computeGeneMetaData: Compute gene summary statistics

View source: R/c.R

computeGeneMetaDataR Documentation

Compute gene summary statistics


Calculates summary statistics of all genes (rows) of the provided expression matrix. The result is stored in a named list of three slots.

  • data: A data.frame in which each observation refers to a gene and the variables provide the respective information about the gene's expression properties

  • mtr_name: A character value that denotes the name of the matrix used.

  • describe_args: A list of additional arguments passed to psych::describe() via ... .


computeGeneMetaData(object, mtr_name = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

computeGeneMetaData2(expr_mtr, verbose = TRUE, ...)



An object of class spata2.


A character value that denotes the name of the exprssion matrix with which one can refer to it in subsequent functions.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


Additional arguments given to psych::describe()


A matrix in which the rownames correspond to the gene names and the column names correspond to the barcode-spots.


Depends on the function used:

  • computeGeneMetaData(): An updated spata-object.

  • computeGeneMetaData2(): The list referred to in the function's description without the slot mtr_name.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.