SpatialSegmentation-class: The 'SpatialSegmentation' - Class

SpatialSegmentation-classR Documentation

The SpatialSegmentation - Class


Abstracts the concept of manual segmentation/annotation of the sample surface.



character. String to identify the object in a list of multiple objects of the same class.


list. Stores meta data and miscellaneous information regarding the spatial segmentation. Slots that should always exist:

  • sample: Character string. The name of the sample (slot @sample of the SPATA2 object.)


list. A named, nested list. Named according to the labels given to each segment. E.g. list of length two with slot necrosis and vivid. Each named slot is a unnamed list. In this list each slot is a list of data.frames with a x and a y variable. First data.frame, named exterior corresponds to the exterior border of the segment. Every following data.frame is named interior-suffix where the suffix is a number and corresponds to interior holes of the segment.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.