      suppressMessages(html_ts %>% 
                         rvest::html_nodes("timeinterval") %>%
                         purrr::map(~id_extractor(.x, ids)) %>%
    time_series$period <- purrr::map2(time_series$period, 
                                      ~dplyr::bind_cols(.x, .y))
  # Points
  if(length(html_point[[1]]) > 0){
    ids <- c("position", 
    ids <- tolower(ids)
    point_get <- 
      . %>% 
      purrr::map(~id_extractor(.x, ids)) %>% 
    doc_result_ts_ps_p <- 
      suppressMessages(html_point %>%
                         purrr::map(point_get) %>%
                         purrr::map(~dplyr::bind_rows(.x) %>% readr::type_convert()))
    time_series$period <- lapply(seq_along(time_series$period), 
                                   point_data <- time_series$period[[x]] 
                                   point_data$point <- doc_result_ts_ps_p[x]
  # extract mktpsrtype
  if(length(html_mktpsrtype[[1]]) > 0){
    #### not working on 4.4.3
    ids <- c("psrType", 
    ids <- tolower(ids)
    time_series$mkt_psr_type <- 
      suppressMessages(html_ts %>% 
                         purrr::map(~rvest::html_nodes(.x, "mktpsrtype")) %>%
                         purrr::map(~id_extractor(.x, ids) %>% readr::type_convert(.)))
  # extract powersystem resources
  if(length(html_mktgeneratingunit[[1]]) > 0){
    ids <- c("mRID", "name", "nominalIP")
    ids <- tolower(ids)
    mkt_generating_unit <- 
      suppressMessages(html_ts %>% 
                         purrr::map(~rvest::html_nodes(.x, "mktpsrtype")) %>%
                         purrr::map(~rvest::html_nodes(.x, "MktGeneratingUnit")) %>%
                         purrr::map(~id_extractor(.x, ids) %>% readr::type_convert()))
    time_series$mkt_psr_type <- lapply(seq_along(time_series$mkt_psr_type), 
                                         psr_data <- time_series$mkt_psr_type[[x]]
                                         psr_data$mkt_generating_unit <- mkt_generating_unit[x]
  # assign the time series to the doc result to keep the document structure.
  doc_result$time_series <- list(time_series)
krose/entsoeR documentation built on Oct. 10, 2020, 4:35 p.m.